I don't know if any of you have heard of BUTT magazine -- a male magazine -- a gay magazine. It's one of my favorites. I can submit a photo of me and my naked butt and become one of their known "buttheads" I may just do that.
There's this great article recently about Denham Fouts, a well known prostitute and an influential hustler of the 1930's. This dude obviously sucked his way to the top, he fucked princes and kings, royally, I guess. He was referred to as "the most expensive male prostitute in the world." What a brat.
This is an interesting quote about him,
"…if Fouts had slept with Hitler, as Hitler wished, he could have saved the world from the Second World War…" - Ned Rorem recounting a quote by Truman Capote in George Plimpton’s Truman Capote.
Hitler was gay, duh. Have you ever seen the footage of him gingerly combing back his perfect hair with his fingers? Have you? And his solute, not the Heil, the other thing he did, come on, so gay. I wouldn't let him fuck me though. Hell no.
Well, back to BUTT magazine. Butt Butt Butt. I'm not a homosexual or anything, butt I just love this magazine full of naked men. Scantily clad, or in the buff, some riding bicycles like the photo above, some shaven (at least) and some rockin' some awesome hairdos, and other dos..and maybe don't. I would glance through it in American Apparel. Yeah, that store isn't really for me but (butt) I just go in there to ask them for the latest copy of BUTT magazine. It's the only good thing about that fucking store. You should see the girl behind the counter's face when I say, "I just came for BUTTS, is the new one in yet? This is my magazine, BUTT magazine. I find it smutty and revealing, and disgusting and funny.
Butt. Fuck, I'm retiring that word from my vocabulary for now. ASS.