I'm so sorry that the world didn't end on December 21st 2012. It looks like we'll have thousands of years of more BULLSHIT.
Friday, December 28, 2012
An End Of The World Moment
I'm so sorry that the world didn't end on December 21st 2012. It looks like we'll have thousands of years of more BULLSHIT.
mayan mistranslation,
the end of the world,
too bad
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
George Takei
More notably, George Takei's Facebook. My friends sent me some of his posts, and they are undeniably funny. He's a good mix of crazy. What's the other mix? I don't know, gay, nutty. A gay, slightly crazy guy. I would invite him over to my apartment, but hopefully he doesn't rape me. If he did rape me I would think of the old Star Trek episode where's he's shirtless and sweaty, and the one in which he made the stabbing motion with his sword, in the episode where he went crazy. Well, I guess a lot of the crew went crazy. Shit, I'd go crazy aboard a spaceship, interstellar cabin fever much?
So, Mr. Zany Takai posts Star Trek, he posts pop culture, he posts..penis stuff. But mostly funny stuff.
You know, I'm not even sure he posted this one, but it's likely he would. I'd fuck him.. I guess, or he could take me for Chinese instead. He's Chinese right?
I don't know, check out his thing. Lots of silly, random, useless shit on his Facebook. Brain junk food, I call it.
So, George Takei - Takei him, or leave him. Well, I made a photo for him, too big to put in my post. My fault for choosing a narrow blog layout.
Takei Him
Friday, September 28, 2012
First time watching Krull and this movie is so predictable. I'm watching the beginning with the wedding scene and the girl gives the guy a flame out of water, to symbolize their love or some shit, but it really means the flame of Lucifer, if you follow the occult properly. Anyway, that aside, the whole time I'm like, gee, I bet those bad guys will crash their wedding, and sure enough they did. But then I'm thinking, some security, god, like, isn't there someone with a fucking pair of binoculars in the watch tower of the castle keeping their eyes out for intruders and stuff? Bah. They do have technology, lazers but no binoculars? Of course they needed a reason to have the "bad guys" bust in and expose themselves, to the viewer basically. Another thought of mine is, well, I guess the princess is going to be kidnapped, cue premise of movie here where the knight, or whatever-the-fuck he is will go and rescue her, meanwhile meeting up with Liam Neeson's character, who's a much better actor -- but probably not in this -- who helps him save the princess, who I'm assuming will be taken.
I'm only 16 minutes in and I lost interest. I'm also thinking about how scientists know that humans Are evolving and have been for awhile now, that makes me think about 80s movies, or just older movies and how people were slightly less evolved then. However they were more well-spoken I usually notice, yet it is a movie, and one shouldn't judge a generation of people on such, but future generations Will, I'm sure. So throwback humans VS modern day humans, eh, eh, it's not even a tie, future humans seem less evolved, but we're more evolved actually. Time to start acting like it wouldn't you think? Let's hope so.
Anyway, Krull, it's a movie and I haven't finished it yet. I sometimes watch half of a movie then finish it later. So anyway, Krull, it's a planet, the one they're on. Beh.
So what?
Krull - Own it today on Laser Disk, or Beta Vinyl. "Makes 'Speed' look like a slow ride to grandmas house!" I read that on a VHS movie box once. The quote, not the beginning part I just said.
So, 80s movies - where the posters are always somewhat compiled like a triangle, or pyramid. As seen on Labyrinth poster and Legend, the early draft, not the later one. And more triangle-like movie posters, you find out.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the bad guys in Krull, whatever-the-fuck their names are, they have badass lazers that flip around and become daggers, fuck yeah! Zap-n-stab, zap-n-stab. Not that I love violence or anything, just a great weapon idea. Smart.
80s movies,
human evolution,
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hiamovi Tupak
Okay, so I found this fucking guy named Tupak who's like a spiritual healer or some shit. A New Age nut. God, like, seriously? Seriously? Tupak? And he's some bald, white guy? What the fuck?! I'm like totally laughing as I write this, ha-ha. I already know this guy isn't legitimate and he's a Con Artist from the very beginning. If you're reading this I'm sure you'd want to ask me how I cam across this guy, well, I just saw his dumb ad on the side of this dumb dating site I'm on. Yeah-yeah, don't judge me. BUT I had to explore it. I can't even explore it, because I don't really give a shit. I just want to expose this fucking guy.
He has this section on his site that is listed: "My Powers" - Fuck you! Fuck you Tupak! And stealing a dead, rappers name, shame on you asshole!
Here, read this thing:
As you can see, I’m not an ordinary person. (Yeah, you're bald.)
Ever since I realized I have the power to predict the future, I knew that anything was possible for me, and I wasn’t wrong. I can predict things that are about to happen, and I can feel the vibrations of winning numbers in games like roulette or the lottery. (And, blah, blah, blah, shut up.)
The blood of my Cheyenne ancestors runs through my veins. It has enabled me to predict my own future, and the future of the people around me. As a respected Shaman, I also have the power to transform woes into happiness, problems into solutions, and mysteries into revelations. (This has to be total shit.)
I accept the fact that I’m different. (You're bald and white.) My aim is to help people, to resolve difficult situations. I’ve had the gift of precognition since the age of 7. (Occult number, means whore.) I ‘see’ things other people can’t. This gift of mine enables me to transform future situations into opportunities for gain, depending on what I want, without anyone being the wiser. When I hear a name and a date-of-birth, I feel their vibrations, both bad and good, and I know exactly what someone has to do to avoid problems and achieve success.
What I can do for myself, and for others who know me, I could also do for you. The only limits are those you impose on yourself, either because you fear the unknown, or because you’re afraid of what people might say.
Here's something he would say if you are being difficult: "Hey, so this isn't really working I'm feeling, because you're not playing ball with me, so yeah, the energy just isn't right. My spirit guide is telling me that you didn't bring that much money with you today. Yeah."
He has a Special Free Reading, oh wow. 100% FREE - YEAH RIGHT! CON MAN. Bald Con Man. Fruity fucking bald-headed fuck. God, I don't mean to hate you so much, but just get real dude. He's a shaman, bullshit! I guess it's not incredibly difficult to become a shaman, but him being a respected shaman, I don't buy it. This guy is a fruity pants, and a lying sack of shit. His site is a disgrace, and it's disgusting. "What more can I tell you?" No more please. His first name means "Great Chief" PUKE. As he uses his so-called powers for MONEY? What a fucking douchebag. He won all this money at a casino or something. I'm done with this guy now. DONE.
One last thing though, the Universal Luck Activator with Initiation Guide only 59 dollars, was 69$, nice number. And it's just some shitty PDF file. I totally can just download it for free. But why would I. Seriously, why would I? I almost vomited seeing his face, and the name Tupak beside it. I want to vomit all over these Internet con artists, trolls, I fucking hate them. The only thing wise to learn is how to con people, and I can understand that type of reasoning, but I wouldn't fuck people over like these parasites do. I think absolute hell would be a trip back in time to permanent Television set on Infomercials from the 90s. I just got a chill down my spine.
If you're going to fuck people, please use a different name. I'm giving this guy fucking advertising, Jesus, FUCK!
Monday, July 16, 2012
A Slight Chance Of False-Flag
I do believe something may happen at the London Olympics, near the end, or something in the world will occur around then that will reek of suspicion.
There's all this built up tension by the media and the alternative media sources. Could be a red herring, but the great work that Rik Clay has done with his blog years ago was a massive sign of something to come. Rik Clay exposed the London Olympics 2012 logo as secretly spelling the word Zion, which others also had pointed out. Zion being significant to the Illuminati secret society network, for their New World Order, the New Jerusalem. The fact of the mascots of the Olympics being one-eye, fuck off, it's truly rubbing the Illuminati's involvement in our faces. Yeah, the all-seeing eye being a major clue to inform you of their complete dominance over this event, which is an occult event started by Adolf Hitler, being the Olympics, the worship of the sun and light and fire of Lucifer, also the fire that Prometheus stole from god, the creation spark, a-fuck-you to god in other words. A-fuck-you to god? Does that really matter? Uh, think of it as a-fuck-you to good, and caring all together. Caring for humanity and not their own selfish interests. They couldn't care less about us.
So I wouldn't be surprised if something happens, like a bombing, possibly nuclear and a biochemical weapon being unleashed on London. Big Ben being destroyed is another rumor. Who the fuck really knows? But the world could stop it all, yet most people with insight into the occult nature of everything about this specific Olympics event are just sitting and waiting in anticipation for it, for some sort of redemption against the naysayers and to no on who will listen. This will be the 30th Olympic games, and Prince William being thirty years old, some sort of christening into the Illuminati higher ranks or maybe as the antichrist or whatever may occur during some ceremonial event. Followed by something blowing up maybe. People love their explosions don't they? Oh, hide the prince, get him safe. Is the prince okay? Everybody, pay attention to the prince, as bodies are piling up all over the place. But, is the prince okay? Ya know? What would we do without royalty? We'd be very happy, because they wouldn't have their choke-hold on the entire planet and it's land and resources, yeah, cool. Harmony.
Recently I found out how Guy Fox, the person who's face is the infamous mask from the movie V for Vendetta and used by the Anonymous group was a Jesuit, (big surprise) who was a part of a plan by the Vatican to assassinate the royal family and have the Pope and Vatican control all of Europe. Sure, so threats to the world are from everywhere. I would consider the Jesuit Order to be the Old World Order, and the New World Order being that of the Anglo, British fucks, who aren't even British, they're actually German bloodline, the queen and royal family. Not the Windsor family, but the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Creepy sounding name, for a bunch of creeps. For a bunch of reptiles? I don't know, who cares? They just suck. Eat the rich and wealthy. They didn't earn any of it anyway, it's all passed down through their inbred families. Why isn't this common knowledge?
If the Jesuit Order want to take over the world again (completely rule the world I mean) and the royal family/American Illuminati families/European banking cartels want to take it over also, it sounds like a lot of infighting. But by now I'm sure they've resolved a few things and declare parts of the world as theirs and they've divided most of it up. Yet, I'm still certain that the Jesuit Order want to murder them all, and have it all for themselves, just a feeling I have considering how much wealth they've amassed throughout history and how fucking evil they are, if you actually know the truth about them child fuckers. I wish they could all just go into space and fuck off, and leave us alone. They could bring a bunch of children with them, maybe, I don't know, just spare some of us already. The royal family and other wealthy families of the world could go to one planet, and the Jesuits can go to another, there, solved. Oh, I'm disregarding the Zionist Jews, but if all evil would fuck right off, that would be nice. Why is Earth so damn important? There's other planets a lot like Earth I'm sure, so get the fuck out. Bring all of your alien buddies with you also. Aliens, demons, whatever, I don't even care what they are anymore, and I won't fall for some alien invasion, or some planned encounter. Since that's also what is predicted to happen at the London Olympics. "Look to the skies" is what is being said on the Television. What? For a giant falling dick in our face? Sounds likely. Mock the human race, laugh at us, play tricks on us, but you are the ones who kept us in the dark. Our potential to be greater than this evilarchy controlling the planet is a total risk factor to them. Do they even have a sense of humor? They're too busy keeping track of their wealth and assets all day long, number whores. That sounds like a shit-fucking life, and they always have to address their superiors. Losers.
They can kill as many people as they want for exposing them, like Rik Clay who got suicided (meaning he was murdered and they said he killed himself) for exposing the London Olympics as being the perfect stage for another false-flag/phony, terror event and also possibly a fake messiah/alien invasion thing. His discovery of the streets and roads near the Olympic stadium containing biblical and Masonic references is by no means coincidence, and the location being on leylines, you have to understand how anal retentive the Freemason/Illuminati are. Especially about dates. It's the 30th Olympics, which is XXX, the XXX games. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666, so Olympic games 666. And the dumb pyramid lights over the stadium, that look pretty awful actually, have lights atop the pyramids resembling all-seeing eyes, it's just a regular Illuminati-fest. Bring your eye of Ra necklace and your pentagrams, and bring your sacrificial victim - you. And let's all have a gay old time. The worship of sports is buying into the caste system, and the "I'm better and more superior than you are" mentality, when every person aside from the powers that be are expendable. Oh, you won a medal? Who gives a shit, we're all right-fucked if we don't stop this ruling oligarchy.
R.I.P Rik Clay and his book can be found here - http://www.scribd.com/doc/6078610/London-Zion-2012-Book
Update: Two people died, and a fire broke out. No aliens, no explosions. But it's good to expose the Illuminati whenever possible. The closing ceremony was a disgusting display of flogging and worshiping of the occult and black magick. These slave-dancers erected their triangle and were in awe and laid down before it. Fuck you, you pieces of scum worshipers! They don't even know any better, it's their choreography they had to learn. Pons.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Cat Shit
Man, the Internet is so fucking stupid now. People and their fucking cat joke photos, GOD. Cat doing something, in some crazy scenario. Cat _______ insert whatever here. Cat being a fucking cat, who cares? Jesus. Cat is oblivious to the Internet, YET cat is the star of the Internet, it seems. I have a cat, and sometimes we don't really get along. I can't help but think that she's cute sometimes, but then other times I throw her outside because she's annoying me. I have a patio, and I just open my screen door, I don't literally throw her out.
Cats - they are big on the Internet. And in people's homes.
I'm so sick of fucking cats though, I wish we had better animals. Better pets. Ones that weren't all head-jerky and annoying. Hey cat, pay attention, I need to put these drops on you, okay? No? You're moving too much, fuck. Nevermind, you are a useless animal. Cats are so fucking selfish, and vain. And when girls say they are like cats, which every fucking girl seems to say, oi, always, that's not a charming personality trait at all. It means, I'm a bitch, and it's all about ME. Yeah, okay, whatever. "I'm like a cat, heehee." Fuck off! If you are then leave me the fuck alone, you are annoying as hell then. The cutsieness is a ploy to get some Friskies from me, I'm not stupid. Some cats only love their owners when they feed them. When my cat is outside and wanting to come in (to eat) I'm like, go fucking find a mouse to eat or something, you have the skills. Yes, I let her in, but give me a fucking break, she's not that helpless.
The cat fucking owns you, not the other way around. Like women who give sex to their boyfriends because they buy them shit or whatever, they own the guy ACTUALLY. I'm so sick of cat photos, I'll repeat that, I'm so sick of cat photos, oh my god. People are so fucking nerdy, and pathetic in the future. And shitty, because nobody likes to talk on the telephone anymore, they just use their many other million devices. Fuck me. Yes, I am pissed off at cats, women, and society all at the same time. Mostly cats though, and these mindless Internet photo anecdotes. Yeah, most people have pets, and LOOK a cat driving a car! Isn't that awesome? No. It's doing something a human would do, OR being fucking humiliated, like wearing a hat or being shaved all fucked up or something. Being covered in dog feces. That I would LOVE to see. Not really. I'm sick of animal stuff. Be into bestiality already, or just fuck right off with your obsession with pets.
Cats...UGH. Their lives are fucking meaningless. Eat, shit, clean - repeat. Occasionally get raped in an alley. Reconciliation for the most plain, and boring life I can think of.
Plants are cooler, at least they're not bitchy and moody.
I doubt cats will evolve, maybe into snow cats or whatever, for the coming ice age. Other than that, they'll still eat, shit, and clean themselves.
My cat licks me as I pet her, to multitask I think. "Hey, while you're petting me, could you clean me too? At the same time please? Thanks. Thanks for being useful to me." - cat. Blah.
i can't stand it anymore,
internet foolishness
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Remakes and remakes and remakes and remakes and remakes. God, so fucking annoying, just like me repeating that. They're remaking Citizen Cane and it's coming out in late 2017. That's fiction, but fuck, will we even be alive in 2017? Who's going to make it that far? Why are movies still coming out? Shit will hit the fan for our society pretty soon, again, like it always does, but this time much worse. There's no future, quit pretending like you're going to do something like going to college in a year after you save up or something, forget about it.
I guess when war breaks out, and more staged terror events happen they will be playing Humpty Dumpty 3D in the theatres whilst this shit happens.
Fuck you Hollywood! Die! Die! Die! The Great Gatsby remake? Fuck off! Go to hell! Seriously cram popcorn and nachos, and a hotdog up your asshole Hollywood. Just fucking go away. Hollywood = the holy wood, the wand of the magickian putting us people under a spell to forget our true nature, and true potential. Instead it is force fed, and programmed into us what we are. It's a giant psyop -- the entire bloody world is. It's annoying to live in, and if you knew the truth it would annoy you too, and you would revolt. Or shove more fucking McDonald's in your face and spend 20 dollars at the theatre for one movie and totally give up. I guess that's not really giving up much but your wallet and your self respect.
The future fuuuuucking sucks. What a waste of goddamn time to live in. If I time traveled from a past decade into ours I'd be like, what the fuck is wrong here? Everything is so unadvanced. What the fuck is the point? I'm out of here, I'm going back. I would come to that conclusion within the first five minutes of being here. My brief would go as: So I checked out all of these retards on their phone things in the streets. And nice cars, what was the whole world in debt? Oh yeah, it was.
The kid who played with his future world coloring book back in the 50s sure would be pretty fucking crushed right about now. But probably not, this person is nullified by now. Why is everybody so complacent? "At least I have a roof over my head", would be their response. The roof should be made out of a type of silicon or something by now, and transparent, so we can check out the stars and stare at the sky. Something -- anything, anything.
Hollywood makes everybody controlled. So much money goes into that machine. The Avengers movie made so much money that could have fed a few countries instead. It's bloody disgusting. Boycott Hollywood, download movies, and laugh at people waiting in line for a movie, dipshits. Throw popcorn on them. Tell them they're helping ruin our future. So what if it's good for the economy, an economy is better without corporations and it having more useful jobs and productions that help society, instead of zombify it. And kill it. It's all going down the shitter anyway. It was meant to. A toxic system doesn't last. And the new system provided will be worse, guaranteed. Choose a planet free zone from government, and dickless, faceless, useless corporations.
Shit food, shit clothing, shit movies, shit cars, shit life. Provided by us, your corporate run government.
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Results Are In (I Don't Have Aids, Shut Up)
Okay, so this is funny, I was looking at my stats, because the new Blogger has all that shit, most sites make it easier to check now, ya know, because I'm lazy and I don't really give a flying shit. So I looked out of boredom, honestly, I really don't care that much, I just hope somebody out there in Internet land gets something, anything out of my writing, whatever that may be. So to the point, the top keywords that get people to stumble upon my blog through Google are:
"three boobs" - that's a big hit.
"anal beeds" - of course, why not?
"natalie portman cameltoe - interesting.
"denham fouts" - very cool, famous male prostitute.
"natalie portman pussy' - okay, I get it, people want to see her stuff.
"painmurdersuffering.blogspot.com" - URL that.
"penis tumblr" - uh, alright, that makes a lot of sense (no).
"occult musicians' - nice.
"illuminati musicians" - nice.
"tumblr penis" - am I missing something?
Well, yeah, folks, whoever-the-hell you are, I've had this blog for awhile now, since 2009, since 9/11 of 2009 which holds significance to me. I've had a few ad offers, I told them to go shove it, of course, and I've been asked to write reviews for Virus Scanner shit, huh? Yeah, obviously I said fuck off. Actually I just said something confusing, I forget what it was, somethihng along the lines of, I think you're mom needs a Virus Scanner. Maybe that's what it was, forget. So there's been some laughs, and some tears, and I actually have another blog. I thought posting things from there onto here would be redundant, but maybe I will.
I have a tumblr, no tumblr penis though. For all you people interested in more occult stuff. But, it has more to offer, videos I've made and I don't know, just other shit. http://dystopianfiend.tumblr.com
And the United States has most of my audience, naturally, because Canada sucks. But we're not as in debt and other obvious facts. UK is third from Canada, and then it's Saudi Arabia, that's fucking weird. Next is Australia, Germany, India, Brazil, France, and lastly South Africa. I have no idea why, but hey.
Much love to my Saudi Arabians out there. Tons of love (send me a wife). And to the rest -- I don't really care.
UPDATE: Looks like my audiance keeps changing, Canada is a close second now, hmph. People are a bit slow going here.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Whore Of Babylon
So, I was masturbating and I was thinking, man this is disgusting what I'm looking at, or man she's such a whore. But really she was just portraying a whore, like most of it is an illusion, it's an act. Sure, there's a dick in her and some guy later cums in her face, but most of it is total and utter bullshit, I'm sure she likes to be treated good, don't most girls? Yeah, it's just for money, yeah, but come on, it's tiresome, and really, like, disgusting, but maybe that's what's charming about it, I don't know.
Yeah, porn -- really-really charming, yeah, sure. Yeah.
Masturbation is kind of addictive, I try to avoid it sometimes, I take breaks. Whore's get fucked constantly, and play with themselves all the time I guess. Or just get fucked. I don't have any adoration for whores. Love actually turns me on most, gives me a hard on, hard on for love. That's me. None of this greasey shit, this spectacle of testical, why did I ryhme that? Testicals, yeah. Ball-mashing, is that any fun? It actually gets pretty sore.
What is this thing? -- Sex. God, I wish I didn't need it. It's a real disturbance being horny and having no one to have sex with. And going out and finding it is a pain. I'm already horny now, it can't really wait, like, sorry honey but I want my dick in your mouth before dinner. Fuck dinner, well fuck my dick I mean.
So the Whore of Babylon, what's she all about? She's the Harlot who rides the beast of Revelations, if the bible holds any water to you then that means you give a shit. Lady GaGa had her on her mind with her style of course, which is...I guess, not very surprising. "I'm a whore, check it out! I'm the Whore of Babylon." Babylon just means wicked city, or confusion. We're in global Babylon now. So a girl being a whore or a slut, big fucking deal right? Pornstars are paid prostitutes, oldest profession in the world. But is it a respectful one? Maybe in their community it is, it's a wicked world after all. People get praised for their immoral deeds. What's moral in our world when everything is backwards, and when we're being demoralized by society and Television, Eh? No answer? Cheating is a popular topic for T.V. shows and in movies, man do I ever hate that. It's not cool, but a girl who falls for another guy is also not cool. If every girl will fall for somebody else, what is the fucking point of the man? Are we just Appetizers? Snacks? For the time being. Why even bother at all with someone who finds interest in everyone else? I'm not saying a totally possessive relationship, or person is better, I just mean, have some decency, don't lead men on (girls) if you are going to find someone else. The thing is, the response would be from a girl I mean, "how am I suppose to know? It just happens." Well, tell them to eat shit, be loyal to your lover. And you're just going to find somebody else again, so stop being such a parasite. Moving from host to host, bah. That's how diseases are spread, but you are the disease really.
Yeah, I'm bitter, why shouldn't I be? People are lousy. And maybe whores are more fun, they're painfully transparant. We fuck, then we stop, then okay, bye, then she fucks somebody else. Ugh, ew. Nevermind.
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."
Did I just quote the bible? Oh my god -- literally.
Hello, hello whoever is reading this. I love you (said softly). Whatever happened to a relationship that worked out? I don't know. Mine lasted a year, and guess what? She gave up, not me. I tried pleading, and all of that, but to no avail. Our relationship became toxic, that's what she said - that's what she said. Anyway, uh, hm, I never got to see her very much, I feel a bit cheated out of a whole and complete relationship. We were more like fuck buddies who loved each other. The sex was good, but I was good, so sex can be good always if I am. All the girl has to do to be good at sex is suck dick good. What else do they do? Move their pelvic muscles in sync properly? Turn on occasion? Do they talk dirty? None that I have fucked. I'm good in bed because of stamina and doing what makes them orgasm, what makes it happen. My orgasms suck in comparison, I'm jealous, always, always jealous of theirs. What the fuck is the point of me cumming? I sometimes think to myself, if it won't be that great anyway. The payoff for me isn't that fantastic. Masturbating is a bit dead to me, but I have to do it occasionally. I have this bummed out feeling when I think, that's it? That's all? Shows over? That's the feeling? Pathetic. When I'm happy I think when I cum it feels a lot better. When I'm horny, I love to stuff a girl, for awhile. Apparently my dick hurts girls when I deep-dick them. Which is merely me putting my dick all the way in. Sorry, vaginal wall. I was looking at the silhouette of my dick, my cock, I like saying cock better, and it looked awesome. The silhouette of my cock, and it going into a vagina. Some weird angle, and interesting lighting. Nice. Kind of an art-thing, or just a whatever thing, but I was admiring it.
So something interesting happened, disregarding my year long relationship, because it was almost insignificant, because she was always busy and would come to my place and use my shower and sleep in my bed and then we'd argue about something. AWESOME. What happened to me was I fell for someone else, in the time she wanted space. Literally just a week. I called up my old friend, that I hadn't talked to in like a year and a half. Let's watch a movie, or something, hangout, and do my tarot reading. Which I totally appreciated. Anyway, long story short, we had a lot of sex and it was really fun. She showed me she cared quite a lot, and she was very comforting and nurturing, something that I haven't felt in a long time. My ex -- forget it. Her ability to show emotion and care for me was very weak, and needed so much work, and the fact that I had to tell her things was a sign right there not to bother. I couldn't fuck the emotions into her, so..yeah.
If you ever request rim-jobs, for your asshole to be licked by your girlfriend, and if she doesn't seem to want to, then she'll probably break up with you. That's what happened to me. Words of wisdom, words to live by. Whatever.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Society Part 2
Society is degrading into nothing. Quote me on that. It has always been out to degrade into absolute shit and till its death. What is the rebirth? The New World Order. Do you have to ask? Television, pop culture, drugs, food, government all has degraded and been poisoned more through each generation. Coincidence? I think not, asshole. I add. So it's a conspiracy, but an open one. Because you see it literally every-fucking-day. It's a slow death. It's a crawl to the end of the human race, and the spawn of something else. It's a totally unnatural growth, if you can call it that. That's the fucking point I'm trying to make. Put down your cheese burritos and listen to me here for a second if you can. It's not about being a freak, it's about being conscious of what is going on here. Just what the fuck is really going on here. Not one person's opinion, the actual fact of the matter. And it's shitty, who can deny that? There's these barcodes I've been noticing, where you scan your phone over them, god, pretty lame looking to. The microchip has been rejected by most people, but they will always have methods of tracking us. Despite whatever little discrepancies we have.
How do we kill these fuckers? The ones in power. Stop giving them power, numb-nuts. It's not fucking rocket science, stop holding up the pyramid of control. Stop participating. We're doing it, motherfucks. People in-the-know are like, wake the fuck up! Well, it's more like, sit the fuck down, and stop contributing to the problems. I say anyway.
Alas it's 2012, it's of some significance, importance..I guess. I'm surprised I made it. What's in store? More manure, and compost, and other decay. Is watching death really that entertaining? I guess for those desensitized children out there, with their combat videogames, and whatever the fuck else. Guns 'n stuff. The death culture. The butt culture, because, I don't know, they smell like shit.
I am the byproduct of the movie Pump Up The Volume, and if you've seen it, well, then you understand me.
Remember, society is on a demolition course, so stand on the sidelines and watch it fall, or demand more from it.
Society And Beyond
Yeah, society, really not much to be desired of. Life..who needs it? General excitement, and wonder for existence usually goes away in your early teens, doesn't it? Then you find someone, and have a relationship, and I guess maybe even just get laid, and you want it to be satisfying, and full of hope, I guess. I don't know. After a few too many relationships things become a bit drab. Life is just surviving, they've made it that way, unless you have a successful career, constantly busy, chipper, cheerful, stress usually sets in on any life. Money, bills, payments, debts, betrayals. Maybe some therapy is needed.
What's life after life? And what really is life? The illusion we buy into? Life is something else, it should be moving forward, new things, ideas, something. Something would be something. I was tired of society three decades ago when I was a child. I guess some of us just never settle in. Upsetting the apple cart. There's a robot pulling that apple cart, and who programmed that thing? They're probably dead now. Dead society, dead end. Old programming. Get rid of that. What's the new programming? New programming. We don't need new programming, just freedom of choice, and to create more choices. No more establishments, let's live off the land, and if some rich asshole says they own it, well, now it's mine, so fuck off. A big mob of people can say; Yeah, it's his land and ours! Okay, backing down now. Let's live off the land and if there's not enough land or resources, which I'm sure there is, then people can die naturally. How about that? Live in this space we have called Earth, no governments, no corporations, just making our own goods, harvesting, everyone involved. Oh, well, Africa is having issues growing things, well send them some of our goods over, help out your fellow man, or women, or child. Give them clean fucking water to grow things properly. These issues aren't as difficult as the public arena make it seem. Anyway, easy answers. Even without any of the secret technology let out, free energy etc, we could be doing just fine on this planet. Maybe modern society would be bored, because they won't have Television or their computer gizmos. Who cares, I'd rather be healthier and with others who want this change. It's pretty much like stepping backwards, but technology has truly ruined this planet anyway. What am I Amish? Well, they're doing fine aren't they? In their communities.
Strip the world of the cement roads that cars run on, and start growing vegetables there. Make an altruistic change. Let's do that. The powers that be won't be able to control us anymore if we ignore their technology and stop using it. And if we stop funding corporations and being little cogs in the machine, worker slaves. Yeah I like warm showers too, we can have power generators, okay? We can generate power easily. No more corporations, boycott them, stop paying your bills. Or go be Amish, use candles maybe. How do they bake food? With fire, oh right. Fire ovens, nice. Sounds like it would be pretty tasty that way.
So in 2012 make a change by saying, fuck you society! I won't take part in your bullshit anymore, I'm done, stick a fork in me. Let's evolve, or evolve away from technology, it won't be a part of our evolution. Evolving is something done consciously. Think differently, it's the spark we need to move forward.
hardly political,
life..it's a shame,
more more more
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Weekly World News
Here's some 2012 shit.
The Knights Templar, after excavating King Solomon's temple, for Grimoires and other magickal texts and what not, SECRETS, they found a few prophecies, according to this bullshit paper. But it has to be more credible than any other paper, even though it's deemed as "the funny paper". Funny? FUNNY? You're funny.
And now to the prophecies.
Scientist, whoever, or some random person will discover the cure for DEATH. Well, aging. And it will severely affect the..American Economy? More likely all economies, because uh, I guess people won't retire and too many fucking old, young people around. Whatever. People will take advantage of it, and it will cost million of dollars, and blah, blah, blah. I won't take it.
The other prophecy is that Jesus will return riding a tank, alongside four other tanks..or something. The facts do not matter here really. But he'll totally be riding on a tank, standing on it, I guess. Near the end of 2012. In Iraq, which used to be ancient Babylon. A friend of mine is like, isn't he supposed to return riding a horse? Maybe there will be a little scribbled drawing of one on the tank. Yeah, sure, why not? When you're making up the future, you can do whatever you want.
This world is a farce, if you were the very earliest man, you would fuck with people's heads too. Prophecies aren't prophecies, they're plans for the future.
Here's a prophecy, the future will suck, because idiots have been running this planet for too long. Evil morons that is. Evil wizards, actually. Yeah, some wizardry. Well they fooled nearly everyone.
They must be smart for duping the planet, not really. It's just cleverness, and not wise at all.
Anyway, the paper wasn't even very funny, for a funny paper. The large Elephantiasis footed women was kind of funny, I don't know, more tragic than anything. Her butt was also gigantic too.
The Internet, Net Nuturality And Other Stuff
So why hasn't anyone made a Dot Cum yet? All the porn sites could have a .cum, would make much more sense, but I guess it's too stupid. Okay, uh, Blogs are going to be censored, or are now in the United States. I'm sure child porn will still exist, but speaking your mind or any controversial (what isn't now?) topics won't. Maybe they will get rid of child porn, but I kind of doubt it. I'm sure the communist Chinese censoring the Internet love child porn. Of course they do. They even eat children. People running the planet eat children. And they eventually, or now want an entire database of our bio metrics, they call it. Basically a guide or list for the overlords of our planet to find out whose best to sacrifice to their spirit gods. What else would it be for? Just recently it struck me that Hitler wanted an entire Aryan race because they would make the best sacrificial victims, according to what the occult consider a perfect sacrificial candidate. A child of the age of seven and whose above regular intelligence is good enough, according to Alistair Crowley. Blue eyes and blond hair I guess is more of a devine sacrifice, I don't know. Makes sense in an absolutely demented kind of way, but people running our planet are demented, so. Don't believe me? There's like a mountain of evidence for you if you look for it.
My hobby is finding out how truly fucked up the planet is and how it's run, and what the agenda is going on. It's pretty straightforward though. Instead of a democratic dictatorship it will be an uncloaked, totalitarian, dictatorial ruling over every aspect of each persons lives. Where you go, what you do, who you talk to, what you eat, who you fuck, all monitored openly this time with technology that exists right now. Is that it? And what's so special about me? Nothing, but the ruling members want to find out what genes you carry and if you're of any worth at all to them. A scientific dictatorship, it would be best described as. We're all imprisoned lab rats, then they're finally going to be outright about it to us. Yet still people will be clueless about it. It will be zero freedom, we will have freedom zones or something to stretch our feet out. Before it gets to this point there will be more wars, famine, pestilence, stuff like that. Total tyranny. Who cares what's going on in the news right now, know the agenda and it's merely miniature steps. And the more chaos, the more greater steps. Order, order here, New World Order. They will create problems that are phony, like everything in your life that's a problem to you and can easily be fixed if we didn't rely on money and things were naturally abundant. We'd all be happy, because all of our lives are run by the monetary system, and it will only get worse after it crashes.
It's supremely negative, uh, finding out how shitty things are in the world. Girls really don't want to listen I find, even if they do comprehend. Why spoil someone's life by mentioning they're in servitude to a ruling elite who just see them as cattle? People who join the Illuminati secret society network are so fucking naive. Musicians especially. Uh, yeah, I'd like to do a lot of things today but the Illuminati run the planet and I'm bummed out by it. This is common around my household. Yeah, they're going to fail with their New World Order, so, grab a taco, while there's still tacos around and wait it out, or kill yourself. The wait might be a thousand years, who knows. Eventually their evil rule will fall. Evil always fucking loses in movies, it's almost like they know this and think they are so much clever though. Cleverness without wisdom is reckless. It's clever to make a nuclear bomb, but it isn't wise to do so, as someone said once, I don't know who, many have.
If there's so many fucking cool and in-the-know people on this planet, they really ought to come out. I have a strong feeling that there is more awesome people, but they're silenced, and controlled still. Too bad. I guess they're not so awesome then. I really like David Icke a lot, he speaks out about some amazing shit, but I don't know if I could trust the guy. He gets a lot of his information from ex Freemasons. He uses a lot of their motifs too. The Masons are the worship and teachings of Lucifer, as I have to continually remind people. Apparently the spirit of Lucifer is the star Sirius. Planets have spirits, animals and other beings like us have spirits. And a spirit is consciousness, and a specific personality, so yeah, okay, Lucifer is real I guess if you can believe everything is a spirit principal. He's only hinted upon in the bible, but that thing was written by aliens, come on. Get over it. Maybe a type of Jesus character existed, he exists in most religions and folklore, but they're all space gods, aliens. It's kind of a crock of shit. I'm wondering where the hell the real god is actually, everyday. God must be the neutral force, and is impartial to it's own creation, or co-creation. Who knows, who cares, but we're all suppose to get over life drama and be happy, it's just hard to do in a world of illusion and torment.
Oh come on, cheer up right. I'm just not happy with flatscreens, and cell phones, and Facebook. This is all society really has to offer you. Ha, what a fucking joke. I want to explore space. It's my god given right as a being of our universe. Way more fucking fun. It's what we should be doing, not being in servitude to grand masters of magick. Fuck them, let's do more amazing things. Can't we? Please? We can if we wanted to. I do. This kind of thing makes me cry, when someone mentions our greater potential, which is even more than just journeying to other planets. I just want the direction of this life to stop, and change it. And not bullshit about it, just do it. Back in Y2K we had the choice to change the direction of where society was going. In the 90s most spiritualists, and psychics, etc would say that we're moving into a "new age' yuck, I hate saying that, but something new, but not evil, let's say it's definitely the way to go if it's not for evil purposes. But guess what? Nothing happened, we all reset, we all did all the same old fucking fads, and trendy shit from other decades which got regurgitated as usual all over again. Same old shit. Constant regurgitation. Uh, the fucking Rubik's Cube is florescent now, or something. Up yours, cubed brain, unoriginal, uncreative, bullshit ideas. I'm done, I'm full, there's enough, there was enough, fuck off. None of these things further humanity in any way. Are we in the 90s now? Because I really fucking hated the 90s. I guess we're just everything, because we really have to change our course and direction soon. I'm sure most people could agree with me on that. At very least. Unless they love their flatscreens so much. I could do without any source of electronic entertainment if we all had the ability to leave our planet, and if we fed our entire planet properly with it's abundant resources that are hoarded by the elite faction, fuckheads. I would like to have a garden, I would like to have more nature around me, wouldn't you? Instead industry, which is pretty much all going to be destroyed anyway for the New World Order. But I would like to stare into the sky and be like, oh I'm taking flying lessons for a spaceship today, it's really easy to do also, anyone could do it with the secret space technology that is kept hidden from us. There is no, in the future we will have more, in the future we will have such awesome, cool shit. We've had it for a long fucking time now, duh. Movie and science fiction writers took all the ideas from operatives in the government sharing their intel with them. Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, the dickhead Steven Spielberg, they all had their insiders. They were nothing but instruments by the occults to exploit and make profit on these secret truths, instead of informing the public, like Nikola Tesla wanted to with his advanced technology in the early 1900s for fuck sakes.
Yeah, like everything on the fucking planet is a scam-on-you anyway. And it's not really funny to me anymore. It's a joke, and the joke's on us. And I will continually say it until I guess they have to shut me down. But my spirit will soar, or something cheesy like that.
Don't censor me asshole.
dot communism,
internet censorship,
occult related,
society grow up
Friday, January 27, 2012
Mainstream Cinema
Is it a fun life to be in films? To be around a bunch of other actors working on their accents, memorizing their lines so they can be a regurigitator? A bunch of liars trying to entertain idiots. Yeah, the life of an actor is..who cares. Actors are modern day Quart Jesters, so is anyone in the entertainment industry, such as music performers, and uh, Presidents. Performance artists is what they really are. Be it bad ones, sometimes an amusement though.
Movies are full of shit. They're disinfo. On occasion there's factual things put in, but generally watered down. It's a version of some truth, because nothing is original anyway, just a rip-off. Modern directors are terrible. It's like they're making movies for people who haven't seen them yet. They could literally cut and paste movies from the 80s and 90s and they'd be exactly the same, except ours now are dumber. Pathetic waste of time. Writing this is a waste of time. I hate cinematic scores that overpower a scene. Like, okay, shut up, we get that it's an action scene, or that something really big is happening. I have to turn the volume down. Here's an example -- wait a second, why did I watch this movie? I must be a retard, but that last Pirates of the Caribbean movie was dull, drab, and just annoying, and insulting bullshit. Truly drivel, just droll. Fucking just a real waste of time. Substance? Nah, there isn't any. The special effects sucked cock, worst than ever. A CGI snake looked like, I don't know, one from the Jungle Book cartoon. Pretty bad. The story -- predictable. The characters -- absolutely annoying, ridden with bad jokes. The movie -- a bad joke. Johnny Depp fucking sucked. The movie had the same basic formula as every movie you've ever seen. The moments of action, having the LOUD score, the romance, why romance? The romantic tension basically, crap, the same old..well, crap. Cheesy as ever. Boy and girl hate each other, boy and girl like each other later, then boy and girl have feud, then fuck off from each other. The interplay between Jack GaySparrow with the girl, I forget her stupid name, it was just fucking everything we've ever seen before, to the extent of insulting mentally handicapped people, to very young children, even though I give them more credit. It's not their fault they're lied to, and haven't seen enough of this entertainment repeating itself nonesense. But they learn fast, this strand of bullshit can't last forever.
Oh, so this Adam Sandler movie where he plays a female version of himself, the trailer itself will make you lose hope for humanity. I totally did. I felt that the lows Hollywood would sink to are never ending, and there's no return, we're sucked into this big-fucking-gaping-void. God help us.
Turn the shit off. Throw your TV in the trash. Stop going to see movies.
I saw the Rum Diaries a few months ago now, I enjoyed it, it was alright. But it was written fucking ages ago. I heard about how they froze semen from like the 60's or something, and thawed it out and impregnated a women with it a few years ago, giving birth to the worlds oldest child. Yeah, use that as a metaphor regarding movies. The germ, or in this case spunk of a good and original idea are decades old. Sorry folks, show's over. We're going to evolve today, and do different things with society. Instead of the old, tired and beyond passe. I can hear someone saying right now, hey, have you heard of this one movie? You'd probably really like it, it's not bad. Yeah, maybe one out of a few hundred million. And I'm concentrating newer movies here, so there's no confusion. And don't get me started on remakes. Society is just a remake, and rerun, so whatever.
There's an aspect to movies that really bothers me, the Masonic symbolism. It's in every movie. The lady in the red dress, symbolizing seduction, and the lure into bad things, dirty, bad things. Not necessary evil, but on the road to corruption, just as with Freemasonry. Other things that bother me that I know about are, the one eye exposed imagery, I call it, pretty much a motif by this point. It's usually the right eye exposed, and the left eye covered, or damaged, or buggered in some way. Sometimes it's the other way around, the significance to this I don't quite understand yet, but it has something to do with the Egyptian god Set and his fight with Horus, Set disfiguring his left eye. The right eye symbolizes god to my knowledge, the right side to things is holy, and good, but left is evil, supposedly to the occult world. Deciphering this completely will take further investigation, and speculation, but seeing it more than often, is very annoying because of it's relevance to the Illuminati. The eye of Horus, eye of Lucifer, etc. Same shit. The evil eye. So What else is there? Oh, checkered flooring, good and evil meaning, the merging of good and evil through transformation. Usually seen in kitchen scenes or pretty much everywhere in movies now days. And any owl imagery is because it's the mascot for the Illuminati, and the symbol for the Bohemian Grove club. I fucking hate owls, they are evil, just look at them. Seeing in the dark is the significance to using the owl for a statement and symbol. We're all blind because we're kept in the dark, and they see things in the dark like owls do. Plus they are said to shape shift, and demons shape shift, according to the Goetia, a magical text, a grimoire written by demons, supposedly, and king Solomon of ancient Babylon. The EYEluminati and the Freemagicans stem their mystery school teachings from Babylon and older.
In the movie Minority Report this drug dealer guy has no eyes, and he says: "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king." That spoke volumes to me, I'm like, mmm'hmm, yes, I get that. Bastards. Keep everyone ignorant, and it's easier for the few and the wicked to rule over them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wish this was common knowledge already. I guess there's a lot of snake imagery, and reptilians in movies, demons, etc, just those Dinosaur men, who you know and love. Actually you don't, because that's what crazy people talk about isn't it? Reptilians, space gods, the knowledge bearers, like in THE Garden of Eden, the serpent with the knowledge, biblical, and mythical ties, and much older. Who really gives a shit? You're just trying to be entertained by a movie here. There's a lot more interesting topics they could talk about in movies, but that would mean exposing everything, the occult knowledge. Well, it would make a really good fucking movie I think. A friend of mine talked to this director, who made this crappy independent horror movie, with aliens in the addict or something. My friend didn't care much for seeing it, he requested after the director guy asked him, well, what would you think is a good idea for a movie then? He said that he thought if there was a movie that had an alien race taking the form of humans, V, in other words but being in places of power, Royalty, Religious and Political, the President is an alien for starters, even though they have to portray the President with a "nice guy" image and a benevolent one. Which is garbage, we all know that. So an entire race of aliens manipulating the masses, and working behind the cloak of human flesh, totally infiltrating everything on the planet. That would make a good movie plot, and it would be the closest to the truth if anything. Duh. But there needs to be more writers who have guts out there, and some vision.
Maybe in another ten of fifteen years, oh god. Society moves at such a slow pace.
LIFE..Fucking Gross
Life is a joke, like pooping, and farting and all of that. It's pretty disgusting. People are like, you need to get over that. Why? It should be less gross. Why can't people say that life is fucking dirty, and nasty and I wish it was different. I wish the universe was different, maybe we're living in a faulty one. Maybe it just fucking sucks on purpose. And alllll the beauty..where? Nature? The inside of a toilet bowl? Glass half empty, "you're a glass half empty person" -- I hate when when people say that shit. My glass is full of shit actually, tripe.
So..my girlfriend's vagina kind of bugs me. Vagina boogers, vagina snot, is this normal? Even before my dick goes in there. I don't know, I love her, I should just shut up about it. Her feet stink sometimes. I don't know, girls are about as gross as guys are. I said this to girls before, and they begged to differ. Well, that means that humans are pretty fucking gross then. Why can't we have a cleaner race? Or..sex? I clean my butt, like constantly. It's very clean. My armpits are very clean, usually, and my B.O. isn't that terrible. My breath is pretty okay too. My girlfriend's vaginal bleeding smelled up my room awhile ago, I guess it was later in her period cycle it smells. She loves hot-sauce, and garlic and all this shit that I think is manly, and I guess that's sexiest, but fuck you. I hate curry, and stinky spicy shit that burns your insides. I'm a girl, or I'm what a girl should be hygienically. God.
Fuck it all, I usually say, because it stinks. Some asshole says something profound, then they burp or fart and it ruins the whole thing. I've loved people that I would always forgive..for being human. Sorry for being human, is the line that is given. But it usually doesn't regard stink, just making stupid mistakes. Fucking humans man, no wonder every other race in the universe ignores us. Ever wonder that? Yeah, we're dumb. Only the very select are privy to the correct knowledge and privileges. Yes, it's Elitist as fuck. We just need better fucking training to be clean. Our parents never were that great. Whose parents were great? I've never heard a case.
Everyone fucking reeks. Perfume also reeks. Patchouli, I don't know, a little more natural. I like the non scented things, mostly. Ever been in a room full of a shit load of incense? Like, oh my god, fuck. Too overwhelming.
And I could never be a pothead, it's too fucking smelly.
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