I really didn't want to talk about Alex Jones. I used to listen to this guy awhile ago, then I couldn't take anymore of his yelling and silliness, so I unsubscribed from his YouTube channel. Recently I've been following his Television appearance that he did on the Piers Morgan (English douchebag) Show. What a cunt Morgan is, but Alex totally walked into a trap. The producers of the show know that Alex is a loaded gun, a bomb just waiting to go off, so to speak, with his demeanor on his radio show. Like, the guy can't go five minutes without having a hissy fit. The guy fucking cried on air one time, what a little baby, fuck. Okay, America is going down the shitter, we need strong people here, not cry babies. Anyway, I liked the guy a long time ago, now I think he's pretty burnt out and played out, but now the mainstream media has his attention -- I guess they love burn-outs, Geraldo anyone? -- and all those people in dreamland, who are the average Television viewer are like, Alex Jones? Who is he? This guy is crazy! Sure, he's a fucking madman, and a loose canon, but it makes for great Television. They should have him back because I heard that CNN is having the worst ratings ever. Good.
Some guy on YouTube commented that it was like the Alternative Media exploded onto Television. That's awesome, I love that. I laughed out loud a few times during his long-winded tirade. It was like, fuck, this is so entertaining and cool, but it makes gun owners look bad, uh-oh. You can't get passed that fact. They used him as an example to make conspiracy theorists, and constitutionalists and patriots look like wack-jobs. Like, they're all insane and follow this man, which isn't true at all. That's all a psyop. Television is fucking mind control, pay attention to that. Now, Piers expressed his freedom of speech, the First Amendment, by what he's been saying about stricter gun control, yet he's a foreigner so he doesn't have freedom of speech in America, or freedom of influence. Neither do I, I guess, about America, but at least I have better intentions than Piers does. You can't take Americans' firearms away. If you let in to new gun control laws and give an inch to the government, then they will eventually take it all. We here in Canada have given in to new tax laws, with the promise of them going away after awhile, well guess what? They never fucking went away. Don't give an inch, don't be a sucker.
Yeah, Piers knows that England is a total police state, so is Canada. Everything we do is monitored, and there's police fucking everywhere. The American government is gearing up for civil unrest, it's obvious, the economy is so bad, there is no pole vaulting over that fiscal cliff, and they want the citizens disarmed in preparation of this. They know that American citizens are weary now and will get very angry fast. All of these shooting massacres, like Sandy Hook and shit are all miniature false-flags to get their new gun laws in. I don't even need to look into these things anymore, because I know they are bullshit. Anything spun by our news corporations is a load of BULLSHIT. That's like the word of the century right there. People want the facts, well, look at it this way, all of this is happening during the time period of them wanting stricter gun laws, wake the fuck up moron. Put two and two together. Garbage doesn't just fall out of the sky and there's a dump truck waiting to catch it. They, the government are creating the problems and they are there to pick up the mess. Or the mess is all on us and they have the solutions for it, and in this case you know what that is. No guns. What if someone mass murdered people with a slinky..would they ban slinkies? No, they'd probably ban guns anyway. But it was the slinky! "NO! It was a gun!" Okay, 2 + 2 = 5, I got it. And then they CG a gun over the slinky for the news to broadcast. See, gun, no slinky.
Ban violent movies, ban video games, ban things that have no value or purpose anymore. Guns still have purpose, to defend people against tyrannical regimes.
Too bad for us in Canada and the UK, we don't have any guns, we just sit and twiddle our fucking thumbs while on Facebook, and while being monitored by the cameras on our street corners. You know what? I never wanted to be on video camera, but I am daily now, imagine that.
I wish the best for American citizens who want to wake up, and to defend themselves against evil, I mean their government. I hope they don't fall for - the big fucking lie, that government is relevant and that we need it anymore, we don't. And that we need to watch fantasy things, like Television and the news, because we don't. Even though I did watch the Piers Fuck Face Show, but it was on YouTube, so whatever. Uh, I need to watch less YouTube I think.
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