Friday, April 5, 2013

Old Action Figure Memories

Cobra Commander1993 Black Inc1a

I stole this Cobra Commander back in oh, 92-93. I was proud of that. I stuck it to The Man. I stole him at K-Mart, of all places. He kind of looks like a techno-Clansman. And he kind of looks like he has a dick too. I always used to yank his legs out because they had this elastic strap thing in them, I think. Humph, he would ride my cat, because of his bendable legs. And his fate, probably shoved up a dog's ass, I don't know. I probably threw him out of my mom's car window, probably.

Cobra's a dick and he wants to take over the world, where have we heard this before? Practically every villain we know of. But he has the same exact ideas as the Illuminati do. In the cartoon he makes mind control slaves out of celebrities to mind control the masses. He even creates a signal in music and Television that makes people into brainwashed, mindless, consumer zombies.

Sounds like Cobra took over the world already, er, I mean the Illuminati.

Eying You


Well, that's fucking ironic. Since the Illuminati use the all-seeing eye as their trade-mark. Hilarious promotion. "Yeah, we provide privacy and security, we swear". Take anything any corporation, or anything the media has to say and reverse it, and that's usually closer to the truth. Take an ice cream cone and reverse it then eat it, that's how I usually eat it, you can suck it out that way. Slurp.

At least ice cream hasn't been corrupted, oh wait, Monsanto, fuck! I heard there was fucking human DNA in rice now, Jesus, what the fuck for? Stop it!

World - stop being an asshole. Or, Illuminati, quit being pricks, please?

Nothing is sacred.