So why hasn't anyone made a Dot Cum yet? All the porn sites could have a .cum, would make much more sense, but I guess it's too stupid. Okay, uh, Blogs are going to be censored, or are now in the United States. I'm sure child porn will still exist, but speaking your mind or any controversial (what isn't now?) topics won't. Maybe they will get rid of child porn, but I kind of doubt it. I'm sure the communist Chinese censoring the Internet love child porn. Of course they do. They even eat children. People running the planet eat children. And they eventually, or now want an entire database of our bio metrics, they call it. Basically a guide or list for the overlords of our planet to find out whose best to sacrifice to their spirit gods. What else would it be for? Just recently it struck me that Hitler wanted an entire Aryan race because they would make the best sacrificial victims, according to what the occult consider a perfect sacrificial candidate. A child of the age of seven and whose above regular intelligence is good enough, according to Alistair Crowley. Blue eyes and blond hair I guess is more of a devine sacrifice, I don't know. Makes sense in an absolutely demented kind of way, but people running our planet are demented, so. Don't believe me? There's like a mountain of evidence for you if you look for it.
My hobby is finding out how truly fucked up the planet is and how it's run, and what the agenda is going on. It's pretty straightforward though. Instead of a democratic dictatorship it will be an uncloaked, totalitarian, dictatorial ruling over every aspect of each persons lives. Where you go, what you do, who you talk to, what you eat, who you fuck, all monitored openly this time with technology that exists right now. Is that it? And what's so special about me? Nothing, but the ruling members want to find out what genes you carry and if you're of any worth at all to them. A scientific dictatorship, it would be best described as. We're all imprisoned lab rats, then they're finally going to be outright about it to us. Yet still people will be clueless about it. It will be zero freedom, we will have freedom zones or something to stretch our feet out. Before it gets to this point there will be more wars, famine, pestilence, stuff like that. Total tyranny. Who cares what's going on in the news right now, know the agenda and it's merely miniature steps. And the more chaos, the more greater steps. Order, order here, New World Order. They will create problems that are phony, like everything in your life that's a problem to you and can easily be fixed if we didn't rely on money and things were naturally abundant. We'd all be happy, because all of our lives are run by the monetary system, and it will only get worse after it crashes.
It's supremely negative, uh, finding out how shitty things are in the world. Girls really don't want to listen I find, even if they do comprehend. Why spoil someone's life by mentioning they're in servitude to a ruling elite who just see them as cattle? People who join the Illuminati secret society network are so fucking naive. Musicians especially. Uh, yeah, I'd like to do a lot of things today but the Illuminati run the planet and I'm bummed out by it. This is common around my household. Yeah, they're going to fail with their New World Order, so, grab a taco, while there's still tacos around and wait it out, or kill yourself. The wait might be a thousand years, who knows. Eventually their evil rule will fall. Evil always fucking loses in movies, it's almost like they know this and think they are so much clever though. Cleverness without wisdom is reckless. It's clever to make a nuclear bomb, but it isn't wise to do so, as someone said once, I don't know who, many have.
If there's so many fucking cool and in-the-know people on this planet, they really ought to come out. I have a strong feeling that there is more awesome people, but they're silenced, and controlled still. Too bad. I guess they're not so awesome then. I really like David Icke a lot, he speaks out about some amazing shit, but I don't know if I could trust the guy. He gets a lot of his information from ex Freemasons. He uses a lot of their motifs too. The Masons are the worship and teachings of Lucifer, as I have to continually remind people. Apparently the spirit of Lucifer is the star Sirius. Planets have spirits, animals and other beings like us have spirits. And a spirit is consciousness, and a specific personality, so yeah, okay, Lucifer is real I guess if you can believe everything is a spirit principal. He's only hinted upon in the bible, but that thing was written by aliens, come on. Get over it. Maybe a type of Jesus character existed, he exists in most religions and folklore, but they're all space gods, aliens. It's kind of a crock of shit. I'm wondering where the hell the real god is actually, everyday. God must be the neutral force, and is impartial to it's own creation, or co-creation. Who knows, who cares, but we're all suppose to get over life drama and be happy, it's just hard to do in a world of illusion and torment.
Oh come on, cheer up right. I'm just not happy with flatscreens, and cell phones, and Facebook. This is all society really has to offer you. Ha, what a fucking joke. I want to explore space. It's my god given right as a being of our universe. Way more fucking fun. It's what we should be doing, not being in servitude to grand masters of magick. Fuck them, let's do more amazing things. Can't we? Please? We can if we wanted to. I do. This kind of thing makes me cry, when someone mentions our greater potential, which is even more than just journeying to other planets. I just want the direction of this life to stop, and change it. And not bullshit about it, just do it. Back in Y2K we had the choice to change the direction of where society was going. In the 90s most spiritualists, and psychics, etc would say that we're moving into a "new age' yuck, I hate saying that, but something new, but not evil, let's say it's definitely the way to go if it's not for evil purposes. But guess what? Nothing happened, we all reset, we all did all the same old fucking fads, and trendy shit from other decades which got regurgitated as usual all over again. Same old shit. Constant regurgitation. Uh, the fucking Rubik's Cube is florescent now, or something. Up yours, cubed brain, unoriginal, uncreative, bullshit ideas. I'm done, I'm full, there's enough, there was enough, fuck off. None of these things further humanity in any way. Are we in the 90s now? Because I really fucking hated the 90s. I guess we're just everything, because we really have to change our course and direction soon. I'm sure most people could agree with me on that. At very least. Unless they love their flatscreens so much. I could do without any source of electronic entertainment if we all had the ability to leave our planet, and if we fed our entire planet properly with it's abundant resources that are hoarded by the elite faction, fuckheads. I would like to have a garden, I would like to have more nature around me, wouldn't you? Instead industry, which is pretty much all going to be destroyed anyway for the New World Order. But I would like to stare into the sky and be like, oh I'm taking flying lessons for a spaceship today, it's really easy to do also, anyone could do it with the secret space technology that is kept hidden from us. There is no, in the future we will have more, in the future we will have such awesome, cool shit. We've had it for a long fucking time now, duh. Movie and science fiction writers took all the ideas from operatives in the government sharing their intel with them. Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, the dickhead Steven Spielberg, they all had their insiders. They were nothing but instruments by the occults to exploit and make profit on these secret truths, instead of informing the public, like Nikola Tesla wanted to with his advanced technology in the early 1900s for fuck sakes.
Yeah, like everything on the fucking planet is a scam-on-you anyway. And it's not really funny to me anymore. It's a joke, and the joke's on us. And I will continually say it until I guess they have to shut me down. But my spirit will soar, or something cheesy like that.
Don't censor me asshole.
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