Okay, so this is funny, I was looking at my stats, because the new Blogger has all that shit, most sites make it easier to check now, ya know, because I'm lazy and I don't really give a flying shit. So I looked out of boredom, honestly, I really don't care that much, I just hope somebody out there in Internet land gets something, anything out of my writing, whatever that may be. So to the point, the top keywords that get people to stumble upon my blog through Google are:
"three boobs" - that's a big hit.
"anal beeds" - of course, why not?
"natalie portman cameltoe - interesting.
"denham fouts" - very cool, famous male prostitute.
"natalie portman pussy' - okay, I get it, people want to see her stuff.
"painmurdersuffering.blogspot.com" - URL that.
"penis tumblr" - uh, alright, that makes a lot of sense (no).
"occult musicians' - nice.
"illuminati musicians" - nice.
"tumblr penis" - am I missing something?
Well, yeah, folks, whoever-the-hell you are, I've had this blog for awhile now, since 2009, since 9/11 of 2009 which holds significance to me. I've had a few ad offers, I told them to go shove it, of course, and I've been asked to write reviews for Virus Scanner shit, huh? Yeah, obviously I said fuck off. Actually I just said something confusing, I forget what it was, somethihng along the lines of, I think you're mom needs a Virus Scanner. Maybe that's what it was, forget. So there's been some laughs, and some tears, and I actually have another blog. I thought posting things from there onto here would be redundant, but maybe I will.
I have a tumblr, no tumblr penis though. For all you people interested in more occult stuff. But, it has more to offer, videos I've made and I don't know, just other shit. http://dystopianfiend.tumblr.com
And the United States has most of my audience, naturally, because Canada sucks. But we're not as in debt and other obvious facts. UK is third from Canada, and then it's Saudi Arabia, that's fucking weird. Next is Australia, Germany, India, Brazil, France, and lastly South Africa. I have no idea why, but hey.
Much love to my Saudi Arabians out there. Tons of love (send me a wife). And to the rest -- I don't really care.
UPDATE: Looks like my audiance keeps changing, Canada is a close second now, hmph. People are a bit slow going here.
Huh? I'm getting spam directly on my blog now? Great.