So, comet Ison, I Anyway, it will cause a bit of debris to fall into earth, who cares. Nothing to worry about. There's been mainstream news hoopla and spin on it, and it'll probably amount to nothing like usual. They could even make up that it caused damage to satellites or whatever, but apparently they're protected against any type of space debris. And Ison has swung around the sun and it's gone supposedly. If alien piggy-backers were taking a ride on it maybe they are now closing in on invading earth, but probably not.
Google minus, uh, I mean plus, the Google + social network has creeped into YouTube now because nobody liked it before, and they wanted to have some sort of capital from it, this is how a business works. Also, if they want to turn YouTube into a police state with everything being censored and monitored and interconnected with itself, then it's their problem because they'll probably lose revenue.
In other news, Jesus still won't return any time soon, even in the form of a comet. In related news, the Catholic church misspelled Jesus on gold coins for the new pope Francis by spelling "Lesus" on them instead and they all were beheaded for it. (True story, except for the beheadings). And the earth is boring the shit out of me, so, like always I resort back into my meditation and my own space.
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