Wednesday, June 21, 2017


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Is humanity on probation? Just about everyone now is being scanned and tracked in some way. The new passports (I don't have one) and it's biometrics, now finger prints required as you cross the border and when leaving the country by plane, and re-entry into the country. And if you get arrested. Which I call abductions. Because they are, and they're often unwarranted and illegal. Also, there's all the smartphone biometric aps. There's every bloody camera in the street taking your photo, analyzing it and matching it to your ID, that's already on file. Photos are constantly being taken. Police can take your DNA without your permission and other biometrics. It's very disgusting.

It's all rape.

They just want as much information as possible. Biometrics are not perfect, in fact they aren't foolproof at all, and not better than a password for that use and the excuse being made. I don't buy any of what they say, none of this is to protect you. In a way, you always have an alibi since you're constantly monitored. That is one positive, just one. Though, the fact that children are getting used to being finger print scanned at their schools now is very Big Brother society. And in Canada, when pot is legal, which is in a year or so, they will swab people's mouths when they are getting a speeding ticket, another way to get people's DNA on file.

Never insert technology into your body. That's the worst. Don't become it, of your own choice. This is obvious to a lot of people though. People do get chipped, but it's not of their knowing, it's harassment, it goes beyond intrusion. Technology can be used for good, of course it can. But at what cost? It's your freedom. Freedom is in your mind. Stay free in your mind and no one can hurt you. Your body is private to you, of course, but it's not the most important thing if you are a spiritual being. If you do not practice this new techno-society; the ritual of getting scanned at work or wherever, and/or using the new tech when there is still alternatives available, if you're not participating in the madness of all of it, then this is the way. Everything else that is happening is done against your rights. Don't disparage, everyone has conformed in the past to some degree or another, but it's not you, it's not your person, it's just the strawman you, the public you, this doesn't have any bearing on you as you truly are as a spiritual being.

Face this horror with love. Face things with love. Don't go any further into this techno-society, it's not worth it. Use the power of no and form committees against all this spyware. Don't conform to the practice of using biometrics, they are everywhere now and it seems impossible, but stay strong, don't beat yourself up for making any mistakes in the past, just discontinue the practice of getting scanned in some way or another, there are so many types of scans now. Traveling has become a bitch, they do full body scans at times, that gets a lot of information in one shot. But, it has to be repeated, they want fresh information, all the time. So, do your best not to have that happen.

The DNA thing - what, are they genetically engineering monsters? Frankenstein monsters of people with all the DNA they have collected? I mean, STOLLEN. Most of this is to create the sense of being watched. And in terms of DNA, it can get damaged easily. Like I've said, stop giving them more and a lot of this is fear-mongering to the public, I'm just giving the facts. I have seen all of this going on now, among the bliss-ignorant and the aware, and the aware are pretty pissed off, like I am. I want children to be free and adults to be free. Technology has imposed on our lives. Some of it helpful, but most of it is not worth it. Considering it's to form a techno police-state. People have been on government files and databases for a very long time, this is nothing new. It's all just out in the open now. The externalization of the hierarchy, which I don't refer to as higher placed people, upper-crust, more like the bottom feeders, the low morals of these "people", or psychopaths, or creatures - whatever. I still have compassion, empathy and love to give to them when they are ready to unconfuse themselves and understand that we are all a part of a greater thing, and we must respect each other because they're a part of you.

We have to get rid of the fear and stigma that all this spyware can cause us. However, I can't stand being filmed every time I go outside. People need their bliss-ignorance pills, by the dozens. Popping those bliss-ignorance capsules just to get by. Hey, I need a stiff drink, intoxicant often myself. We're all so vulnerable. But we have the choice to opt out of this type of control when we can. The truth is scary, how these people in certain positions in the establishment - most of them in the world now - think they own you. It's fucking disgusting and would creep anyone out how much information they have on the public. They want to know what sandwiches you eat even, because that's marketing shit. And how many times you floss or masturbate. What the fuck? They're making an algorithm out of your daily life, of mostly droll and information that is quite useless other than to just spy on you and who you are connected to. Who would want this job? A person having the job of monitoring someone else, to this scale, is either of extremely low morals or a machine following programming.

Machines are worse than somebody evil, because they only perform actions and cannot think about those action's effects. It's not in the programming. A machine, it's worse than any human you can come across. Don't wait for Skynet to become fully operational, stop using this horrible technology while you can. It's infused into everything now, almost, I understand that. But we can do what we can. Do the best that you can. It's good enough for me. Don't let them put the fear in you. It's just a game, a duality game (avoid polarizing arguments, it puts people in boxes). Non-duality is oneness, of our higher spiritual selves, the universal oneness. Not the unity of computer databanks and world order, the machine kingdom, or the plastic so-called paradise, it won't last.

Don't become a machine-rider, be who you are, a spirit-soarer. Soaring high above this crap.

Don't practice the system. Don't Scan Me Bro! Let your heart shine and let it shine for others, people need positive guidance. Stay positive, it protects you. Do yourself a favor, be spontaneous, be unpredictable, it confuses the system, it bypasses it's programming. It's just a simple machine. I don't care what Wired magazine or Technology today and the propaganda behind it are telling you, there's nothing more powerful than your true self and your connection to the universe as super-conciousness.

They want to make a silly, knock-off version with inferior technology. Don't buy into it. It's bullshit.

It's the ultimate bullshit. Do you remember 1990s virtual reality? It's that awful in comparison.    

I have good blessings towards those who want a better future, who want a better society, a stronger and freer society. Not dependent on machines. Dependent on love for your fellow person. The freedom of choice, and the freedom from choice. Each being allowing themselves the freedom to create. We are beings of great creation abilities and we can't let the machine get us down.

Ignore the machine.

Face things with love. Most importantly, any ugliness.

Stay positive, it protects you.

Be a divine rebel, against this tyranny. Represent divine love and light. The lost and confused and their control problem will one day rejoin the divine light. It will happen. Show them the way of the heart and the sound mind, no matter what.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Mamma Mia!


Movie "synopsis": The year is 2017, society has become a wasteland, people no longer go out unless they have to. Cellular phone transmissions have kidnapped people's minds. No longer do they seek the communion of others, but to watch what is on Netflix, or to scroll Facebook endlessly, and to check out foodies on Pinterest. An outdated thing called Twitter is used by the government, as a way to put out disinformation into the already soft, vegetable foodie, vegetable smoothie minds of the population. One person stands up, on to a pile of old abandoned Television sets and says; "What the fuck has happened to all the people?!" People have become static silhouettes, around them are these auric radiation fields that have smothered them. Oh mother! Can this man, or woman, or non-binary -whatever, find the answer to who hacked his Netflix account and is using it? I mean, can he, or she (or..) save people from themselves..and boredom? Find out what happens when tired of Netflix -and the movies they make, they're really bad, especially YouTube movies, they're really shit- and everything has become banal-porn. Who will save them all? Can they learn to order pizza with a regular landline phone again? Find out, in this year's most thrilling scifi thrill ride, so will thrill you!

It's too bad that they all went
In a theater near you
In 3D
Using the latest technology

; )

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

When The Tape Runs Out

world tape

A lot of crazy things have happened in the mainstreamverse in the last year. All the politickle jazz and celebrity deaths. Which could be debated real or not. I don't want to recap. I don't want to manifest any more shittiness here.

The really beautiful, golden sunrise surprise of all of that election-circus-hoopla, was the dismantling of the lamestream media's credibility. That was awesome! Donald Chump had said that the mainstream media lies out their ass and he was outspoken of there being a rigged election against him - pretty darn interesting. Hmm, makes you think. Just getting that discussion OUT THERE man, is a positive. The MSM being pro Hillary Clinton clone just shows how frigging biased and awful the mainstream news is. It's just your daily dose of cancer, really.

"Fake News" accusations becoming a meme by the MSM, couldn't be anything more hypocritical of TeLievision than that. Laugh out loud, come on. You're pulling my leg right? Funny times we're in.

A lot of people have seen through this, ages ago. It's nothing new, it's just, wakey-wakey to the common folk out there. Time to wake up and reclaim your life from these clowns. Clowning you..with the "news". I don't think there's any real investigative journalists at all anymore, aside from people on Reddit. Those guys really do a lot of field research, with a great group effort to boot. That's one smart think tank.

I didn't even know what to say about last year. I don't support Trump, or any leaders of multinational corporations. I don't support public figures, I only sometimes use their advice. I mostly just support freethinking itself. And going beyond 2D think. Some people can't even go beyond 1D think. Get them some help.

Speaking about people who need help, it's most definitely those social justice warriors, they act like they are immune to logic. You just shrug your shoulders, because discussions among people should be civilized and not a contest to find out who has the loudest voice in the room. I find it all extremely aggressive and shitty lower energy. Civil rights and demanding them, yeah, I understand the importance. But logic is always going to win, so saying your piece with an open heart and not with an angered sore bum is suggested. Just a suggestion. Kids today, like I've said before, sure are lacking love. And they've never been told No, by their parents. So, temper tantrums and emotional arguing has become a political thing now. The rise again of PC police is quite annoying, when political correctness was always an attack on freedom of speech. I've already spent the 90s decade ignoring it (I'm offended by it, haha). It's used to not hurt other people's feelings now, when logic doesn't care about people's feelings (thanks Ben Shapiro for coining that). I'm very objective when I speak about facts with people and I try to assure them to not take what I think about it personal. Let's try to be objective here, these are just opinions, not fists or bullets. Although the pen is said to be mightier than the sword. Maybe once, long ago when people were more rational.

I don't want to address isms too much, because if men want to hate women and woman want to hate men, and the white race is deemed privileged and others are not, and nobody wants to get along, then everyone's fucked because that's how it'll work out. We all need to get along for the greater good, but it's something some people have difficulty with because of their pathological narcissism, and always thinking of themselves First. I could rag on the millennials again - or the thin-skinned "snowflake generation" - saying it's mostly them. But self-centered entitled people have existed before they came around. There's just more of them now. When I thought they would have gone away, boy was I wrong. I thought people would have gotten over the popularity contest and evolve by now, but I guess it was wishful thinking. I thought malls would have been done away with by now too, call me delusional.

On that note, dating is bullshit, like, dead. It's dead for me. Technology really gave the narcissist an instant fix, working for nothing and needing no one. Many women, or girls, not ladies, say that they don't need men. So fuck it, if feminism freed women from men, then it freed men from the responsibility and obligation to women. Now men can work on themselves more and be freer than they ever have been. And I don't think we'd want to return back to relationships. Men going their own way is something I can relate with. I take it further, a soul going it's own way. A truly free spirit. If romantic relationships worked I would vouch for them. I think having friends and love for all people, not all in a sexual way though, is fine. You can have sex with some of them, whatever. Just don't break any hearts while you're at it.

Try not to trouble yourselves with the madness of this world. This place is a freewill zone and strange things can happen in a freewill zone. Try to focus on good things if you can and that can be your salvation. You don't need to be, lalala, with your ears plugged. You can be conscious, just unaffected. Your emotions are a Lie, try to remember that. Higher Feelings are where it's at and knowing the difference. Too many people are slaves to their emotions. What you think and what you feel is largely controlled by you, once you realize that you can free yourself. Of course, there are others trying to influence you. So, be easy on yourself! Humans aren't prefect and The Truth is really just experience. Alan Watts said, "let yourself have the freedom to make mistakes". And if you want to skip some major waste of time mistakes, be a great tuner, learn to tune out the crap-talk of others. Are they empowering you or not? Is their speech at all productive to you? Are they gaslighting SOBs? - I've had to cut off those types - should be a question to ask yourself. Of course, I wouldn't want a narcissist or a psychopath to have more power. I'm obviously talking to the people who want to hear this, I hope anyway. I don't even like the word hope, it's dogshit. 

I believe my message of empowering the free-spirited people will be received.

When all the total garbage of this world takes a long overdue retirement and this scripted media lie of a life's tape runs out. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine. Here's a hug man. Hug*

A lot of people I knew online and from blogs and YouTube are dead it seems, I found out. Yeah. It's hard to know what to think about it. But it's fishy as fuck. It's sad, but I still believe in you out there and I believe in myself.

Oh yeah, I have to call this, Trump is President Verbal Diarrhea. I actually saw his Twitter posts and they're a total nightmare. One thing is for sure, I've never seen a president like This guy. It's almost refreshing, if it wasn't a part of the narrative of the script.