So, I was masturbating and I was thinking, man this is disgusting what I'm looking at, or man she's such a whore. But really she was just portraying a whore, like most of it is an illusion, it's an act. Sure, there's a dick in her and some guy later cums in her face, but most of it is total and utter bullshit, I'm sure she likes to be treated good, don't most girls? Yeah, it's just for money, yeah, but come on, it's tiresome, and really, like, disgusting, but maybe that's what's charming about it, I don't know.
Yeah, porn -- really-really charming, yeah, sure. Yeah.
Masturbation is kind of addictive, I try to avoid it sometimes, I take breaks. Whore's get fucked constantly, and play with themselves all the time I guess. Or just get fucked. I don't have any adoration for whores. Love actually turns me on most, gives me a hard on, hard on for love. That's me. None of this greasey shit, this spectacle of testical, why did I ryhme that? Testicals, yeah. Ball-mashing, is that any fun? It actually gets pretty sore.
What is this thing? -- Sex. God, I wish I didn't need it. It's a real disturbance being horny and having no one to have sex with. And going out and finding it is a pain. I'm already horny now, it can't really wait, like, sorry honey but I want my dick in your mouth before dinner. Fuck dinner, well fuck my dick I mean.
So the Whore of Babylon, what's she all about? She's the Harlot who rides the beast of Revelations, if the bible holds any water to you then that means you give a shit. Lady GaGa had her on her mind with her style of course, which is...I guess, not very surprising. "I'm a whore, check it out! I'm the Whore of Babylon." Babylon just means wicked city, or confusion. We're in global Babylon now. So a girl being a whore or a slut, big fucking deal right? Pornstars are paid prostitutes, oldest profession in the world. But is it a respectful one? Maybe in their community it is, it's a wicked world after all. People get praised for their immoral deeds. What's moral in our world when everything is backwards, and when we're being demoralized by society and Television, Eh? No answer? Cheating is a popular topic for T.V. shows and in movies, man do I ever hate that. It's not cool, but a girl who falls for another guy is also not cool. If every girl will fall for somebody else, what is the fucking point of the man? Are we just Appetizers? Snacks? For the time being. Why even bother at all with someone who finds interest in everyone else? I'm not saying a totally possessive relationship, or person is better, I just mean, have some decency, don't lead men on (girls) if you are going to find someone else. The thing is, the response would be from a girl I mean, "how am I suppose to know? It just happens." Well, tell them to eat shit, be loyal to your lover. And you're just going to find somebody else again, so stop being such a parasite. Moving from host to host, bah. That's how diseases are spread, but you are the disease really.
Yeah, I'm bitter, why shouldn't I be? People are lousy. And maybe whores are more fun, they're painfully transparant. We fuck, then we stop, then okay, bye, then she fucks somebody else. Ugh, ew. Nevermind.
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."
Did I just quote the bible? Oh my god -- literally.
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