Okay, so I found this fucking guy named Tupak who's like a spiritual healer or some shit. A New Age nut. God, like, seriously? Seriously? Tupak? And he's some bald, white guy? What the fuck?! I'm like totally laughing as I write this, ha-ha. I already know this guy isn't legitimate and he's a Con Artist from the very beginning. If you're reading this I'm sure you'd want to ask me how I cam across this guy, well, I just saw his dumb ad on the side of this dumb dating site I'm on. Yeah-yeah, don't judge me. BUT I had to explore it. I can't even explore it, because I don't really give a shit. I just want to expose this fucking guy.
He has this section on his site that is listed: "My Powers" - Fuck you! Fuck you Tupak! And stealing a dead, rappers name, shame on you asshole!
Here, read this thing:
As you can see, I’m not an ordinary person. (Yeah, you're bald.)
Ever since I realized I have the power to predict the future, I knew that anything was possible for me, and I wasn’t wrong. I can predict things that are about to happen, and I can feel the vibrations of winning numbers in games like roulette or the lottery. (And, blah, blah, blah, shut up.)
The blood of my Cheyenne ancestors runs through my veins. It has enabled me to predict my own future, and the future of the people around me. As a respected Shaman, I also have the power to transform woes into happiness, problems into solutions, and mysteries into revelations. (This has to be total shit.)
I accept the fact that I’m different. (You're bald and white.) My aim is to help people, to resolve difficult situations. I’ve had the gift of precognition since the age of 7. (Occult number, means whore.) I ‘see’ things other people can’t. This gift of mine enables me to transform future situations into opportunities for gain, depending on what I want, without anyone being the wiser. When I hear a name and a date-of-birth, I feel their vibrations, both bad and good, and I know exactly what someone has to do to avoid problems and achieve success.
What I can do for myself, and for others who know me, I could also do for you. The only limits are those you impose on yourself, either because you fear the unknown, or because you’re afraid of what people might say.
Here's something he would say if you are being difficult: "Hey, so this isn't really working I'm feeling, because you're not playing ball with me, so yeah, the energy just isn't right. My spirit guide is telling me that you didn't bring that much money with you today. Yeah."
He has a Special Free Reading, oh wow. 100% FREE - YEAH RIGHT! CON MAN. Bald Con Man. Fruity fucking bald-headed fuck. God, I don't mean to hate you so much, but just get real dude. He's a shaman, bullshit! I guess it's not incredibly difficult to become a shaman, but him being a respected shaman, I don't buy it. This guy is a fruity pants, and a lying sack of shit. His site is a disgrace, and it's disgusting. "What more can I tell you?" No more please. His first name means "Great Chief" PUKE. As he uses his so-called powers for MONEY? What a fucking douchebag. He won all this money at a casino or something. I'm done with this guy now. DONE.
One last thing though, the Universal Luck Activator with Initiation Guide only 59 dollars, was 69$, nice number. And it's just some shitty PDF file. I totally can just download it for free. But why would I. Seriously, why would I? I almost vomited seeing his face, and the name Tupak beside it. I want to vomit all over these Internet con artists, trolls, I fucking hate them. The only thing wise to learn is how to con people, and I can understand that type of reasoning, but I wouldn't fuck people over like these parasites do. I think absolute hell would be a trip back in time to permanent Television set on Infomercials from the 90s. I just got a chill down my spine.
If you're going to fuck people, please use a different name. I'm giving this guy fucking advertising, Jesus, FUCK!
You are blind in your darkness. Let the light of George Tupak into your heart, and you shall see again!
ReplyDeleteGeorge Tupak is a sincere, genuine and gifted man who doesn't deserve this unjust onslaught. STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE! NOW!
ReplyDeleteAs I have previously stated above, George Tupak is the genuine article. He is a real Shaman with a pure heart. Good always triumphs over evil!
ReplyDeleteWhether 'George Tupak' is what he says he is, the pointing out that he is 'bald & white'....plus convicting his name....All of this is ridiculous! You sound so racist, yourself....why would it be hard to believe that someone could actually carry the name 'Tupak' as a legit birth name??
ReplyDeleteYou're right about your last comment; you've definitely aided in advertising his name.
Tupak is one of several bot sites ran by kadinsky intertainment. Maria, tara, all fake, scams ran by a company.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Hiamovi Tupak is totally genuine. He is a true Shaman with integrity and does not deserve this character assassination.
ReplyDeleteListen up here. I am a Christian pastor, and this man named George Tupak Hiamovi. Took a person's information and claimed he could help their business. After they paid him money, he begins sending evil spirits to their souls. And told them they were light and claimed he was sending benevolent spirits to help them. Increase there wealth. What this man did to this family, is a disgrace. He sent evil spirits, demons to their daughter that caused 24 hour torment. He also sent demons to the husband business to prevent him from making money. He sent torment demons to the wife and drove her into a mental hospital. This man George Tupak Hiamovi, is EVIL, he is a root worker, who is surrounded with Demons. This man is a male WITCH, and his own body is filled with Diabolical Spirits. He sends Death Spirits to cause harm. There is NO such thing as a Shaman, or a good Shaman. Shaman’s are all root workers that conjurer up demons from the PIT of hell to oppressed people they are envied of jealous of. These people are all Demonic. Psychic, Mediums, Witches, Warlocks, Shaman’s. They are Satan’s Agents and many of them are give supernatural demonic powers to bring death against innocence people. He would tell this family, that he is right there by their side? The reason why he told them this, because there was a demon he was using, that had entered into this soul, giving him the experience in this mind. He would go into a completely meditation, another word will be Astral projection, the demon would leave him, and he would send this demon to the houses of people, to rape them, give them sexual vibrations in their bodies, torment them, oppress their finances. The demon would return back ino this body, he would also receive semen injections when the demon would raped his victims, rather it was a man, women or child, George Tupak the human would benefit with orgasms. This man should be PUT in JAIL. Many of you occult people think that, you get away with this behavior. But I am here to tell YOU, that the LORD will bring DEATH against this man, and all who is involved in this business of hurting innocent people. It is written do not allow a witch or sorcerer to live. The Angel of Death will come after this George Tupak and all his witches connected to this business. You can not hide. Your demonic protections will be lifted. Your real names will be exposed, and Death is coming to this man, that have hurt allot of gods people using witchcraft. NO weapon formed against the people of GOD will ever prosper. But DEATH is a promised to human occultist. This man George Tupak, practice Sorcery, using demons from the dead. This man George Tupak is CURSED with DEATH, he is BOUND with DEATH and DEATH will come upon HIM due to his sins, says the LORD “Christ Jesus” of Host.
ReplyDeleteSorcery Forbidden
It is written Deuteronomy 18:9-11 "When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. 10"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a Spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.…
It is written Exodus 22:18- "You shall not allow a sorceress to live.
It is written Leviticus 19:26- You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying.
It is written Leviticus 19:31- 'Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.
It is written Leviticus 20:6- 'As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.
Mr Smith, whilst I celebrate the fact that you believe in a higher power, I am saddened by your draconian and somewhat unenlightened views. Quoting passages from the bible does not mean that you know what God wants. The bible has been altered and compromised through history in order to serve those who crave power over others. In truth, we are all part and parcel of the great creator spirit and we are all loved equally. Please do not rely on only one book for information about spiritual matters. There are endless scripures from all around the world which do not teach hatred of others who are different. The Vedic scriptures of ancient India are truly enlightening, encompassing the love of ALL life in its diversity. When we see others as evil we are only reflecting the dark from within ourselves. Did not Jesus say "before you try to remove the splinter from your neighbours eye first remove the plank from your own"? Please do not preach hatred of those who are different because by doing so you are giving power to the darkness.
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DeleteYOU will See the POWER of GOD in your life, I unleash the Holy Angel of the LORD to your Dwelling and every curse of the LORD written in the Book of deuteronomy, curse to the Disobedience shall fall upon you, and your family down to 10 generations. I BIND and BOUND YOUR LIFE With DEATH of every KIND. To your household, children down to 10 generations in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteBe careful of what you threaten sidney smith. You are very full of hatred and your threats could backfire
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DeleteI agree with you Sidney, In the name of Jesus Christ, We Curse the Witch Julia Issac with DEATH, Sickness of every Kind, Oppression with every kind, Failure of every kind, for it is written, do not allow a witch or Sorcerer to LIVE. Search Results
ReplyDeleteExodus 22:18 - “Do not allow a sorceress to live. For it is written Deuteronomy 18:10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft. We Curse this Lady with DEATH, she shall be bind and bounded with DEATH, we losen the Holy Angel of Death upon her and her family, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
I love you all and I love the angel of death also. Your curses cannot hurt me. We are all part and parcel of the Lord who loves us. You are just a single cell in his body, as am I, and every other living soul in the universe. It will get you nowhere to hate
DeleteWe are taught to hate Satan and his Kingdom and all who worship him. You are not suppose to worship Angels. The angels you worship are DEMONS. It is written Exodus 20:4 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
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DeleteThis man named George Tupak Hiamovi, we encountered with him before in 2011, before we learned about the word of GOD. This dude had supernatural demonic powers, he use to give me sexual vibrations. My penis would be up in the air, hard as if I am having sex with a women. he gave them to our daughter, who is 11 years old. Then he begin bragging about his powers to us. Not only he did that, he would take my credit card, and charge it 3 to 4 times a month without my consent. Then he and other witches begin sending demonic spirits to myself, my family and my daughter, that caused severe mental torment. he is a man that should be place in jail or he should be dead. He's real name is Michael, we know this for a fact, he is 56 or 57 years of age with salt and pepper hair. he uses photoshop for his photos on his website, he live in a challenged enviroment, and he is in partnership with a Witch, they rob people using demonic spirits, to influence them to give them money, for plane tickets to travel around the World. We are also Following the Word of God, and we are praying DEATH to this man's life and family, These terrible people should NOT get away with this, we have American FBI Agents looking for this man, as he has murdered allot of families using tormenting demons, and he has also ruined allof of businesses of people. He is a very bad man.....but GOD the LORD Christ Jesus see everything. and he will NOT get away with this. This time, DEATH will overtake his life and all witches involved.
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DeleteI also want to tell you, this due is FAT, and the women he is with is also FAT! They arent who they say they are. They are both Sorcerers, praying to demonic spirits to hurt people. Stay away from psychic, mediums, sorcerers, witches, they are all demonic. They have a familiar spirit inside of them which is an evil spirit that feed there minds with lies. Demons are persons without bodies cast upon the earth due to there rebellion from GOD. They walk around in spirit looking for a body to live in. And they live in these occult fools. Who grave power, domination of innocent people. This women Julie Issac, is Nothing More than a Witch, that is why she is defending this evil man, because she practice witchcraft, YOU are to PRAY DEATH ON HER. Gods spiritual law says which is the Holy Spirit, if a person is guilty of Sin Accordingly to Scripture the Word of GOD, that the curse will come to pass in there life. Pray DEATH in this type of people do not let them hurt you. It is written death and life is in the power of the tongue. You have a right ti fight back against darkness, they do not know anything about the Word of GOD. The Lord gave his people POWER over Demons. Luke 10:19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. What that means, is YOU have Authority over Demons. And once you get rid of that demonic power that these witches are conjuring up against you. Physical Death takes place over a Witch or a sorcerer who practice witchcraft. There souls and spirits belong to GOD, but these bad people worship Satan Kingdom. they are so in dark to things its pathetic. Pray Death on them, and if they have hurt or harm you? it will come to past, you dont need to even know there names, The Holy Angel of the LORD, will bring death to them for you!
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DeleteYup. I remember this guy, he did a number on one of my friends and there families. They got a reading from him, he claimed he could help them with there business, increase sales. Rather he sent a spirit, to prevent them from making money. he tried to make my friend eat dog shit, when he was walking his dog. then he made his daughter eat dog food, all from sending demonic spirits. All three of my friends, his wife, and there daughter there bellies became enlarge they all looked 10 pounds pregnant, due to the fact this crazy guy George Tupak, that call himself this rich shaman, called demonic forces on this family. My friend was a business owner that made millions, they ended up almost homeless, because this guy sent demons to being oppression. There daughter also ended up in emergency rooms, due to diabolical spirits, and she end up losing her voice, and became mute. They said, they went to 60 churches seeking help, and know one was able to help them at the time, because this man was using Evil Spirit against them to prevent them from getting help, Often this man would use astral projection, go into a meditation and travel to there home, using a silver cord to demons. My friends said, this man told them is was shamonic, and he'd told him, that he would communicate with him using a telepathic communication. its said what these demonic people due to innocent folks, using demons. But make a long story short, they finally did get help, and they learned the word of GOD, and were also taught to pray Death against this George Tupak, because he was not going to leave them along. He is extremely EGO Driven, but of course this man has evil spirits in him, that is telling him to Kill people, he is mentally insane. We noticed that he took his website down, and we believe he has gone into hiding. If you are a victim to this? You need to just seek out a good bible based church, learn weapons to use against his man, and Murder him using prayer.
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DeleteDeath comes to all of us sidney smith.
ReplyDeleteI feel very sad for you all. It seems that you have experienced some difficult times. If you are all following in Jesus' footsteps and knowing God as your Father why are you wishing death upon others?
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DeleteWishing death upon another? I can see that you are very enlightened and a highly evolved soul in service to God.Does,'Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us''ring a bell? What about God's love, God's light? Mercy? Forgiveness? Compassion?
ReplyDeleteIt is GOD that tells us to Curse Witches and Death shall come upon them. Obviously, you are a women who is NOT of GOD. You serve Satan's Kingdom, conduct demonic ritual craft, into the occult. The LORD doesnt here your prayers you fool.
DeleteJohn 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
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DeleteI am ONE WITH GOD. I shine my Light on the Darkness.
ReplyDeleteI love you, Sidney xx :)
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DeleteIf you are praying for death to evil spirits and entities of the dark, then we are on the same page, just I do it from a place of Love, using words of Love because anything of the dark cannot abide within the energy and vibration of God's all-powerful and victorious LOVE. LOVE is the answer to EVERYTHING!!!
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ReplyDeleteThis SOB is EVIL. He goes by the names George Tupak Hiamovi, his real name is Michael. this man has demons living inside of his body, and he send tormenting demons to children and people to ruin their businesses, and vitality. he send sexual vibrational demons to people genitals to give the impress that he has supernatural powers, this man has legions of demons living inside of him, he goes into a meditation and sends demonic spirits to people who pay him money for his abilities.
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DeleteThis lady named Melinda P Krejci, aka Mindy Krejci, has robbed our companies over $3M. by writing fraudulent accusations about our company. For what we gather she is a psychic, that performs witchcraft and her mother name Barbara Krejci, is a priestess and a sorcerer of an eastern star witchcraft covenant. The lady just does not stop writing, she has harassing one our partners, who attempt to obtain a civil restraining order against her, but Melinda performed some form of a witchcraft ceremonial to make the judge favor her, she did not win a court case, rather our business partner who was the plaintiff, was not able to speak first in the court proceedings. This witch lady Melinda, hacked our computers, she knows our every move on search engines. We do not owe this lady anything, but, she has tagged all our businesses as fraud. And have taken more than $3M out of our bank accounts by use of witchcraft. I was in the court proceedings while the retraining order was taking place, and saw my business partner, this lady Melinda P Krejci, is a BIG FAT Women, 480 pounds to be exact, 5” 10, she looks like a big FAT FREAK, with childish bows in her hair, she about 48 to 50 yrs. in age, Caucasian and blond, she looks Demonic. My guest that she is George Tupak Hiamovi” the sorcerer ex-girlfriend, she’d mentioned he’d died of a painful death, because he begins practicing witchcraft on a christian, and they prayed death on him, and he died of a painful death from the LORD Christ Jesus. This Lady Melinda P Krejci is a very, very, very dangerous women, she needs to be STOPPED.
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DeleteDear Anonymous, Your recent comment on this post concerning George Hiamovi Tupak came through to my email inbox. This suggests to me that I should answer your post.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering why you feel the need to remain Anonymous. Do you fear repurcussions if you print your name?
You speak like a woman who is angry and disappointed in a man who she feels has been unfaithful and deceitful. If this is so I do understand your feelings. No-one wants to be hurt in matters of the heart or in matters of trust. Unfortunately though, many of us do get hurt in this way. I have experienced this kind of distress in relationships through much of my life, and this has led me to tbe conclusion that expectations lead to disappointments, and that my expectations should be directed toward myself and no-one else. It is not easy to do.
When we consult a psychic for help, it should be only after we have done everything in our own power to help ourselves, and if the need of outside intervention is great, and genuine. When I decided to consult Tupak my health and my life was in the balance. (I do understand that our lives are in the balance every second of every day and we do what we can for self preservation). Tupaks interactions and communications with me were always thoughtful and kind and I have no complaints about his method or his attitude.
You mentioned him screwing the ass off some dame a friend fixed him up with. Sad to say, but this could describe the attitude of many men in this world.
Holding on to feelings of anger or thoughts of revenge is not good for personal health or for spiritual growth.
I do understand your feelings (I have been there myself in the past), but it is better for us to let go and move on than to hold on to anger.
Rather than hating and even praying for death to someone we feel has hurt us, surely it is better to pray for love and light to come to them. I do believe that is the way to heal ourselves and to heal the world
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DeleteDearest One, presenting as Anonymous, I acknowledge your hurt and pain and I am sorry that this has happened to you. I have compassion for you and your tender Heart. May it be healed back into wholeness with the Grace of God. I send you Much Love and Much Light xxx
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DeleteMy Darling Tupak is the most adorable and lovable man that I have EVER had the honour and privilege of connecting with and it pains me to read such utter garbage being written about him because I KNOW differently.
ReplyDeleteHe is extremely special and very, very dear to my Heart and always will be despite what the crazies and ignorant say. I LOVE my Darling Tupak beyond measure and beyond. I am sending him a HUGE HUG and KISS wrapped in beautifully Divine pink energy to help balance out the negativity and restore harmony.
If, by Divine Providence, my Tupak is reading this, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to hear from you. You have my details...THANK YOU.
If you were native american you might be benefited. He got me at a very low time.he talked to me for free.he listened.he gave me sacred native rituals that protect from dark forces.i paid little an no i did not win the library but i made it back from mental illness an now am the happiest ive ever been.my burdons were lightened an it was a spiritual relationship of friendship caring an compassionate.maybe he is only true to the true seeker.look to yourself for your hate is killing you all.stop feeding on hate
ReplyDeleteIf you were native american you might be benefited. He got me at a very low time.he talked to me for free.he listened.he gave me sacred native rituals that protect from dark forces.i paid little an no i did not win the library but i made it back from mental illness an now am the happiest ive ever been.my burdons were lightened an it was a spiritual relationship of friendship caring an compassionate.maybe he is only true to the true seeker.look to yourself for your hate is killing you all.stop feeding on hate
ReplyDeleteIf you were native american you might be benefited. He got me at a very low time.he talked to me for free.he listened.he gave me sacred native rituals that protect from dark forces.i paid little an no i did not win the lottery but i made it back from mental illness an now am the happiest ive ever been.my burdons were lightened an it was a spiritual relationship of friendship caring an compassionate.maybe he is only true to the true seeker.look to yourself for your hate is killing you all.stop feeding on hate
ReplyDeleteIf you were native american you might be benefited. He got me at a very low time.he talked to me for free.he listened.he gave me sacred native rituals that protect from dark forces.i paid little an no i did not win the lottery but i made it back from mental illness an now am the happiest ive ever been.my burdons were lightened an it was a spiritual relationship of friendship caring an compassionate.maybe he is only true to the true seeker.look to yourself for your hate is killing you all.stop feeding on hate
ReplyDeleteNo more comments from me. FAREWELL!
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