Life is a joke, like pooping, and farting and all of that. It's pretty disgusting. People are like, you need to get over that. Why? It should be less gross. Why can't people say that life is fucking dirty, and nasty and I wish it was different. I wish the universe was different, maybe we're living in a faulty one. Maybe it just fucking sucks on purpose. And alllll the beauty..where? Nature? The inside of a toilet bowl? Glass half empty, "you're a glass half empty person" -- I hate when when people say that shit. My glass is full of shit actually, tripe. girlfriend's vagina kind of bugs me. Vagina boogers, vagina snot, is this normal? Even before my dick goes in there. I don't know, I love her, I should just shut up about it. Her feet stink sometimes. I don't know, girls are about as gross as guys are. I said this to girls before, and they begged to differ. Well, that means that humans are pretty fucking gross then. Why can't we have a cleaner race? I clean my butt, like constantly. It's very clean. My armpits are very clean, usually, and my B.O. isn't that terrible. My breath is pretty okay too. My girlfriend's vaginal bleeding smelled up my room awhile ago, I guess it was later in her period cycle it smells. She loves hot-sauce, and garlic and all this shit that I think is manly, and I guess that's sexiest, but fuck you. I hate curry, and stinky spicy shit that burns your insides. I'm a girl, or I'm what a girl should be hygienically. God.
Fuck it all, I usually say, because it stinks. Some asshole says something profound, then they burp or fart and it ruins the whole thing. I've loved people that I would always forgive..for being human. Sorry for being human, is the line that is given. But it usually doesn't regard stink, just making stupid mistakes. Fucking humans man, no wonder every other race in the universe ignores us. Ever wonder that? Yeah, we're dumb. Only the very select are privy to the correct knowledge and privileges. Yes, it's Elitist as fuck. We just need better fucking training to be clean. Our parents never were that great. Whose parents were great? I've never heard a case.
Everyone fucking reeks. Perfume also reeks. Patchouli, I don't know, a little more natural. I like the non scented things, mostly. Ever been in a room full of a shit load of incense? Like, oh my god, fuck. Too overwhelming.
And I could never be a pothead, it's too fucking smelly.
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