Is it a fun life to be in films? To be around a bunch of other actors working on their accents, memorizing their lines so they can be a regurigitator? A bunch of liars trying to entertain idiots. Yeah, the life of an actor is..who cares. Actors are modern day Quart Jesters, so is anyone in the entertainment industry, such as music performers, and uh, Presidents. Performance artists is what they really are. Be it bad ones, sometimes an amusement though.
Movies are full of shit. They're disinfo. On occasion there's factual things put in, but generally watered down. It's a version of some truth, because nothing is original anyway, just a rip-off. Modern directors are terrible. It's like they're making movies for people who haven't seen them yet. They could literally cut and paste movies from the 80s and 90s and they'd be exactly the same, except ours now are dumber. Pathetic waste of time. Writing this is a waste of time. I hate cinematic scores that overpower a scene. Like, okay, shut up, we get that it's an action scene, or that something really big is happening. I have to turn the volume down. Here's an example -- wait a second, why did I watch this movie? I must be a retard, but that last Pirates of the Caribbean movie was dull, drab, and just annoying, and insulting bullshit. Truly drivel, just droll. Fucking just a real waste of time. Substance? Nah, there isn't any. The special effects sucked cock, worst than ever. A CGI snake looked like, I don't know, one from the Jungle Book cartoon. Pretty bad. The story -- predictable. The characters -- absolutely annoying, ridden with bad jokes. The movie -- a bad joke. Johnny Depp fucking sucked. The movie had the same basic formula as every movie you've ever seen. The moments of action, having the LOUD score, the romance, why romance? The romantic tension basically, crap, the same old..well, crap. Cheesy as ever. Boy and girl hate each other, boy and girl like each other later, then boy and girl have feud, then fuck off from each other. The interplay between Jack GaySparrow with the girl, I forget her stupid name, it was just fucking everything we've ever seen before, to the extent of insulting mentally handicapped people, to very young children, even though I give them more credit. It's not their fault they're lied to, and haven't seen enough of this entertainment repeating itself nonesense. But they learn fast, this strand of bullshit can't last forever.
Oh, so this Adam Sandler movie where he plays a female version of himself, the trailer itself will make you lose hope for humanity. I totally did. I felt that the lows Hollywood would sink to are never ending, and there's no return, we're sucked into this big-fucking-gaping-void. God help us.
Turn the shit off. Throw your TV in the trash. Stop going to see movies.
I saw the Rum Diaries a few months ago now, I enjoyed it, it was alright. But it was written fucking ages ago. I heard about how they froze semen from like the 60's or something, and thawed it out and impregnated a women with it a few years ago, giving birth to the worlds oldest child. Yeah, use that as a metaphor regarding movies. The germ, or in this case spunk of a good and original idea are decades old. Sorry folks, show's over. We're going to evolve today, and do different things with society. Instead of the old, tired and beyond passe. I can hear someone saying right now, hey, have you heard of this one movie? You'd probably really like it, it's not bad. Yeah, maybe one out of a few hundred million. And I'm concentrating newer movies here, so there's no confusion. And don't get me started on remakes. Society is just a remake, and rerun, so whatever.
There's an aspect to movies that really bothers me, the Masonic symbolism. It's in every movie. The lady in the red dress, symbolizing seduction, and the lure into bad things, dirty, bad things. Not necessary evil, but on the road to corruption, just as with Freemasonry. Other things that bother me that I know about are, the one eye exposed imagery, I call it, pretty much a motif by this point. It's usually the right eye exposed, and the left eye covered, or damaged, or buggered in some way. Sometimes it's the other way around, the significance to this I don't quite understand yet, but it has something to do with the Egyptian god Set and his fight with Horus, Set disfiguring his left eye. The right eye symbolizes god to my knowledge, the right side to things is holy, and good, but left is evil, supposedly to the occult world. Deciphering this completely will take further investigation, and speculation, but seeing it more than often, is very annoying because of it's relevance to the Illuminati. The eye of Horus, eye of Lucifer, etc. Same shit. The evil eye. So What else is there? Oh, checkered flooring, good and evil meaning, the merging of good and evil through transformation. Usually seen in kitchen scenes or pretty much everywhere in movies now days. And any owl imagery is because it's the mascot for the Illuminati, and the symbol for the Bohemian Grove club. I fucking hate owls, they are evil, just look at them. Seeing in the dark is the significance to using the owl for a statement and symbol. We're all blind because we're kept in the dark, and they see things in the dark like owls do. Plus they are said to shape shift, and demons shape shift, according to the Goetia, a magical text, a grimoire written by demons, supposedly, and king Solomon of ancient Babylon. The EYEluminati and the Freemagicans stem their mystery school teachings from Babylon and older.
In the movie Minority Report this drug dealer guy has no eyes, and he says: "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king." That spoke volumes to me, I'm like, mmm'hmm, yes, I get that. Bastards. Keep everyone ignorant, and it's easier for the few and the wicked to rule over them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I wish this was common knowledge already. I guess there's a lot of snake imagery, and reptilians in movies, demons, etc, just those Dinosaur men, who you know and love. Actually you don't, because that's what crazy people talk about isn't it? Reptilians, space gods, the knowledge bearers, like in THE Garden of Eden, the serpent with the knowledge, biblical, and mythical ties, and much older. Who really gives a shit? You're just trying to be entertained by a movie here. There's a lot more interesting topics they could talk about in movies, but that would mean exposing everything, the occult knowledge. Well, it would make a really good fucking movie I think. A friend of mine talked to this director, who made this crappy independent horror movie, with aliens in the addict or something. My friend didn't care much for seeing it, he requested after the director guy asked him, well, what would you think is a good idea for a movie then? He said that he thought if there was a movie that had an alien race taking the form of humans, V, in other words but being in places of power, Royalty, Religious and Political, the President is an alien for starters, even though they have to portray the President with a "nice guy" image and a benevolent one. Which is garbage, we all know that. So an entire race of aliens manipulating the masses, and working behind the cloak of human flesh, totally infiltrating everything on the planet. That would make a good movie plot, and it would be the closest to the truth if anything. Duh. But there needs to be more writers who have guts out there, and some vision.
Maybe in another ten of fifteen years, oh god. Society moves at such a slow pace.