The power of thought, thought into action - dreams /or contemplation, carried out into manifestation /or materialization. You've heard people say, "does it matter?" If it doesn't matter, to our five senses, then it does not exist..but it does exist, just in another dimension; the thought realm.
The Power of Thought is a series of books by Vladimir Megre. (Not to be mistaken with that book The Secret, to me this is more logical and practical). To paraphrase from it and to use my own words, everything that has been created physically starts with the energy of thought. Thoughts are things. I was taught that at an early age.
In lucid dreams the dreamer knows this is true. But it's a projection. Is it so that things created in this life (or other dreamworld) are projections by people? And this is a shared dreaming experience? And who was the first dreamer? And why have we mostly occupied their mind? This would explain our lack of total creation power. Bending the world to one's own will shouldn't be the objective though. In metaphysics and in fourth way teachings you learn that it's better to go with the flow of nature, that way you can maintain harmony with the universe. And you learn to use your power wisely*.
To me, a very important exert from Vladimir Megre's book series:
"Thought is capable of foreseeing any kind of accident. In thought there are no unforeseen situations. Yet all sorts of accidents and irregularities do happen. Why? Because of haste in turning the project into material reality; not allowing it to be sufficiently thought through."
An inadequately developed thought in other words, or thoughtlessness as he explains in the series. The energy we live in (cellphone radiation, food poison, MSM static) can cause a major brain-stew, and thoughtlessness is a regular occurrence.
"The power of the energy of thought has no equal in the Universe: everything we see, including ourselves, is created by the energy of thought". - Vladimir Megre
This would mean that most things we know of are thought-forms, including ourselves. We have to own our identity and freedom. Be a law unto yourself, we have the creative energy of thought, the most powerful energy in the universe.
"It is not enough just to know that this is so. One must become consciously aware of this phenomenon - one must feel it.
How completely we are able to become aware of it, to feel and understand it, determines the degree to which the secrets of this vast Universe of ours unfold before us, the degree to which we perceive how its wonders - or, more precisely; its natural phenomena - work.
It is only the conscious awareness and acceptance of the energy of thought that will allow us to make our lives and the lives of our loved ones truly happy. And yet it is precisely a happy life that is predestined for Man on the Earth". - Vladimir Megre
Sounds good to me.
The next quote will explain why most mainstream and online media spin doctors seem to have the duty of regurgitating, and taking part in the managing of anything negative they can filch out into the public consciousness, to attempt to push positive thought away:
"It began to dawn on me in 2002 that the Doom & Gloom scenarios that we were all being bombarded with on the internet and over Coast to Coast radio etc. were INTENTIONAL psyops designed to keep us in a state of anxiety-ridden fear, constantly darkening our thoughts with concerns about the foreboding future that we are led to believe is just over the horizon. You only awaken to these things slowly. It doesn't happen overnight. And of course, you don't know you are being brainwashed at the time you are being brainwashed. No one does. It's only later, when you look back, that it's obvious we are being played". - Ken from Educate Yourself (The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought).
This could be the reason for all of that New World Order and the Illuminati propaganda. I also knew that, if I was to try to educate others about it, at least add in a solution.
My main solution; Tune out. Ignore the Machine. Find your peace of mind. Dream and create. Plunge into your mental space. Take a trip inside, you can go anywhere you want. Follow your heart.
Don Juan said: "Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart?
If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it".
Give it a thought.