Friday, June 11, 2010

Let's Talk About Aliens


So a Close Encounter is witnessing a UFO I think, second is..I don't know what the fuck it is. But we all know the Third Kind is contact with an alien, and the Fourth Kind is being abducted by an alien, according to a movie I saw. So what is the Fifth Kind? Eating a taco with an alien? No, wait, that would be an illegal alien, but he'd probably shank you, and steal your wallet. At least actual aliens are kind enough to bring you home after, and tuck you into bed. That must mean they're benevolent, because malevolent ones would eat you I'm sure. Considering human meat is similar to cow's meat, and the domestic pig, it'd be logical that aliens would eat us, because we eat that shit. It's no wonder Jews don't eat swine, because I've said already that it's practically cannibalistic.

Apparently our skin is the same as pigs, sick. But I usually chew off a dead piece of my skin on my finger and eat it, so it's not bad. Same with drinking blood, it's right close to home, but who cares? Blood drinking is done all over the world. In China they do it openly, it's kind of fucked up, but they do eat snake penis. I didn't even know snakes had a penis, they are a penis! Anyway, I saw them fry them up on the Food Network one time. Plus they had human penis that was donated. Donated, how in the hell? How in their right mind can they show this on TV? Either TV has gotten better, or it has immensely degraded to the point that they'll put any-fucking-thing on there.

Like all those UFO specials they had on in the 90's. I must have watched a dozen of those, and it was all the same stuff about Roswell, and Area 51. Who the fuck cares about that shit? I watched this documentary called Hanger 18, and apparently there's tons of recorded and eye witness incidents of UFOs falling from the sky -- and crashing into hillbillies who are fucking their sheep, or cows -- again with the cows. Needless to say, UFOs have crashed quite a bit in the past aside from Roswell. And they all have a place where they keep them in, with the wreckage, and it's called Hanger 18. Wow, I know you're as amazed as I am. So, not surprising anyone would give a shit. I empathize with the viewer being a skeptic, I do, I'm an advocater for critical thinking, even though I do believe in aliens.

Like, in an infinite universe with us being the only species aside from animals, and other creatures to apparently evolve out of nothing -- well, by a single cell, where ever the fuck it came from (going by science here) -- by discounting other planets in our galaxy, the Milky Way primarily, and it containing planets capable of sustaining life, some anyway, as well as billions of other galaxies with planets most likely capable of sustaining life, but there isn't as many planets like Earth as you'd think, though apparently we're the only one able to have beings like us, evolved, I don't know, out of a pile of mud on the ground with the answer for life sprinkled on it, produced by a nearby fallen comet carrying the first cell somehow, because how the fuck did it get there? It's the chicken, or the egg kind of scenario. The rock obviously came from a nearby planet with beings already on it. Wait, what the fuck was I talking about? Oh, the science theory is flawed, it would have to incorporate aliens in it for it to work, alien cells anyway, one at least. Fuck, a martian sneezed on an asteroid, and a cell from it's germs froze on an ice crystal, and it came flaming, and sailing down to Earth, and melted and formed life, yay.

Otherwise, in conclusion, it is absolutely fucking stupid stating that we are the only race of beings in the entire universe. There is no real solid facts on either side, any brought forward that would merit a definitive answer.

However I did get a rim-job by a Reptilian humanoid alien last night, and it was fucking fabulous. Its tongue was so long.

Aliens exist! So get over it already, because you probably won't be in line to buy my book, "I Sucked An Alien's Giant Cock And Lived To Tell About It" it's already a bestseller on Venus, translated into alien language of course. Uranus is too easy of a joke, so shut up. Plus springs on Venus are breathtaking. But there's too many fucking Reptilians on that planet.

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