Sunday, September 27, 2009

Useless Conversation

So what do you do?
I wrote a play.
What's it called?
"De-facto Love"
Did you really write a play?

So what do you do?
I'm a professional drunk.
Are you a reporter? Who cares.

So what's your name?
Jesus..Jesus Christ. Bond..James Bond.

Isn't life grand?
No, I retired from life.
So what do you do?
Sleep. Leave me alone.

What have you done?
A lot of things, but no one cared.
Do you have hope?
No, and it's great.

What do you want to do with your life?
My life is forfeit.

Do you have hope for a better world?
I have no hope. The next few years will be pretty bad for the world.
So you're a defeatist then?
Only with you.

What do you think is the meaning of life?
It was an accident.
So you're an asshole then?

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