Yeah, society, really not much to be desired of. Life..who needs it? General excitement, and wonder for existence usually goes away in your early teens, doesn't it? Then you find someone, and have a relationship, and I guess maybe even just get laid, and you want it to be satisfying, and full of hope, I guess. I don't know. After a few too many relationships things become a bit drab. Life is just surviving, they've made it that way, unless you have a successful career, constantly busy, chipper, cheerful, stress usually sets in on any life. Money, bills, payments, debts, betrayals. Maybe some therapy is needed.
What's life after life? And what really is life? The illusion we buy into? Life is something else, it should be moving forward, new things, ideas, something. Something would be something. I was tired of society three decades ago when I was a child. I guess some of us just never settle in. Upsetting the apple cart. There's a robot pulling that apple cart, and who programmed that thing? They're probably dead now. Dead society, dead end. Old programming. Get rid of that. What's the new programming? New programming. We don't need new programming, just freedom of choice, and to create more choices. No more establishments, let's live off the land, and if some rich asshole says they own it, well, now it's mine, so fuck off. A big mob of people can say; Yeah, it's his land and ours! Okay, backing down now. Let's live off the land and if there's not enough land or resources, which I'm sure there is, then people can die naturally. How about that? Live in this space we have called Earth, no governments, no corporations, just making our own goods, harvesting, everyone involved. Oh, well, Africa is having issues growing things, well send them some of our goods over, help out your fellow man, or women, or child. Give them clean fucking water to grow things properly. These issues aren't as difficult as the public arena make it seem. Anyway, easy answers. Even without any of the secret technology let out, free energy etc, we could be doing just fine on this planet. Maybe modern society would be bored, because they won't have Television or their computer gizmos. Who cares, I'd rather be healthier and with others who want this change. It's pretty much like stepping backwards, but technology has truly ruined this planet anyway. What am I Amish? Well, they're doing fine aren't they? In their communities.
Strip the world of the cement roads that cars run on, and start growing vegetables there. Make an altruistic change. Let's do that. The powers that be won't be able to control us anymore if we ignore their technology and stop using it. And if we stop funding corporations and being little cogs in the machine, worker slaves. Yeah I like warm showers too, we can have power generators, okay? We can generate power easily. No more corporations, boycott them, stop paying your bills. Or go be Amish, use candles maybe. How do they bake food? With fire, oh right. Fire ovens, nice. Sounds like it would be pretty tasty that way.
So in 2012 make a change by saying, fuck you society! I won't take part in your bullshit anymore, I'm done, stick a fork in me. Let's evolve, or evolve away from technology, it won't be a part of our evolution. Evolving is something done consciously. Think differently, it's the spark we need to move forward.
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