Friday, November 18, 2016
Blunt Truth
Great interview. Take good things from it. Yeaaaahhh, she says Fuck a lot, but don't be too judge-mental if you can.
Breathe in, breathe out. Truly be in the moment by recognizing you're there. All the bullshit aside.
It's a static dream this reality, but we can change Us in it and how we perceive it. That's powerful.
lamestream media,
roseanne barr,
Friday, September 30, 2016
A Man And A Woman
Love one is love all. Think about that when you are with your significant other.
This song inspired me to make a new post. I know I don't do it often. I would like to, though I feel compelled to only speak to you when there is something worthwhile, or amusing to say.
The man singing, John Foxx, is one of my favorite musicians. He started early synthwave music with his band Ultravox, he fused electro with 70s rock music. You can hear how versed he is in musicology. He's just a genius to me and I have a major mancrush on him.
This song, done by The Maths, is just beautiful, it's fantasticzone. My former self would say that. I'm getting nostalgic over my past self, which wasn't that long ago, but you'll understand this soon. That our other-selves are merging right now. We're living in a very amazing time, despite what the media may portray.
I am very grateful for the people who read my blog. I know a lot of celebrities who do. I am aware.. and I know who you are. I have been somewhat of a muse in my dreams. My dreams of the last few years have been very interesting. I have made peace with many I have exposed, and all I want to express is love and the power of divine love. Unconditional love, to all who accept it. I'm not going to force my love. I will do my best to raise the vibration of this plane(t). Do what thou wilt, as long as you are not harming others. My redefined, restated (remixed) version for Joe public. I do my best, and if you're trying, to me this is all that matters. This is my law. As long as you are trying to be a good person, that is all that is important. And that you forgive yourself. If you continue to do ill upon others, then you are intolerable and can only be loved from a distance. Because gentle spirits need to protect themselves, but we still love you and please remember that!
I don't know if it's all the hits I have gotten to my head, but this made me start crying as I wrote it. I guess I'm a big softy now with age. (And I've been drinking a bit. And I'm losing my 32). What the fuck? We all need to get over things.
So, men and women, positive and negative. Alan Watts has said in his fantastic and exceptional spoken words, that women are negative, and others have said this too. I think that women need to activate their divinity, their divine feminine. The positive traits of the galactic mother, the queen of the stars, the true mother to us all, where all loves stems. She was cloned, this is the mother earth, she had a version which became negative, this was the problem. It's not earth women's fault to a degree, they need nurturing. Unlock the divine in us all. I don't care what you have done, who you are. Even some demons want to ascend. I have talked to people who have expressed this to me. Jesus is a great role model, he is not afraid, he doesn't judge (the Jesus I know). Anyway, Jesus is an example here. Like me, like you, we are mere thought-forms, we are cut pieces from the All. Thought is something that is cut from everything. We focus on certain things, instead of seeing the larger picture; the All. You need love to create, even demons were created from love, they needed to be nurtured, this requires focus and intent. If it was negative, it still needed a strand of positivity for it to grow. Negativity is meant to die. It won't last, it never lasts. Love has won. The turning away from love and the divine light is the darkness. In darkness we can also grow. This is a way for it to justify itself and its existence, the negative aspects of the darkness though, there are different forms. Complete freedom and darkness, or blackness - as a blank canvas of space to create - this is a positive take on it. (Things, not so black and white). I like the word beyond, this is meta, this is complex forms of thinking. Don't box yourself. Love is always on your side. No fear. The images, bad thought-forms, projections (mind control) that is forced upon you is breaking the law of free will. It does break that law, it's far too intrusive now. We need a major, major overhaul, which is a purging. Purge all your past and attachments (that would be hard for some) and negativity. (Again, hard for some, easier said than done. I don't really own much anymore though).
Love has won. We need to focus on unconditional love, I feel. (And no, I don't think women are evil. I think earth women can be pretty fucked up, pardon my bluntness, and men can be also). It's a clusterfuck. Was that meta me not putting that in brackets? Yeah, maybe.
Enjoy, embrace. I need to more. I mostly sit at home and read. So, this blog has been a beautiful expression of myself, in all it's complex forms. Yeahm.
Oh yeah, and for men, love your girlfriend or wife a lot. And women eventually will forgive you. Not to speak for women, since I'm a man, just speaking from experience.
(I'm always editing my posts, as people read them. Kind of funny, they're always changing, as people read them). Hi again.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Something For Dumb
Let's make up a new name for this instead of advertising it through it's copyrighted name, how about Fatsandwich? It's a hot dog penetrating a burger patty, and the bun is obviously compensating for size. They could have used a smaller wiener instead.
Get fat as fast as you can, they could call it. For desert, bacon donuts are suggested.
So, Pokemon Go. (Picture whitheld, why bother?)
This App tracks your whereabouts and collects all your information. Do you need any other explanation why not to use this Orwellian application? You can read the agreement.
So, not like people who walk around with their attention glued to their cellphones isn't annoying enough, now people are running around outside trying to spot imaginary things with them. Oh boy. What are we going to do with these people? They need more love, they need it bad.
These Apps and gizmos people play with usually don't give them much of an impetus to bother with them for very long. These things always lose traction. Here today and gone tomorrow. I think that society has been over dumbed-down, far to the point where people can't be told what to think, they just won't think now. Is this a problem for the control system? If so, then people won't be interested in their schemes for very long, since they aren't interested in anything for too long of a time. Is this good or bad for us? The system we live in that tries to control us is going to have a hard time trying to have order over people who just don't care. Sure they have their fear-mongering. But would a full fledged totalitarian system takeover in North America stick a gun into the face of a coach potato and say; "hand over your life!" What life? They'll probably think they're on a reality TV show. No one is going to buy this shit.
Trump as a funny and racist one is taking this "reality" seriously anymore. That's political theater for you. And yay to those just getting over this whirled. But I digress now.
My dad riding a cracker. Oh wait, that isn't my dad!
Why? - Why not? Let's have a good laugh at silly things once and awhile.
What else could I have talked about? Brexit? That wasn't dumb, I found it interesting, but I still think it's premature to party over it. It's just more world drama to rope people into, but ideally I'd like to think it was the power of the word No in action. Screw U EU. Something like that.
I don't live in Britain or Europe, I don't have much of an opinion about these affairs, just that people deserve their freedom and Independence. If they want it.
And hopefully people still know what those are.
Oh yeah, it was International Day of Peace yesterday, and boy do we need it every day. Peace for one day sounds totally fascist! One day isn't enough for things. But it's still better than two minutes of hate.
Quit your job.
pokemon go go away,
the occasional dumb,
Friday, July 1, 2016
An Important Question About Astrology

A person from the site Quora asks: "If astrology is true, then is free will an illusion? What aspects does astrology rule or what is exactly in our control? Why does astrology predict the way we feel about past/present/future or does it predict what is about to will have/would have been manifested in our lives?"
Response by Sunny Nathani: "Ha Ha This is the great question and a very valid one let me answer from my depth of understanding.
As we Know today and from thousands of years that everything begins with thought (this how Lord Rama got enlightenment when he heard Rishi Brighu explained how soul and minds works, this is great literature every body should read). Now according to law or mechanism of mind and soul every thought we held into mind with feelings, soul starts manifesting it initially at mental level then gradually into the physical world through you, others and nature. This is how universal mind or soul works.
So from start when we are born there is a battle to conquer ourselves or our mind. Planets will give you thoughts albeit disguised as reality what ever you see around you and feel is manifestation or multiplication of your own thoughts and feeling whether it's disease or environment or whatever is happening. Do you see now when we hold thought with feeling of love, faith and gratitude with intention of materializing it, it will happen. Similarly when bad feeling and thought overpower us those too get materialize when bad feeling has reached peak.
There is more once we win the battle that is we utilize free will and choose our own thought and hold onto it until it happens. You will see that your action to materialize will be perfectly according to your own nature (which comes due to planetary position at birth time and place). Like how Mahatma Gandhi chose nonviolence because 10th house was filled with rahu+moon, moon in 10th person will always be soft, emotional and peaceful no aggression and violence and rahu also gave inaction that is not harm others even if they harm us observe how inaction is turned into most powerful action just because he won battle of his own mind with love and faith. Until people and the outside world start believing it as all is and unaware that thoughts getting formed in our mind need feelings and expectations. Some thoughts are so deep in our subconscious mind that we will be unaware of it until they manifest and they only manifested at right planetary movement.
So our free will lies in choosing thoughts and feelings and holding onto it until they are materialized.
I loved your question because same had been in my mind many months ago."
If anyone has been curious, this post is for you. Please manifest wisely and for positive results if you can.
I find that the identity given to you by your star sign is preprogrammed, and branching out and attaining an expanded identity is crucial to your growth as a spiritual being. Most people I've read on such subjects tell you to overcome ego-self and personality. I think these are gifts and we should practice good ego and keep expanding on our own uniqueness, it was a gift after all. There's this urge to merge with a collective consciousness in spirituality. We are one already, we have been and always, however we have the choice to be independent.
free will,
universal mind
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thought Revised

The power of thought, thought into action - dreams /or contemplation, carried out into manifestation /or materialization. You've heard people say, "does it matter?" If it doesn't matter, to our five senses, then it does not exist..but it does exist, just in another dimension; the thought realm.
The Power of Thought is a series of books by Vladimir Megre. (Not to be mistaken with that book The Secret, to me this is more logical and practical). To paraphrase from it and to use my own words, everything that has been created physically starts with the energy of thought. Thoughts are things. I was taught that at an early age.
In lucid dreams the dreamer knows this is true. But it's a projection. Is it so that things created in this life (or other dreamworld) are projections by people? And this is a shared dreaming experience? And who was the first dreamer? And why have we mostly occupied their mind? This would explain our lack of total creation power. Bending the world to one's own will shouldn't be the objective though. In metaphysics and in fourth way teachings you learn that it's better to go with the flow of nature, that way you can maintain harmony with the universe. And you learn to use your power wisely*.
To me, a very important exert from Vladimir Megre's book series:
"Thought is capable of foreseeing any kind of accident. In thought there are no unforeseen situations. Yet all sorts of accidents and irregularities do happen. Why? Because of haste in turning the project into material reality; not allowing it to be sufficiently thought through."
An inadequately developed thought in other words, or thoughtlessness as he explains in the series. The energy we live in (cellphone radiation, food poison, MSM static) can cause a major brain-stew, and thoughtlessness is a regular occurrence.
"The power of the energy of thought has no equal in the Universe: everything we see, including ourselves, is created by the energy of thought". - Vladimir Megre
This would mean that most things we know of are thought-forms, including ourselves. We have to own our identity and freedom. Be a law unto yourself, we have the creative energy of thought, the most powerful energy in the universe.
"It is not enough just to know that this is so. One must become consciously aware of this phenomenon - one must feel it.
How completely we are able to become aware of it, to feel and understand it, determines the degree to which the secrets of this vast Universe of ours unfold before us, the degree to which we perceive how its wonders - or, more precisely; its natural phenomena - work.
It is only the conscious awareness and acceptance of the energy of thought that will allow us to make our lives and the lives of our loved ones truly happy. And yet it is precisely a happy life that is predestined for Man on the Earth". - Vladimir Megre
Sounds good to me.
The next quote will explain why most mainstream and online media spin doctors seem to have the duty of regurgitating, and taking part in the managing of anything negative they can filch out into the public consciousness, to attempt to push positive thought away:
"It began to dawn on me in 2002 that the Doom & Gloom scenarios that we were all being bombarded with on the internet and over Coast to Coast radio etc. were INTENTIONAL psyops designed to keep us in a state of anxiety-ridden fear, constantly darkening our thoughts with concerns about the foreboding future that we are led to believe is just over the horizon. You only awaken to these things slowly. It doesn't happen overnight. And of course, you don't know you are being brainwashed at the time you are being brainwashed. No one does. It's only later, when you look back, that it's obvious we are being played". - Ken from Educate Yourself (The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought).
This could be the reason for all of that New World Order and the Illuminati propaganda. I also knew that, if I was to try to educate others about it, at least add in a solution.
My main solution; Tune out. Ignore the Machine. Find your peace of mind. Dream and create. Plunge into your mental space. Take a trip inside, you can go anywhere you want. Follow your heart.
Don Juan said: "Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart?
If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it".
Give it a thought.
Monday, May 2, 2016
What The F Happened?
"About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.
Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptilian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.
I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.
These people have been NEUTRALIZED". -Ingmor.
Or neutered. Ya know, it takes big balls to ask big questions. But if some truthers want to fixate on Earth being flat, then that's probably damaging to the more important messages they have get across to others, so I can agree with it being of less importance. However, it is of great importance to get to the truth about where we live, it being a planet or a plane, so I'm on the fence about it. I wouldn't ever consider myself a Flat-Earther, more like a globe skeptic. More like just a skeptic. It's fine to be on the fence about things, it's safer not to finalize your thoughts on any conspiracy or theory, unless it's kind of a clear-cut thing in your mind. If you have the proper discernment, then nobody should influence your opinions.
Let's talk about the Truth Movement shall we? Something majorly happened that I need to address. Yes, it is the derailment of the Truth Movement, and it does concern just what the fuck happened. It's like, the 9/11 Truth Movement, the Occupy Movement, the Anti-Monsanto Movement, that Zeitgeist self-professed Movement, the followers of David Icke, and the InfoWars/Alex Jones was right (about things) - er, Movement - all just kind of fizzled away before creating some major change. It just turned into schlock entertainment, concerning Alex Jones I mean. I have to comment on him supporting Trump for a few seconds here. Trump could be (probably is) a Trojan horse. Think about it this way, if Alex Jones and co support him, it could turn out to be a bait and switch, and the big names in alternative media are in on that. Talk about a grueling and slow honey-potting. But if Americans think; forget voting because they're all liars and full of BS, then what? It sure determines whether or not people can use their critical thinking and discernment properly. Voting does matter, despite what others have said. It does and it doesn't in a way, but if people demanded more then they'd get more, that's how it works. A constantly demanding and questioning society would make for a better one in these times! Go to FRANCE. They get tons of shit for complaining. Ugh, North America, facepalm.
That's really it, just complain. People and these "Movements" give up too easily, scare, possibly too easily. Obviously get infiltrated too easily. Diffuse too easily, would be a way to put it. They begin like a floating balloon, soaring high and higher, then it's draining of air and it's like, well, fuck-whatever. WRONG ATTITUDE MAN.
People are born to follow aren't they? That's the programming, that's the mind-control. Societal conditioning is what I call it. Barf, brain-barf is what it is.
"Let me see you make decisions, without your Television".
I'm quoting Depeche Mode here, amazing lyrics that band has produced for years.
You don't even have to get off your ass to complain, you can write an email, a letter, call someone. I know, there's a lot of waiting. That's the point! It's to break your spirit. The system is flawed to make you give up. It's broken son, wails out a huge moan.
Back to the topic of the truther smear campaign going on. The reason why they're being "nudged" into different directions is because they've been on to something. Notably that NASA lies. Most publicly known things they do are bullshit, so getting people to talk about the flat Earth instead of share their evidence of their lies is definitely a big part in this. It doesn't matter if the Earth is flat, if some reptiles are bipedal, and people channel aliens and galactic space ships, basically there is proof of doctored images from them and proof on files. This is evidence. A lot of the time there is no raw evidence for most of these, fringe conspiracies, that's why they are conspiracies. The other reason for this smear campaign by Intelligences is to try to end more freedom of speech, obviously they are attacking free speech online. Being an internaut and traveling through the vastness of cyberspace with all the knowledge it contains is what is being threatened here.
This psyop to discredit legitimate conspiracy theorists by manipulating them go into lalaland, is because society is driven by self-image and credibility so much that any individual is easily discarded of if they get targeted by these brats on TV. Their opinion matters to people apparently, and since the public consciousness has ADD they won't even look into what the person had said the minute after they get told they're a liar or some baseless attack was formed and deployed by these aggressive personalities on TV. It's a shame. But don't let yourself buy into it. And if you have something to say, say it loud and tell the truth, give your facts, there's people who care. Mainstream TV has no patience or place for the truth, it was created as a propaganda machine. The counter-propaganda machine is the internet, and this is dying. Or, or it seems like it is. New forms of media need to be created. Think about it this way, the evilarchy aren't creative. Creative people can change the world, and it's us and not them. Tie a little message to a bird to carry your message along, if you have one.
No sole person is responsible for changing the Earth. I believe we are here to change ourselves, or rediscover ourselves anew. We're here to look at who we are, forgive ourselves, empower ourselves, and know when to be humble, and when to be strong and be noticed. Not a display of ego or narcissism, like most of these so-called alternative media figures.
To all truthers and conspiracy fanatics out there, please research narcissistic personality disorder. Then you will know who is a steaming pile and who is worthy of your attention. Don't get caught up in Them.
You are strong.
You are a beautiful and divine spirit.
Your message to everyone can be heard.
Your focus and energy cause an impact.
Monday, March 14, 2016
B Movie Trailer Reviews (Bring Back The Funny)
So, I want to review really bad movie/miniseries trailers, like those Hallmark ones, they're so amusingly bad.
Up first, 'Supernova'.
After the trailer, you're probably thinking about all those natural disaster movies that came out in the 2000s. What were they thinking? Oh, I know what they were thinking, they wanted to cash-in on all that world ending hysteria and paranoia, paranoia-porn. It seems like everyone likes to watch a car-wreck, or something they don't have to take responsibility for, so they would enjoy a balls-to-the-walls disaster movie. I don't, because I care about human life. So, when little CGI men get blown up, or thrown here and there, I still maintain empathy and compassion for them, even though they're just pixels..or dolls, or pillows. I don't know.
I actually fell asleep during this trailer, but I think Tea Carrere is in it, the chick from Wayne's World 2, excellent! Never saw her in anything else. I heard she was in a TV show called Relic Raider or something, never saw it. Why would I? When it comes to ancient history type of drama/action shows, they might as well play them in schools, since the information is probably as accurate as what they teach anyway. Dinosaurs built the pyramids, sure, sounds about right. Anyway, back to this thing, I bet Peter Fonda regrets being in this, he looks really good for his age and it's a pity he doesn't make any larger movies. Whatever that means nowadays, I guess just bigger budget, or bigger distribution. Ya know what? Forget it, he's more interesting not making mainstream movies. Anyone would be.
I guess the premiss of the movie is....uh...hmm, the sun is going supernova and it's going to fry Earth or something..and they are going to stop this? I don't know. I kept focusing on the font they used for the titles and how basic it looked, and it really pulled me out of it. It ruined the appeal of 'Supernova' to me, so much! It just made me, of course not. Seeing Peter Fonda made me somewhat interested actually, but all the other actors, the fillers, were not that impressive. At first I was thinking, with this trailer, people see the title 'Supernova' and they may ponder, "is that an asteroid or something?" Someone else chimes in, "no, it's a comet, idiot!" Okay, so it's a star exploding. To people reading this, I don't mean to undermine your intelligence, I merely meant your parents.
So, most casual viewers would fast-forward to the mayhem anyway. And then lose interest because the special effects sucked. Playing badminton would be better than this movie.
1/2 Exploding Star rating for this trailer. The half of the star goes to Fonda, not Luke Perry, or the other person.
Next is 'Lies and Illusions'. Ain't it the truth?
This trailer's just, really-really silly. Christian Bale's just bailing at acting here. I mean, Christian Slater. I love the guy, but he just kind of adds nothing to this bad movie. There's this scene where he's been shot and he's like, SPOILER "ahhh, this hurts so much, owwwe". Pretty awful/brilliant actually. Not awfully brilliant, just so..yeah, you know what I mean. Cuba Gooding Jr.'s in it, but you'll probably not realize it's him because his acting has gone down the shitter.
I actually watched this movie expecting it to be silly, and it wasn't as much as I'd like, it was too dramatic and just boring. The trailer is the best part. Love the announcer, "Lies-and-Illusions". Everything's an illusion. The truth, is it arbitrary? Hmm. The movie title really makes you think, not the movie though.
Still love Slater and his Slaterisms, and his overacting, totally unneeded. And thinking about him in a relationship in this movie just doesn't seem appropriate for children. Rated R. Because Slater does not mince words. Give the guy a better role! He's in Corey Feldman territory now. Why do really unpopular actors bother acting? Did they not invest their money? Why humiliate yourself? Play positive roles for younger people out there at least.
The shittiest thing is when an actor who once did profound and inspiring roles turns into an actor who plays completely immoral and scumbaggy roles.
I'm speaking to you Sir Ben Kingsley. You played Gandhi for crying out loud, now you play like the sleaziest roles. Acting range? Hardly.
Okay. Onto something else, 'Jules Verne's Mysterious Island'. Another Hallmark one. Bound to be amazing.
Speaking of someone who looks like Ben Kingsley, Patrick Stewart. I love this guy, he's the king of memes. If you haven't see one of them then..
That facepalm, seriously, we've had enough of it now. But it's the nicest possible way to show your disappointment in someone...without being a total jerkoff.
Anyway, him in a bathtub, as a lobster, classic.
Duh. Did this need a description? Sorry, how redundant.
On to the movie! Well, it's a two parter, it's uh, it's a miniseries. Some of the special effects are actually pretty good. I'm not even done watching the full experience of it's excellence, but how about I review just the trailer, which I'm going to watch right now. Okay. One sec. Hahaha. That fake looking corpse of a pirate...and the girl screaming...oh man. Already got my attention. I think the set design is really good. Love what's his face, what's his face? Uh. Everything's big. Nemo builds an atomic bomb, oh man, the atomic age and all of that, uhhahhhhhh. Gabrielle Anwar, who the eff is that? Omar Gooding, Cuba Gooding Jr.s brother right? Is that racist? He could be white and I'd say that. Is this trailer over yet? PIRATES! Women running, always like to see that. Keeping fit. Romance, then, a bit of a morality lesson going on there, sex without love equals violence. Nemo speaking of god, do not believe a word he says. Oh, it's over now.
So, that was me watching that trailer and commenting on it as I watched it, in case you didn't realize that already. Scene by scene. I can hear you yawning. Shrugs.
What the eff is his name? Uh, I think it even said it in the trailer maybe. It's like MacDonald or something. I need to find out. One sec again. Kyle MacLachlan! There we go. He's awesome. He looks great too, so does Pat Stewart. And the sets, they look good. So, SPOILERS this girl gets grabbed by a giant crow and it looks so..bahhd. But it has charm, in being bad. Some effects look better than others and I don't even like CGI. I guess they had a board meeting, which went something like this, "some effects, more of the budget will be spent on, others...not so much". So it's a total mixed bag. I think the giant scorpion looks pretty rad.
Oh, it was directed by Russel Mulcahy now. (No idea who that is).
I watched an interview with Kyle MacLachlan about his role in this movie, which isn't on YouTube. He's pretty serious about the movie and it's like, ah shucks, who are you fooling? It's cute and it made me giggle. Can't post it though. Also, the Patrick Stewart interview is pretty good, because he's so cavalier. He knows the movie is a piece of shit.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
The Duality Game
Good and evil, black and white, left and right, two dimensional thinking. This is limiting to some. This duality mindset is what has kept humanity from consciously evolving.
The sad part is that the "good" side portrayed by the mainstream media kill and go about things in an incorrect way, this is the fake good force. The false light is a major distraction and that phrase is mostly directed at so-called spiritual groups who manipulate others' beliefs and try to get them to invest energy in fighting an opposing side to some spiritual battle, or taking sides to a futile war basically. There may be one, but it will always be for your energy. Higher good, higher love and higher learning in one's development brings you back to your natural state of being. So fighting makes no sense at all.
War, this has to be done away with to help the human race live gracefully and without hate, greed and disharmony. On the other hand, the controlling, manipulative force wants to do away with war eventually as well as religion for purposes that don't serve humanity, just themselves. This planet is under bad management and it's up to the people to take it back and move it in a proper direction. I tear up thinking about how people in this world could be so much more loving and good than they are, since this seems like a far-fetched idea.
For us who are tired of waiting for positive change to occur on this planet, we've all probably grown weary of this place and resort to our meditation and living in the moment, since the universe lives in the moment, so why shouldn't we? We live in a free-will zone and strange things can happen in a free-will zone, but mostly the controllers of this planet want to keep people thinking on basic one and two dimensional terms.
Love those who are confused, the backwards and twisted morally, or just twisted and have no morals and love those who are weak and poor and who know no better because of ignorance, though they have love and are needing to share their love with others. Love them all, good or bad and everything in between, up close if they are friendly, but from a distance if they are not. Ask yourself, what does my heart and intuition tell me to do? What does my higher mind ask of me? Can you communicate change to others? Can you talk to your higher self? Maybe relay to people who dwell in lower energy that they will be okay and supported if they embrace positive change. Would you tear up while reading this because the thought of a world of peace and embracing love and giving others your love and higher energy would be a beautiful and important thing?
I love all of you. Not to sound New Agey, since that's another deception, but I hope we can higher our vibrations this new year. Not by living in the future-tense, but by accepting the moment as everything and the divine presence of higher love as the utmost importance and to not be trapped in dualist thinking by not focusing all of our energy on the life-game, the illusionary world shown on TV which lies and pits good and bad up against each other to hijack our minds and our energy. While the good portrayed on-screen are actually bad and it's mostly degrees of bad shown, it's just a distraction and they refuse to show the true good and what the bad force actually is.
You know what goodness is when you read other beings' energy. The same goes with the bad. If you have trouble doing this, try to higher your vibration by being at peace somewhere at least once a day, you can do this in your mind by focusing on the love you are receiving. Breathing in love and breathing out love is the way of nature.
Don't lack dimensions to your thinking. Stay or become a creative and loving individual and nurture it in others. ♡♡♡
Music to raise your vibes.
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