"About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.
Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptilian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.
I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.
These people have been NEUTRALIZED". -Ingmor.
Or neutered. Ya know, it takes big balls to ask big questions. But if some truthers want to fixate on Earth being flat, then that's probably damaging to the more important messages they have get across to others, so I can agree with it being of less importance. However, it is of great importance to get to the truth about where we live, it being a planet or a plane, so I'm on the fence about it. I wouldn't ever consider myself a Flat-Earther, more like a globe skeptic. More like just a skeptic. It's fine to be on the fence about things, it's safer not to finalize your thoughts on any conspiracy or theory, unless it's kind of a clear-cut thing in your mind. If you have the proper discernment, then nobody should influence your opinions.
Let's talk about the Truth Movement shall we? Something majorly happened that I need to address. Yes, it is the derailment of the Truth Movement, and it does concern just what the fuck happened. It's like, the 9/11 Truth Movement, the Occupy Movement, the Anti-Monsanto Movement, that Zeitgeist self-professed Movement, the followers of David Icke, and the InfoWars/Alex Jones was right (about things) - er, Movement - all just kind of fizzled away before creating some major change. It just turned into schlock entertainment, concerning Alex Jones I mean. I have to comment on him supporting Trump for a few seconds here. Trump could be (probably is) a Trojan horse. Think about it this way, if Alex Jones and co support him, it could turn out to be a bait and switch, and the big names in alternative media are in on that. Talk about a grueling and slow honey-potting. But if Americans think; forget voting because they're all liars and full of BS, then what? It sure determines whether or not people can use their critical thinking and discernment properly. Voting does matter, despite what others have said. It does and it doesn't in a way, but if people demanded more then they'd get more, that's how it works. A constantly demanding and questioning society would make for a better one in these times! Go to FRANCE. They get tons of shit for complaining. Ugh, North America, facepalm.
That's really it, just complain. People and these "Movements" give up too easily, scare, possibly too easily. Obviously get infiltrated too easily. Diffuse too easily, would be a way to put it. They begin like a floating balloon, soaring high and higher, then it's draining of air and it's like, well, fuck-whatever. WRONG ATTITUDE MAN.
People are born to follow aren't they? That's the programming, that's the mind-control. Societal conditioning is what I call it. Barf, brain-barf is what it is.
"Let me see you make decisions, without your Television".
I'm quoting Depeche Mode here, amazing lyrics that band has produced for years.
You don't even have to get off your ass to complain, you can write an email, a letter, call someone. I know, there's a lot of waiting. That's the point! It's to break your spirit. The system is flawed to make you give up. It's broken son, wails out a huge moan.
Back to the topic of the truther smear campaign going on. The reason why they're being "nudged" into different directions is because they've been on to something. Notably that NASA lies. Most publicly known things they do are bullshit, so getting people to talk about the flat Earth instead of share their evidence of their lies is definitely a big part in this. It doesn't matter if the Earth is flat, if some reptiles are bipedal, and people channel aliens and galactic space ships, basically there is proof of doctored images from them and proof on files. This is evidence. A lot of the time there is no raw evidence for most of these, fringe conspiracies, that's why they are conspiracies. The other reason for this smear campaign by Intelligences is to try to end more freedom of speech, obviously they are attacking free speech online. Being an internaut and traveling through the vastness of cyberspace with all the knowledge it contains is what is being threatened here.
This psyop to discredit legitimate conspiracy theorists by manipulating them go into lalaland, is because society is driven by self-image and credibility so much that any individual is easily discarded of if they get targeted by these brats on TV. Their opinion matters to people apparently, and since the public consciousness has ADD they won't even look into what the person had said the minute after they get told they're a liar or some baseless attack was formed and deployed by these aggressive personalities on TV. It's a shame. But don't let yourself buy into it. And if you have something to say, say it loud and tell the truth, give your facts, there's people who care. Mainstream TV has no patience or place for the truth, it was created as a propaganda machine. The counter-propaganda machine is the internet, and this is dying. Or, or it seems like it is. New forms of media need to be created. Think about it this way, the evilarchy aren't creative. Creative people can change the world, and it's us and not them. Tie a little message to a bird to carry your message along, if you have one.
No sole person is responsible for changing the Earth. I believe we are here to change ourselves, or rediscover ourselves anew. We're here to look at who we are, forgive ourselves, empower ourselves, and know when to be humble, and when to be strong and be noticed. Not a display of ego or narcissism, like most of these so-called alternative media figures.
To all truthers and conspiracy fanatics out there, please research narcissistic personality disorder. Then you will know who is a steaming pile and who is worthy of your attention. Don't get caught up in Them.
You are strong.
You are a beautiful and divine spirit.
Your message to everyone can be heard.
Your focus and energy cause an impact.
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