Monday, November 14, 2011



Like I've said in my previous post, I've been distancing myself from society greatly. But I've been connecting myself with higher energies. That through meditation. I don't have the greatest attitude in the world, and you'd think a lot of what I have to say would be considered negative, but I find it a release from thinking about it. Thinking excessively is the biggest bastard. "Energy flows where attention goes". My friend got that tattooed on him recently. It's true in all cases. That energy is used, not for good though. Our society is structured to be one giant energy sucking force. If nothing matters, and things are illusory, and time is also an illusion, and you and I are just a drop in the ocean, then that's the state of mind that works to connect to something better. Lose everything, and give up, it's actually a really good idea. That way you can become who you were again, in the beginning, which is most important. The present, past, and future all coexist according to physics, that'S a scary thought when you regret a lot about your life though. I regret the shitty moments, and desperate moments, yet they helped me search for more significant answers, instead of fallowing the herd. But I've always been that way, it's in my being. I lot of my life moments were very unnecessary, but it doesn't have to be relevant anymore when you can reach a sense of calm and true being, which is just a sincere and amazing feeling. Break it down to the fact that everyone wants to be happy and have nice feelings to last. It's for the greater feelings, and everyone can have them, and we don't all have to be heroin addicts, and chase the dragon to reach them.

Most people are on stimulants, or drugs of some kind. Most things in our modern society can be deemed as some sort of an enhancer. Meditating doesn't give you a hangover, or any side effects. The majority of people think that meditation is hard, and you have to focus etc, not really. It's just listening, and opening up, and not thinking about things that don't matter. Which is a hard thing, but just taking a breath, and letting go, and focusing on a hum, or really nothing at all. Just not focusing, for me personally. Just being, being still, you can do it when you sleep, or watch a movie, or sit on the bus. It's really easy to do once you stop listening to what others opinions are about it. Relationships with people are very irritating, uh, people generally cause problems for your calm, and life really gets bothersome. However, these things aren't very important when we connect with who we really are which is all consciousness. Nothing really else unless you live by your appearance, and the surface-world.

People are like, yeah-yeah-yeah, I don't fucking buy it man. Searching outwards always, combing the mirror, I like that metaphor. You comb your head, not the mirror. So work is done on you, not out there. I could read every book on Earth and be dissatisfied. I could write a lot of books and be dissatisfied, I could have a million friends and be dissatisfied. None of that matters to me. It used to matter, when I was younger, and controlled though. I took a bite out of the poison apple which promised me fame, and fortune and all the other cliche crap. Boring. Why doesn't society find this shit boring yet? I'm screaming out in the wilderness here. Many famous, and successful people have drug problems too, and a sense of longing for more. Once you give up on all of that shit the longing for anything on this planet goes away. It's not a defeatis thing, and laying your head down low, and thinking you've failed. You've actually won, and your prize is peace of mind in knowing there's something more from connecting to a higher force. The word God is really vague to express what I have to say. Plus God is used for aliens, demons, etc so one can never be too sure. Just connect with your higher self, which is all consciousness, and it connects you with everything, and use your intuition to guide you properly.

I believe in infinite possibility, so I believe in a lot of things I can't prove. But if you try some hallucinogenic, or DMT, you will understand pretty clearly that there are other forces that you can't see all the time at work. And the evil ones are minor, but pretty engrossed here on Earth. That's because of people selling out so easily for material bullshit. I think if I'm guilty of something it's letting things get to me too much, sometimes I lay awake with a large amount of grief lying on me. Really dense thoughts on things I shouldn't be worrying about. It affect my sleeping, it affects everything for me, because I get caught up in the material world, and focus my energy, with my mind on it. And I wish I had a handful of drugs that would work, or a button to turn it all off. Sometimes I have the ability to cease my thoughts, other times I don't. It's a mixed bag half of the time. I realized that a lot of good people aren't even very good, and positive people can also be liars. It's a tragic fact about people. None of us are perfect, so if you at least are trying to be a good person that'S the biggest step. I usually think that at least people can say about me is at least he tried to be a good person, that'S more than most. Not that I seek to be better than everyone, just the being good is much better for all. And having your peace, and having incredible feelings is a must, if you've tried it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wear It (Because Someone Said So)


This is not cool. Having "Obey" written on your clothing is retarded, beyond retarded. I've been doing a lot of distancing myself from society these last few years, this year majorly, obviously. Would anyone blame me? God. Shit just keeps getting worse and worse, and more disenchanting. My friends and girlfriend, and people who are aware of this now hum-drum to me, and annoying, unoriginal, manipulating, endless spew of mainstream-media that is fucking insulting more than anything to me, most of these people still go along with it and silence themselves in some way. Can we say conform? In some way or another, but these are people I know, but hey, it's the truth. They would prefer to be ignorant most of the time just to carry on living in this fucking triangle hell. I tried to think of something unique to call this shit-hole planet, might as well be a triangle since it's exploited the most in our time. Yeah, you triangles can fuck off. And this Obey thing is a sign of the human race purposely being branded with, "I'm a slave and I love it. Why don't you love it too? You suck! Because you don't love it." Not my words really, just how I think of their personality at work. Not really their personality though, just the one given to them by others. You know, pathetic and idiotic.

I can suck to them. That's fine. The worst part is the ones that wear this clothing line probably more than anything think that they're not a slave, for the most part. Ridiculous. But they've succumbed to ignorance and would wear whatever is in fashion at the time. Because their friends wear it or something, I don't know.

What's funny anymore? I need to be more funny again.

Be in this world but not of it. That is my favourite thing to say now. I'd take it a step further, don't be in or of this world at all. Make your own apartment or home your own reality, it's pretty nice. Leave out all the filth and clutter and triangles, that is the outside world. Discounting nature, and friendly people of course. Oh, and maybe sushi, but there's brain parasites in salmon sashimi apparently. Life's a brain parasite. Remove it, remove the force fed reality that literally is shoved into your eyes and crammed into your ears on a daily basis. Yuck, get the fuck out. Like ear wax, I have Q-tips for that. If only a special Q-tip to clean out the noise pollution as well.

I'm pretty unimpressed at how we still have models, and whiny-suicidal-boring musicians, not to mention the turds that are celebrities, and really fucking loud commercials. And most of them are still from when I was a child mind you, Jesus. Turn that shit off, throw it away please. At least get it the fuck out of my field of awareness.

I hope my bitching was constructive, but probably not. Sorry to spoil your soup. I feel like an old man, God. I'm not even thirty years old yet. What the fuck. What the fuck indeed.

On a liter note, I've been having a lot more sex this year. At least.

Something I might get asked is, "when are you going to update your blog?" Whenever the fuck I want. And, "why don't you get a Tumblr, or something more modern maybe?" I don't know, I lack ambition. Most people don't care anyway, so whatever.

The unabashed truth interferes with the general person's senselessness, I think. Well I find them to be revolting, so that's our relationship I guess.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

No Pyramid Structure Of Control



Hey, it's me. That guy. I haven't bothered to write anything in such a long time, other than letters to my girlfriend. I guess I just don't give a fuck about my blog really. I'm doing art now, and making anti-Illuminati posters, flyers, stickers, and sharpy vandalism whenever I can. And I run my mouth about it. Yes, still on that same boat. It's all I can fucking do. A friend of mine is trying to reach people through music, and give awareness through that means, but people generally don't give a shit about what an artist has to say anymore. Highlight that statement, and try to remember how terrible the truth is.

Yeah, people are canned shit. Or some people are canned shit, okay most are. What the hell does canned shit even mean? Who cares. I made it up, and it makes no sense. In a senseless world, what is the point of making any sense at all?

So I'm wondering if there's a name for when a person sneezes in someone's face when they're having sex. A snock, let's just call it a snock, because nothing makes ANY sense remember?

Love is my gadget, and it's the best yet. Bang, bang, I got mine. - Iggy Pop

Oh yeah, that Fukashimi fallout thing I failed to blog about, well, I talked about that a lot on my Facebook, which I got rid of recently. Thank god, I'm so happy about that. That New World Order device.

Latest news, I made a logo. I like it. I think it gets the point across, a bit. Let's make a dent. I don't really care about the world, just the love I have in my life. That's about it. And Dove soap, I really like to lather my face with Dove soap. It's probably NWO-Illuminati soap, but whatever man. What isn't?

Anything of worth that you can felch out of this hole of a place, this hole of a world. What a fucking dump.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fistinati, Fuckinati, Cocksucking Humans


At a children's park, The Illuminati want to punch you in the face!

What's with the sun rays only being on the left side? Well, according to my knowledge that's the left-hand path of Lucifer, the Luciferian doctrine of the Freemason/Illuminati. Sometimes I masturbate with my left hand, is that evil? It does kind of feel a bit more evil. I'm actually right handed, so it just feels a bit weird. And why does anal sex have such a bad rap? I have good intentions whenever I do it.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Solution

Today we're not going to participate in the world and its bullshit.

That would be my favourite day. Complete noncompliance globally would end the system, and we would finally have it to ourselves, instead of it being lead by greedy, control freaks, which we would have to take out. But if no one was driving their tanks for them and operating their computers it would be a lot easier than you'd think. The powers that be would probably run and hide, like a bunch of cockroaches. Though we must stomp them out. By literally doing nothing. They'd probably die of fright.

What a wishful thought.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fuck You Eyeball


I have to rant about this new Zeitgeist documentary, it's pretty awful. It starts off with some potentially insightful and ralateable points, but it turns to propaganda real fast. This is supposed to be counter-propaganda material, not pro-New World Order agenda stuff. It even has the audacity to say that there is no hidden kabbalah controlling things. What the fuck is wrong with this idiot who made it? Total fucking NWO- propaganda movie. Just like the first two.

Okay, the world is broken, the economies of the world are pretty fucked, some more fucked than others. Capitalism and free market is terrible for people, it produces crap, money as you know it is debt and imaginary, and Wall Street makes no sense, and justifies it's lunacy. In a round about way it's showing us how badly the state of the planet is in, primarily America, because it's the center of the fucking world obviously, and if we carry on the way we are we'll surely die, and end the planet. This should be obvious to everyone by now. Even though it's a fucking con, and a lie, and an engineered problem. What's the solution? Destroy it all, and start over. It's the same exact plan as the NWO, what the hell is the NWO? It's complicated, but it's a series of super-rich families, and a bunch of pin-head politicians masquerading as powerful people, but in actuality it's European bankers and very old family lines going back to the very beginning of fascist assholes, hording everything, all of the resources of the planet, and fucking us, the peons over. Always. And they, who are those behind religion, the cultures of the world, who breach morality, and anything that we really find sacred, they're the ones behind it, fucking it in the ass, probably. Anyone with emotions, and a heart knows that this planet is way more evil than it should be. There's a massive imbalance.

So basically the crappily put together documentary is like, this is how fucked up the world is, bad isn't it? Yeah, pretty awfully bad right? Kind of funny, no? Kind of fucking stupid, but yeah, we did this on purpose, now we're showing you exactly what we did, and now we're going to drive it into the ground, because it was created to function that way, and you can't do a thing about it, or make a lick of difference anyway. The guy, Peter Joseph is a vague piece of shit. He doesn't even talk about how the rich families of the world who openly discuss how they want to depopulate before they make they're sweet, luxurious. little slice of decadent heaven on Earth, and have it all to themselves. With the exception of a handful of slave workers who are in total serfdom and servitude to their royal Illuminati/Zionist/Jesuit/whatever-the-fuck royal masters. Cool, great future. It's the same exact idea of the New Age movement, but put all fluffy, and warm like science will save us or something, but it will become the new religion of the world. In the earlier Zeitgeist movies, the guy tries to debunk Christianity, yeah, well that's what the NWO plan to snuff out anyway, all of the religions for science. Some of these things aren't actually bad ideas, that's why there's a lot of followers in this movement, but the endgame result isn't anything to smile about. Christianity was always meant to end anyway, the end of the world I guess, but the end, the beginning -- whatever, it's all the same, even according to the ancients, and the Mayans, if you understand what they meant correctly.

This New Age of enlightenment sounds like bullshit to me, the whole planet actually has to renounce their faith in whichever religion anyway for this to work. Hey, you're enlightened right now, choose to be spiritual or not, it's pretty easy, but don't join a cult, or a world cult as they'd like to have it.

Pete mentions a world super-computer regulating the resources of our planet and trade, and the computer being the main system in control. That's the component of the NWO, undoubtedly already in place.

Saturday, February 19, 2011



I shop lift, got a problem with that? Fuck you, it's great. You see what I do is, I lift things will I buy a bunch of cheap stuff, it works every time, and no one is the least suspecting. Sure people I know go into a store with a bag and fill it with things then leave, I get a bit nervous doing that. The art of stealing things is to be completely calm and relaxed. I don't use disguises, even though I know a person who does, I just remain polite, and charming as I rip you off.

I walked out of a store wearing a hat I grabbed from there the other day, I got stopped. But, they just took the hat back and we carried on like I wasn't some sort of little criminal-shit. I got some mean looks, but I kind of just wanted to see if they were that stupid. I guess they weren't, but sometimes they are really stupid, so take advantage. They don't lose much, whatever owner of the business has insurance, and blah, blah, blah. Fuck it, I don't care, corporatism is fascism, and fuck those fascist fucks. They hoard the goods, the diluted goods of our planet, the overpriced crumbs, and they put a stranglehold on the world we live in. I feel no remorse what so ever. Does it get taken out of the person's pay when I steal shit? Maybe, I don't know, I don't really think about that. If it does, fuck them, they should get a real job anyway. What's a real job then? I don't know, not working at Walmart.

So I only steal from like heavily corporate businesses, I actually don't steal from the Salvation Army, but I do steal from Value Village, because they are very corporate now, and they don't seem to give a shit. I put on full clothing and walk out, it's fantastic.

If you're going to steal, don't get caught, don't even have it in your mind. And if you do get approached by someone, like security, or undercover ones questioning you, just drop your shit and run. Or say you were about to pay for it, but that never works. Either Way, life is expensive and my friend needs tampons, so I'm going to steal her some. I kind of just want to buy them, because I think it would be quite interesting to see the teller's response. "They're for my ass obviously" is what I would say.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fuck A Friend (It's Cheaper Than A Date)


Words to live by. I guess.

Uh, I over-masturbated just now, which means my penis hurts. At least I don't have to bother with it for awhile.

I really do hate someone else jerking me off. It's never the right pace, it's too fast, or too slow, or too limp handed, or much, too much of a squeeze. Stroking the shaft while receiving head is perfectly fine though.

And what am I talking about now? The topic is, sex with a friend. Sex with a bunch of friends. Whatever suits you. Don't ever feel too old for it either, it's great fun. Yeah, well, that was fun, anyway, want to grab lunch?

You see, the perfect ideal life would be to have sex without the other bullshit -- and by other bullshit, you should know what. Sigh, seriously, getting attached to someone, and the emotional investment is like a loaded gun to your face, just waiting to pop a bullet in your head and blow you apart when things don't work out. And they won't. Pessimism and realism are close to the same thing here. To me anyway. Like Murphy's law, which is a bitch. Murphy's a bitch.

Okay, just the thought of being emotionally involved with another human being is insulting to me. I wouldn't underestimate the harm that another person can cause you. I don't recommend myself either. Use me with extreme caution. Emotions are fucking insane, oh my God. Alcohol works to numb that. But I've been practicing controlling them. How has it been working out for me? Not very fucking good at all. I'm totally fine when I clear women out of my life, I'm meditative, I regain my heightened sense of well being, and I have a certain overall feeling of zen. Don't fuck with my Chi! You know I need a girl for the odd id release. An angry one. But it's never really that angry, or good. Well, it's sex, what am I complaining about? If the sex was great though I would lose myself and become a slave to it. It's whatever the girl wants, I don't really matter anymore. I'm then her sexual device, and I'm just an object to entertain her lady parts. Is this purpose? Is this like an exchange to the greater meaning? Is she just a fuck-toy? Or am I actually...

I really have to stop being so damn existential when I have sex. Imagine if I was vocal about it. I'd say, "why am I doing this? It's mindless and I can't wait till we're done. God, hurry the fuck up and cum. I can see myself in the mirror, I look like a fucking idiot, what am I doing? When I cum I just want to smash my face with something hard, like a rock! Seriously. If this is the pinnacle to life, then count me out. Okay, this feels really good right now. Ah, fuck it, I won't even cum. You suck!"

Jesus, what a killjoy I am.

This Could Be Important

Do I have any interest in watching a man who ate the world's hottest chili?
No, but you can.

Was it hot?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Man Who Took A Photo Of Something While He Was Out Doing His Laundry One Day Or Night Actually


The Asian writing reads: "Food so good you will shit in this speciality toilet we designed for you!"

So I took this photo outside of this Chinese food restaurant, forget the name of it right now, but their little mascot, or whatever it is looks like a toilet that licks your ass. It's pretty incredible, and oh, wait a second, I think it's a bowl with a spoon in it, and a mushroom? Or a sea urchin? In any case, it's a toilet to me that licks your ass as it stares at you. Very impressive, I must say.