Only Prince can rock armpit hair. No one else. No females. I actually had sex with a girl recently who has underarm hair. She said that it's too sensitive of an area for her to shave. Yeah, it kind of is, I do it though. I make a bloody mess sometimes. I don't do it often, just at least every now and then. Why wash unnecessary hair? Like, when I wash my dick when I have hair down there it's like, what a waste of so much soap. I like having a nice clean-shaven cock, it's great. And hairless armpits, much less of a smell to bare when you perspire. Well, in some cases.
I have tons of respect for transsexuals and male to females, at least they shave their body hair and try to be the utmost feminine. I guess that is also debatable, but what the fuck is wrong with being feminine? It's like a dirty word in these times we're in.
I may be sexist for saying this, I don't care, but I prefer women who shave their armpits and body hair. I enjoy it. Thank you to any girls who make the effort. Much love to you.
This is a playful attempt at mocking armpit hair. Well done.
Lock arms (blocking something?) and so NO to armpit hair.
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