A person from the site Quora asks: "If astrology is true, then is free will an illusion? What aspects does astrology rule or what is exactly in our control? Why does astrology predict the way we feel about past/present/future or does it predict what is about to will have/would have been manifested in our lives?"
Response by Sunny Nathani: "Ha Ha This is the great question and a very valid one let me answer from my depth of understanding.
As we Know today and from thousands of years that everything begins with thought (this how Lord Rama got enlightenment when he heard Rishi Brighu explained how soul and minds works, this is great literature every body should read). Now according to law or mechanism of mind and soul every thought we held into mind with feelings, soul starts manifesting it initially at mental level then gradually into the physical world through you, others and nature. This is how universal mind or soul works.
So from start when we are born there is a battle to conquer ourselves or our mind. Planets will give you thoughts albeit disguised as reality what ever you see around you and feel is manifestation or multiplication of your own thoughts and feeling whether it's disease or environment or whatever is happening. Do you see now when we hold thought with feeling of love, faith and gratitude with intention of materializing it, it will happen. Similarly when bad feeling and thought overpower us those too get materialize when bad feeling has reached peak.
There is more once we win the battle that is we utilize free will and choose our own thought and hold onto it until it happens. You will see that your action to materialize will be perfectly according to your own nature (which comes due to planetary position at birth time and place). Like how Mahatma Gandhi chose nonviolence because 10th house was filled with rahu+moon, moon in 10th person will always be soft, emotional and peaceful no aggression and violence and rahu also gave inaction that is not harm others even if they harm us observe how inaction is turned into most powerful action just because he won battle of his own mind with love and faith. Until people and the outside world start believing it as all is and unaware that thoughts getting formed in our mind need feelings and expectations. Some thoughts are so deep in our subconscious mind that we will be unaware of it until they manifest and they only manifested at right planetary movement.
So our free will lies in choosing thoughts and feelings and holding onto it until they are materialized.
I loved your question because same had been in my mind many months ago."
If anyone has been curious, this post is for you. Please manifest wisely and for positive results if you can.
I find that the identity given to you by your star sign is preprogrammed, and branching out and attaining an expanded identity is crucial to your growth as a spiritual being. Most people I've read on such subjects tell you to overcome ego-self and personality. I think these are gifts and we should practice good ego and keep expanding on our own uniqueness, it was a gift after all. There's this urge to merge with a collective consciousness in spirituality. We are one already, we have been and always, however we have the choice to be independent.
Thank you Sunny Nathani, for your wonderful answer to this question. I think you just confirmed my feeling that ones natal chart is not a predestination, but rather a set of potentials that we can create or avoid according to our thoughts and actions.