Let's make up a new name for this instead of advertising it through it's copyrighted name, how about Fatsandwich? It's a hot dog penetrating a burger patty, and the bun is obviously compensating for size. They could have used a smaller wiener instead.
Get fat as fast as you can, they could call it. For desert, bacon donuts are suggested.
So, Pokemon Go. (Picture whitheld, why bother?)
This App tracks your whereabouts and collects all your information. Do you need any other explanation why not to use this Orwellian application? You can read the agreement.
So, not like people who walk around with their attention glued to their cellphones isn't annoying enough, now people are running around outside trying to spot imaginary things with them. Oh boy. What are we going to do with these people? They need more love, they need it bad.
These Apps and gizmos people play with usually don't give them much of an impetus to bother with them for very long. These things always lose traction. Here today and gone tomorrow. I think that society has been over dumbed-down, far to the point where people can't be told what to think, they just won't think now. Is this a problem for the control system? If so, then people won't be interested in their schemes for very long, since they aren't interested in anything for too long of a time. Is this good or bad for us? The system we live in that tries to control us is going to have a hard time trying to have order over people who just don't care. Sure they have their fear-mongering. But would a full fledged totalitarian system takeover in North America stick a gun into the face of a coach potato and say; "hand over your life!" What life? They'll probably think they're on a reality TV show. No one is going to buy this shit.
Trump as a funny and racist president...no one is taking this "reality" seriously anymore. That's political theater for you. And yay to those just getting over this whirled. But I digress now.
My dad riding a cracker. Oh wait, that isn't my dad!
Why? - Why not? Let's have a good laugh at silly things once and awhile.
What else could I have talked about? Brexit? That wasn't dumb, I found it interesting, but I still think it's premature to party over it. It's just more world drama to rope people into, but ideally I'd like to think it was the power of the word No in action. Screw U EU. Something like that.
I don't live in Britain or Europe, I don't have much of an opinion about these affairs, just that people deserve their freedom and Independence. If they want it.
And hopefully people still know what those are.
Oh yeah, it was International Day of Peace yesterday, and boy do we need it every day. Peace for one day sounds totally fascist! One day isn't enough for things. But it's still better than two minutes of hate.
Quit your job.
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