My own orgasms - WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? Girls just have better, more amazing, more - MORE orgasms than men. Mine seem not worth it in comparison. I find orgasming redundant now. What a fucking waste. They can vary in how good they feel, but it's generally always the same feeling. I was masturbating earlier, and it just sucked. Can I get a refund on my dick? And trade it in for a vagina? Even though I find them to be a bit disgusting. Sure, I'll eat one, but I have a large, unselective appetite anyway. I eat a lot because I'm unhappy and unsatisfied with life. That's obvious.
Lately, I really hate having a body and I hate other human bodies as well. They're just too creepy. I was correct as a child to not bother with others, and to be grossed out by girls and everyone. But later on in life I just couldn't help myself, you can't help yourself when you are peer-pressured into interacting with others, namely sexually. Fuck. I've had great sex before actually and I don't really care for it that much anymore, it's pretty done to me. I'd only ever tolerate another person intimately if I care about them. Sex is just too personal for me now. Or, so I think. Random blow-jobs are the exception for me probably, but I won't bother to smile while I get them. Back to vaginas, I saw this documentary called: The Perfect Vagina, it was quite disturbing, this girl had a massive labia she got removed. It showed the procedure and everything, yikes. An ex of mine had a huge labia, I'd stretch it out while pulling on it. It looked like a miniature dangling dick, or ball skin. Thank god she dumped me. I usually annoy girls until they dump me. Probably because they gross me out. I get unsettled easily. But I'm just going to be an adult now and tell them to fuck off. Yes, much more adult-like.
OI, I'm a strange case in this life, I just hope mine's over soon because I can't take any more of this. Put this man out of his misery. And when I look at the girl that I'm fucking until I make her cum, it's painful to watch because I could never feel that good, or lose that much control, when she's flailing and moaning, bah, so fuck them. Fuck all women - or don't fuck them I mean. Just forget them. They annoy the shit out of me anyway. If I found a girl with no ambition, who wasn't naive and hated everything modern like I do, then I'd fall in love again. But I won't pretend I like things for you.
I think I need to do a post about shemales soon I think, because I keep running into them wanting sex from me on the street. Fuck my life. I actually took a prostitute to dinner a little while back. I'm like, I don't want sex from you, but I'll buy you something to eat. Other than tube-steak. It was a burger, and she made me eat it with her. Just a typical boring night.