Friday, December 6, 2013

Smartphones Will Replace Sex


By Henry Makow Ph.D.

While men use smartphones for business, women turn to them to fulfill their emotional needs. You see them on the streets making love to their phones. Their expressions reflect the urgency, desire and satisfaction that used to be reserved for sex. Women are discovering that "relationship maintenance" is far more satisfying than hookups, anal intercourse and other forms of modern sex.

The sight of so many women with faces and ears glued to phones gives rise to another futuristic vision: Wireless-controlled & dispatched women. Some day, women will receive instructions governing every aspect of their lives and thought.

There is enough eye candy here to give a man diabetes. Some of these young women have made it their job to look like ethereal young goddesses. They are so self conscious and self-reverent, they make you feel your glance might tarnish their perfection. I get more pleasure ignoring them and catching their reaction out of the corner of my eye. Their vanity and insecurity knows no bounds.

The postmodern metropolis resembles the aftermath of a Mongol raid where the barbarians (Khazars?) have broken down the doors and forced the women to leave their kitchens and nurseries and congregate in the town square and side streets. There, they were instructed to get professional degrees and jobs in online marketing. Everywhere you go, you see hoards of young women wandering aimlessly. There is no peace for them, no place.

At the same time, you feel that if a man made them a decent offer, and told them to quit whining, they'd gladly return to the home where they belong. They display their toned thighs through skin-tight leggings practically begging a good man to father their children and make women out of them again.

Well said, sir. Women must remember their roles, or wander the earth aimlessly...with their smartphones. True or not? 

Well, one thing is for sure, people are being made and engineered to be way too confused sexually. The earth's well is being poisoned with all kinds of propaganda and madness; women are men now, men are women, men are too sensitive, women are too fucking masculine...topsy-turvy mess of it all.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Boring Future

Let's hear now from what a futurist has to say, since nobody will listen to me about this type of thing. Unless I have a fucking degree or something, shit.

What I'd like to see is the end of capitalism and the beginning of the human race investing in a better quality of life, and I want everyone to go into space and be explorers, not exploring their smartphones.

News Of Late

Comet ISON Oct 08 2013

So, comet Ison, I Anyway, it will cause a bit of debris to fall into earth, who cares. Nothing to worry about. There's been mainstream news hoopla and spin on it, and it'll probably amount to nothing like usual. They could even make up that it caused damage to satellites or whatever, but apparently they're protected against any type of space debris. And Ison has swung around the sun and it's gone supposedly. If alien piggy-backers were taking a ride on it maybe they are now closing in on invading earth, but probably not.

1984 google big brother

Google minus, uh, I mean plus, the Google + social network has creeped into YouTube now because nobody liked it before, and they wanted to have some sort of capital from it, this is how a business works. Also, if they want to turn YouTube into a police state with everything being censored and monitored and interconnected with itself, then it's their problem because they'll probably lose revenue. 


In other news, Jesus still won't return any time soon, even in the form of a comet. In related news, the Catholic church misspelled Jesus on gold coins for the new pope Francis by spelling "Lesus" on them instead and they all were beheaded for it. (True story, except for the beheadings). And the earth is boring the shit out of me, so, like always I resort back into my meditation and my own space.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Images I've Found Funny

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This can't be real, but hey, maybe sluts do like Ramen noodles. Never tried to offer them that.

But this looks like more fun even.

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That's not pleasurable, at all. Okay? Maybe to Asians? I don't know.

Then this happened..

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"Yeah, and I went out shopping today and got my claws done, then I ate a stegosaurus. I'm so full!"

Get ready for a random-roll:

Michael Jackson with two, itty-bitty people gettin' drunk.

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Frankenstein eating toast.

enhanced buzz 7646 1369641114 6


enhanced buzz 15486 1364471448 11

And, no comment.

Ay9kfd Thp

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Orgasms Bore Me Now

boring sex


Now let's see what the Internet has to say about all of this boring orgasm business.

Yahoo! Answers:

"A lot of people say that male orgasms are boring and weak, that they feel EXACTLY the same every time and the only difference is the intensity of the build-up, that female orgasms must be much more intense because they often cause the rest of the body to react, etc. What do you think of all this?"
Yeah, you bloody called it for me. It's always the same feeling, just slightly different in intensity sometimes, rarely, mostly the same damn feeling that I could care less about now. And women have better orgasms, sure, but maybe not all?

Thought Catalog comment on boring story about teen girl bored with orgasms:

"I'm an 18 year old girl and I've been masturbating for...6 years now? My problem is not with sex but with orgasms themselves. Having an orgasm is not the fireworks the media promises. It's boring. I do it mindlessly like this author, while I'm reading or alone or watching a show...eventually I open up porn and get off quickly and x-out and forget about it."

She sounds like a dude.

I find it mindless as fuck also. And like blowing your nose (as a male) just to get it over with, and get that gunk out. Too much build up can make you get blue-balled or worse, wet dreams! I can't afford doing laundry all the time, plus I stop myself from ejaculating in dreams, I have harenessed this ability.

Sex is fun and all, but the payoff is never worth it for me, I leave without even cumming most of the time. These young girls seem to cum really fast, and I'm like, are you sure? Really? Okay, well, I could keep going and then get bored I guess. You're done, so I'm done, fuck it. Or stop with fucking it. Stop fucking.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Now Check This Out

You can stretch

I know right? Is this her mating dance move? Her yoga mating move? Her.."look at me" move? "I can stretch". Okay, great..want to go fuck? No?  Fine, please move then, you're blocking the bar.

That's It, Forget It!

government shutdown meme

The US government is shutdown and no one is partying? No one really gives a fuck? No one knows what it means?

Well, I actually don't even give a fuck. I'm too busy in my own little world. It seems suspicious to me though, like there could be another so-called terrorist attack and the government could be like, "we're shutdown, we couldn't do anything..SORRY!" (Which was sort of like the Capital Hill shooting thing).

They never do anything but start more wars anyway. We know what you do, you sneaky buggers. Apparently it shutdown in 2011 and in 1995, whatever.

Was this funny? No.

Anne Applebaum (bum) writes:

“The cost of shutting down the federal government for a few days or even a few weeks pales in comparison with the damage we are doing not only to the credibility of the United States aboard, but to the credibility of democracy itself.”

HA! That was funny. Credibility? Yeah, none.

Monday, September 30, 2013

No To Armpit Hair

Princeby Richard Avedon1983

Only Prince can rock armpit hair. No one else. No females. I actually had sex with a girl recently who has underarm hair. She said that it's too sensitive of an area for her to shave. Yeah, it kind of is, I do it though. I make a bloody mess sometimes. I don't do it often, just at least every now and then. Why wash unnecessary hair? Like, when I wash my dick when I have hair down there it's like, what a waste of so much soap. I like having a nice clean-shaven cock, it's great. And hairless armpits, much less of a smell to bare when you perspire. Well, in some cases.

I have tons of respect for transsexuals and male to females, at least they shave their body hair and try to be the utmost feminine. I guess that is also debatable, but what the fuck is wrong with being feminine? It's like a dirty word in these times we're in.

I may be sexist for saying this, I don't care, but I prefer women who shave their armpits and body hair. I enjoy it. Thank you to any girls who make the effort. Much love to you.

This is a playful attempt at mocking armpit hair. Well done.

 Armpit Hair Big

Lock arms (blocking something?) and so NO to armpit hair.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


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Yikes, this came to my attention by the young lass in this photo recently. This is the hottest thing right now, girls skateboarding on their period..or just having a vaginal blood expulsion in public places -- and enjoying it -- or something.

Just bringing THIS to other people's attention. I'm glad it is now on your radar of things to watch out for, or fun things to do.

Problem Sort-Of Solved

I guess this is the solution for shit smell. But, unlikely people would carry this around in their pocket for public use. Or in their fanny pack or their bag. Oh, I forgot my fucking...yeah. Whatever.

Friday, September 20, 2013


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Seaweed? No, She-Pee, I mean, She-Wee. C3PO?

This isn't new, it's pretty old now. Heard about it years ago, BUT I'VE NEVER ACTUALLY FUCKING SEEN IT. Looks like it could be made with a straw and a funnel. Wahoo grandma, I made you a public peeing device. Now, hurry up and use it and get back into the car! Go grab some tacos too, love tacos, and that's not a racist joke either.


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Stabbing pains in stomach after eating a fastfood cheeseburger.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Is That Your Dick Sucking Face?

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New giant rubber lips ‘will make you look younger’.

A new device, which looks like a large pair of rubber lips, has promised to make you look younger without the need for surgery – as long as you don’t mind looking like a fool while using it.

The Face Slimmer claims to solve the ‘timeless problem of how to give sagging facial skin and muscles a much-needed daily lift’.

The product from Japan needs to be placed on the mouth and the user then has to make vowel sounds for three minutes a day in order for it to work its magic.

It apparently works by placing extra weight on the facial muscles.

I guess sucking large bulbous dicks and making vowel sounds would also be good for keeping your lips young looking too.


"Not afraid to show my boobs on Okcupid."


"That time I met Elvis."


My friend met a girl off this site recently and he said that he banged the bajesus out of her. Good for you man. I had a date with a girl from this site and I canceled it. But she forgives me. I guess I'm saving intimacy for later.

This site has a rating system, which totally makes no fucking sense at all to me. You want to find your doppleganger, in personality? What ever happened to opposites attract? Apparenmtly not on this site.

Stat-whores welcome yourselves. You will be in love..with the rating system.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Want To Be The Blue Ranger

Bad way to find a date. But what a super guy.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Public Shit Smell

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I just wanted to say that you're all very beautiful beings. I know. Now that I got that out of the way, aren't humans disgusting pieces of shit? Like, I went to this club recently, to dance, I like to dance, and I needed to go to take a piss, so when I get in there the whole fucking washroom smells like shit, some asshole took a shit in there. Who goes to a club to take a shit? This is something that doesn't make sense to me. They don't serve food at a club, what did the guy eat, too many olives? He purposely had to shit probably before he left his house. Fucker. I should go over to his house and take a shit and he can go into the washroom when he has to pee and say, "someone came into my house and took a shit, now it smells like shit in here while I have to piss! " Good, it's payback motherfucker.

Here's another thing about shit, why do women act like they don't do it? It draws more attention to the subject if you pretend like you don't do it. You have an anus and I would bet money that you shit our of it. That twenty dollar meal I bought you doesn't just vanish inside of you while you're done eating it okay? There's an opposite side to this coin, some girls admit that they shit, and fart, might as well throw in farting while we're at it. Some girls admit that they shit, and they have to tell me about it. What have I done to deserve this? Well, I want girls to be honest about their shitting, but I literally don't want to hear about it. I guess this is a double standard of some kind. One of my exes - yeah, I have many - took a shit and I went into the washroom later and was like, hmm, did you shit? And I swear to god I made her cry. That was probably a bit, cruel. I guess shitting is personal. But, if only it was personal enough for people not to do it in dance clubs for fuck's sake.

This is a public announcement; PLEASE if you have to shit in public, at least try beforehand to shit before you leave your homes. Thank you.

I'm actually tired of smelling human shit every time I go out and have to use a public washroom. I have a public washroom fear I think, just of the smell of shit though. We can call it publictoiletshitsmellphobia, I think that works. I don't know.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gay Pride

obama kiss


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My hundredth post. Your welcome.

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I walked on that the other day. Walkin' on, walkin' on rainbows.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

No Thanks

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Ever feel lonely while you're on your fucking phone? Well, Hand It, grab a hand, and never feel like you're alone ever again.

I'd rather hold on to a taco phone.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


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From Answerbag:

"How can I remove the brown stains on my anus so that I can engage in anal sex without feeling like I'm grossing my partner out?"

That's quite the question.

And here's not a bad response from someone random:

"Just enjoy yourself and he'll probably love it and not even see the browny bits. Otherwise do it by candlelight."

Demented. Life is so fucking disgusting. Brown stained anuses...yeah, on girls. Mine's actually pink. One of my ex girlfriends used to tell me that, because of course I asked her. So why should I ever settle for some brown stained anus girl right? Right.

This is a topic I've been thinking about a lot lately. I have OCD, so I dwell on certain things - ruins my life. And then I have to tell people about it I guess. Girls farting, girls shitting..I don't know, I'm not even turned on by girls anymore. I'm so grossed out by humans. I'm not trying to be self righteous, I gross myself out constantly. But I do clean myself constantly, so. One of my female friends really stinks and expires quite quickly. She also wants to fuck me and I don't really give a fuck.

I'm afraid to notice her darkened anus. Maybe I should not fuck her doggy style. No wonder sex is mostly done in the dark.

I guess this is just superficial and I need to get over it, but what the fuck?

More from Answerbag:

"The skin around my anus is stained brown, HELP!"

I don't know, never shit again? Wash your damn anus after you shit (like I do). And let's be real not too many people would be into anal bleaching. But it might make a nice engagment present.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Give Me A Break Please


From Hugo Boss, Boss?

Don't get the frames with the triangle. Fuck the triangle, let the corners penetrate your anus. Pass that triangle, through your intestines. Boss.

And stop being so fucking obvious about your association with this whole triangle movement of the Illumantus, or Freemasonic order of symbols, or what they've coined as such anyway.

I bet you're thinking, "lay off the triangle man, what has it ever done to you?" They need to lay off the triangle.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Excuse Me Cat Meme

Grumpy Cat movie planned by Todd Garner

This is a sad, piece of shit cat. I wish people would get nice, loving cats, not get attached to shitty ones. Put all the shitty and droll cats next to a dumpster, wait, scratch that (like a cat, shut up), they do all hang out next to a dumpster.

I heard today that the ‘Grumpy Cat’ meme is becoming a Talking Animal Comedy Movie. As you dry your eyes.

Really? A comedy? Really?

"The cat’s actual name is Tardar Sauce (“Tard” for short), and her owners were swift to monetize her surprising popularity, posting videos of her on Youtube, signing an advertising deal with Purina to have Grumpy Cat™ appear in Friskies adverts, and setting up an online shop where visitors can buy T-shirts, mugs, magnets, calendars.."

Oh my god, this makes me fucking sick, I'm literally about to vomit. It could have been these peanuts I just ate and this glass of Soy Milk, but Jesus Christ, this is just -- I have to say no to this! NO!

Money grubbing WHORES!

Yeah, Garfield the movie I heard did great, so good luck you assholes.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Octopus Sex

 "It doesn't get more testosterone-serious than this!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The New Xbox Piece Of Shit Thing


Here's some random online comment about it:

"No one even mentioned the issues with having an "always on" Kinect 2.0, which is my biggest concern. I don't know about you guys, but I have a 6 year old that loves to wake up on Sat/Sun and play Skylanders in his underwear on his 360 (I'm 27 and still do this!!).

I did some research and a recent study done at Penn State shows that 4% of the population have pedophilic tendencies/urges. Microsoft has roughly 90,000 employees currently. Doing some basic math, statistically, 3600 of those employees are pedophiles. In other words, Microsoft has the given 3600 pedophiles the ability to watch my kid in his underwear whenever they want. The is FUCKED UP."

Yeah, yeah...YEAH. They also let pedophiles into North America to become citizens without any background checks!

So, having an always on microphone and camera on your TV, isn't that like owning an iPhone? Turn the bastard off and it still monitors you.

The future is spy-ware, Big Brother. Also, avoid those cookie monsters from websites, they track every effing site you go on, and collect all information they possibly can. Maybe if you're looking up child porn some coporation and/or government agency will hire you though, right? You'd be more likely to be hired if you have no morals at all.

If you're set out to corrupt and destroy, some company or government agency will hire you. Put that on your resume next time.

Monday, May 20, 2013

John Travolta: "Gay Jews Run Hollywood"


Actually gay/Zionist/bankster/corporate whores do.

Travolta apparently, "got where he is now due to sexual favors he had performed when he was in his ‘Welcome Back Kotter’ days; and that Hollywood is controlled by homosexual Jewish men who expect favors in return for sexual activity. (He said) he had done things in his past that would make most people throw up. When he started he wasn’t even gay and that the taste of ‘cum’ would make him gag. He was smart enough to learn to enjoy it, and when he began to make millions of dollars, that it all became worth it."

Well, once you can get passed the taste of cum you don't like then you're on your way to becoming the Next Big Thing.

And think of all the fun you could be having, “Come to the East Village’s hottest new night club, Hamburgers. There’s overweight black men preparing hamburgers, naked jockeys on trapeze, and blind Sherpas with Nerf bow guns..” - Stephon.

Meanwhile, John Travolta was BANNED from top New York hotel spa for 'inappropriate' behavior, claims masseur.

The masseur said he reminded Travolta that sexual acts in exchange for money were illegal, the actor’s rebuttal is stated as, "Come on dude, I’ll jerk you off!" The suit also describes Travolta’s genitalia as "roughly 8 inches in length" with pubic hair that was "wirey and unkempt."

HAHA. Man, 8 inches? Maybe he got a dick transplant, these people can buy anything remember. They are sell-outs to money, they have ways.


I don't know, I kind of like Travolta though, sure he sucks cock and apparently turned gay. I used to hate onions until I gave them more of a try, so there you go, same goes with being gay. Being gay is not evil, at all, being made gay..maybe. Probably I mean.

I get how all of these famous people are sell-out-fucks, but I'm happy to say that I will never sell out to materialism. It's not worth it. I think most things suck anyway, so why would I want more things? Plus integrity is a good thing. Having a soul that is your own is a great thing too.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Old Action Figure Memories

Cobra Commander1993 Black Inc1a

I stole this Cobra Commander back in oh, 92-93. I was proud of that. I stuck it to The Man. I stole him at K-Mart, of all places. He kind of looks like a techno-Clansman. And he kind of looks like he has a dick too. I always used to yank his legs out because they had this elastic strap thing in them, I think. Humph, he would ride my cat, because of his bendable legs. And his fate, probably shoved up a dog's ass, I don't know. I probably threw him out of my mom's car window, probably.

Cobra's a dick and he wants to take over the world, where have we heard this before? Practically every villain we know of. But he has the same exact ideas as the Illuminati do. In the cartoon he makes mind control slaves out of celebrities to mind control the masses. He even creates a signal in music and Television that makes people into brainwashed, mindless, consumer zombies.

Sounds like Cobra took over the world already, er, I mean the Illuminati.

Eying You


Well, that's fucking ironic. Since the Illuminati use the all-seeing eye as their trade-mark. Hilarious promotion. "Yeah, we provide privacy and security, we swear". Take anything any corporation, or anything the media has to say and reverse it, and that's usually closer to the truth. Take an ice cream cone and reverse it then eat it, that's how I usually eat it, you can suck it out that way. Slurp.

At least ice cream hasn't been corrupted, oh wait, Monsanto, fuck! I heard there was fucking human DNA in rice now, Jesus, what the fuck for? Stop it!

World - stop being an asshole. Or, Illuminati, quit being pricks, please?

Nothing is sacred.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Butt Smell

goat smelling butt

So I Googled: "when I masturbate my butt smells" and I got some interesting sites. (I keep telling myself to use a better search engine for fuck sakes, force of habit).

So, here's some random results:

Does it smell when men masturbate? - Yahoo! Answers

"I know its my word against theirs but..hear me out. Sometimes when I masturbate you can smell it. It smells like dick.."

Yeah, if your dick isn't clean. The smell of dick usually happens if it's not so clean. I prefer my dick to smell like Aloe Vera and Chamomile because it's the soap I use to wash it with after I pee. Yeah, it's a drag to wash your cock right after you pee always, but I have foreskin and I like to be clean. Of course when I'm out I don't do it. Though I have washed my dick at people's houses before and I think a few times in a public private bathroom.

Smell during sex -

"Anybody ever detect the smell of butt during sex or masturbation? Did it turn you on, gross you out, or embarrass you? Was it your butt or your partner's butt that you smelled?

By the way, I am not talking about farting here. I am talking about the sweaty/musky/faint-poo smell that comes from your butthole-especially after/during strenuous activity, such as working out, or sex.

My girlfriend and I get really turned on when we smell each others butts during sex or making out (as long as our butts are not too stinky or dirty-I think that would be gross). We think it helps make us closer and feel more comfortable with our bodies. It shows that we aren't too embarrassed to share anything with each other.

Also, sometimes, I like to finger my butt and smell my finger when I masturbate. If I take a big whiff right when I am about to cum, I have a really intense orgasm. It can get a little messy, but you just have to wash your hands good after.

Trust me, its cool."

I really can't trust you on this one, sorry. YUUUUUCCCKK. Jeeeeeesssus. "Faint-poo smell", I want to die.

I recall the butt smell when I'm behind a girl, fucking her doggy style -- it can get quite pungent back there -- I had the idea of usually putting my hand over their buttcrack to block their butthole from smelling too much. It's like a practice I used to have. God, don't fucking remind me. I don't think it was with every girl, so, yeah. Clean your asshole, please. I do.

I remember my ex-fiance having this kind of poopy smell when I was massaging her butt. I was TRYING to admire her butt, but..BUTT I couldn't. I told her it smelled like children's poop, so, not so bad smelling, just kiddy poop smell. Which is actually pretty awful, so it makes not a lot of sense, but it was a nice way of telling her it smelled, but just slightly smelled. I guess I can't put my head and nose up to my own anus and smell it, but I'm sure it would smell cleaner. Considering I wash it in the shower twice a day. And that's not the number of my shitting either, that varies.

Anyway, this has been a really disgusting post. Your welcome.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the reason why I searched that was my butt has this odd smell after I masturbate, every time. It's just this smell that's present, no need to be up-close and personal. It's kind of like a sweaty smell, but also a weird tinge of tang, or sweaty tangy. Not shit smell, just off-putting. Ugh. This reminds me of how my bed would get covered in sex smell when I would fuck in it, and other human mess. I want someone else to clean up all my sex mess, and masturbation mess.. and butt smell, because I'm tired of doing it.

Wash my butthole for me. Thanks, bye.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mining BuzzFeed.Com

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Hi, so this girl seen here is available, what I mean is, she's probably single. I know men go hog-wild for this type of thing, who wouldn't? At least we know she can sort-of fist her own mouth, that means if you have a pretty fat dick, a real girthy one, then she's the girl you need to fuck in the mouth. Her mouth. Respectfully.

And do people actually point and laugh? God, I find that more pathetic than slamming a hand inside of your mouth while dancing. At least comment about it in a dark corner somewhere.


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I guess this Asian man does everything with chopsticks. Hell, maybe he even masturbates with chopsticks. Probably. Either that or with tweezers.

The KKK is recruiting blacks.

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A photo says a thousand words, but this one clearly says: "Hey, let's have a couple of beers with this black lady, even though we want to burn her". Horrible. Also tongue and cheek because racism is a fucking joke and doesn't need to exist.

I only found two of these photos at Buzz Feed, this website with tons of useless, pop culture, cats, news, more cats and red haired girl's vagina looks like Carrot Top's head - stuff.

The last photo was from god-knows-where, I forgot. Not from.. Fuck, I won't plug that damn site again. It's pretty funny though, I guess. I mean, more waste of time, less human growth. But it's what society is interested in the most.


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Do you ever suffer from dry mouth? Well, stop fucking blow drying your mouth! Or teeth, apparently, is what it's tagged as.

Okay, look, I'm sorry, I know I've been a real dick to women, er girls I mean. Women, HA. I wouldn't mind being with an older female. Or maybe not, I don't know. Here's to the female race, they're useful for something..I guess.

Oh yeah, my ex girlfriend used to fucking YELL when she orgasmed, it made my neighbors upset, and I recall my landlord saying, "oh, that girl, your ex, yeah, I've heard her before".

So girls, here's to them, they don't care, they just want to be loud when they have orgasms. Plus they do whatever the fuck they want to.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Female Orgasm(s)

rby sex skin orgasm intro mdn

My own orgasms - WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? Girls just have better, more amazing, more - MORE orgasms than men. Mine seem not worth it in comparison. I find orgasming redundant now. What a fucking waste. They can vary in how good they feel, but it's generally always the same feeling. I was masturbating earlier, and it just sucked. Can I get a refund on my dick? And trade it in for a vagina? Even though I find them to be a bit disgusting. Sure, I'll eat one, but I have a large, unselective appetite anyway. I eat a lot because I'm unhappy and unsatisfied with life. That's obvious.

Lately, I really hate having a body and I hate other human bodies as well. They're just too creepy. I was correct as a child to not bother with others, and to be grossed out by girls and everyone. But later on in life I just couldn't help myself, you can't help yourself when you are peer-pressured into interacting with others, namely sexually. Fuck. I've had great sex before actually and I don't really care for it that much anymore, it's pretty done to me. I'd only ever tolerate another person intimately if I care about them. Sex is just too personal for me now. Or, so I think. Random blow-jobs are the exception for me probably, but I won't bother to smile while I get them. Back to vaginas, I saw this documentary called: The Perfect Vagina, it was quite disturbing, this girl had a massive labia she got removed. It showed the procedure and everything, yikes. An ex of mine had a huge labia, I'd stretch it out while pulling on it. It looked like a miniature dangling dick, or ball skin. Thank god she dumped me. I usually annoy girls until they dump me. Probably because they gross me out. I get unsettled easily. But I'm just going to be an adult now and tell them to fuck off. Yes, much more adult-like.

OI, I'm a strange case in this life, I just hope mine's over soon because I can't take any more of this. Put this man out of his misery. And when I look at the girl that I'm fucking until I make her cum, it's painful to watch because I could never feel that good, or lose that much control, when she's flailing and moaning, bah, so fuck them. Fuck all women - or don't fuck them I mean. Just forget them. They annoy the shit out of me anyway. If I found a girl with no ambition, who wasn't naive and hated everything modern like I do, then I'd fall in love again. But I won't pretend I like things for you.

I think I need to do a post about shemales soon I think, because I keep running into them wanting sex from me on the street. Fuck my life. I actually took a prostitute to dinner a little while back. I'm like, I don't want sex from you, but I'll buy you something to eat. Other than tube-steak. It was a burger, and she made me eat it with her. Just a typical boring night.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Alex Jones Piers Morgan Thing

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I really didn't want to talk about Alex Jones. I used to listen to this guy awhile ago, then I couldn't take anymore of his yelling and silliness, so I unsubscribed from his YouTube channel. Recently I've been following his Television appearance that he did on the Piers Morgan (English douchebag) Show. What a cunt Morgan is, but Alex totally walked into a trap. The producers of the show know that Alex is a loaded gun, a bomb just waiting to go off, so to speak, with his demeanor on his radio show. Like, the guy can't go five minutes without having a hissy fit. The guy fucking cried on air one time, what a little baby, fuck. Okay, America is going down the shitter, we need strong people here, not cry babies. Anyway, I liked the guy a long time ago, now I think he's pretty burnt out and played out, but now the mainstream media has his attention -- I guess they love burn-outs, Geraldo anyone? -- and all those people in dreamland, who are the average Television viewer are like, Alex Jones? Who is he? This guy is crazy! Sure, he's a fucking madman, and a loose canon, but it makes for great Television. They should have him back because I heard that CNN is having the worst ratings ever. Good.

Some guy on YouTube commented that it was like the Alternative Media exploded onto Television. That's awesome, I love that. I laughed out loud a few times during his long-winded tirade. It was like, fuck, this is so entertaining and cool, but it makes gun owners look bad, uh-oh. You can't get passed that fact. They used him as an example to make conspiracy theorists, and constitutionalists and patriots look like wack-jobs. Like, they're all insane and follow this man, which isn't true at all. That's all a psyop. Television is fucking mind control, pay attention to that. Now, Piers expressed his freedom of speech, the First Amendment, by what he's been saying about stricter gun control, yet he's a foreigner so he doesn't have freedom of speech in America, or freedom of influence. Neither do I, I guess, about America, but at least I have better intentions than Piers does. You can't take Americans' firearms away. If you let in to new gun control laws and give an inch to the government, then they will eventually take it all. We here in Canada have given in to new tax laws, with the promise of them going away after awhile, well guess what? They never fucking went away. Don't give an inch, don't be a sucker.

Yeah, Piers knows that England is a total police state, so is Canada. Everything we do is monitored, and there's police fucking everywhere. The American government is gearing up for civil unrest, it's obvious, the economy is so bad, there is no pole vaulting over that fiscal cliff, and they want the citizens disarmed in preparation of this. They know that American citizens are weary now and will get very angry fast. All of these shooting massacres, like Sandy Hook and shit are all miniature false-flags to get their new gun laws in. I don't even need to look into these things anymore, because I know they are bullshit. Anything spun by our news corporations is a load of BULLSHIT. That's like the word of the century right there. People want the facts, well, look at it this way, all of this is happening during the time period of them wanting stricter gun laws, wake the fuck up moron. Put two and two together. Garbage doesn't just fall out of the sky and there's a dump truck waiting to catch it. They, the government are creating the problems and they are there to pick up the mess. Or the mess is all on us and they have the solutions for it, and in this case you know what that is. No guns. What if someone mass murdered people with a slinky..would they ban slinkies? No, they'd probably ban guns anyway. But it was the slinky! "NO! It was a gun!" Okay, 2 + 2 = 5, I got it. And then they CG a gun over the slinky for the news to broadcast. See, gun, no slinky.

Ban violent movies, ban video games, ban things that have no value or purpose anymore. Guns still have purpose, to defend people against tyrannical regimes.

Too bad for us in Canada and the UK, we don't have any guns, we just sit and twiddle our fucking thumbs while on Facebook, and while being monitored by the cameras on our street corners. You know what? I never wanted to be on video camera, but I am daily now, imagine that.

I wish the best for American citizens who want to wake up, and to defend themselves against evil, I mean their government. I hope they don't fall for - the big fucking lie, that government is relevant and that we need it anymore, we don't. And that we need to watch fantasy things, like Television and the news, because we don't. Even though I did watch the Piers Fuck Face Show, but it was on YouTube, so whatever. Uh, I need to watch less YouTube I think.