I do believe something may happen at the London Olympics, near the end, or something in the world will occur around then that will reek of suspicion.
There's all this built up tension by the media and the alternative media sources. Could be a red herring, but the great work that Rik Clay has done with his blog years ago was a massive sign of something to come. Rik Clay exposed the London Olympics 2012 logo as secretly spelling the word Zion, which others also had pointed out. Zion being significant to the Illuminati secret society network, for their New World Order, the New Jerusalem. The fact of the mascots of the Olympics being one-eye, fuck off, it's truly rubbing the Illuminati's involvement in our faces. Yeah, the all-seeing eye being a major clue to inform you of their complete dominance over this event, which is an occult event started by Adolf Hitler, being the Olympics, the worship of the sun and light and fire of Lucifer, also the fire that Prometheus stole from god, the creation spark, a-fuck-you to god in other words. A-fuck-you to god? Does that really matter? Uh, think of it as a-fuck-you to good, and caring all together. Caring for humanity and not their own selfish interests. They couldn't care less about us.
So I wouldn't be surprised if something happens, like a bombing, possibly nuclear and a biochemical weapon being unleashed on London. Big Ben being destroyed is another rumor. Who the fuck really knows? But the world could stop it all, yet most people with insight into the occult nature of everything about this specific Olympics event are just sitting and waiting in anticipation for it, for some sort of redemption against the naysayers and to no on who will listen. This will be the 30th Olympic games, and Prince William being thirty years old, some sort of christening into the Illuminati higher ranks or maybe as the antichrist or whatever may occur during some ceremonial event. Followed by something blowing up maybe. People love their explosions don't they? Oh, hide the prince, get him safe. Is the prince okay? Everybody, pay attention to the prince, as bodies are piling up all over the place. But, is the prince okay? Ya know? What would we do without royalty? We'd be very happy, because they wouldn't have their choke-hold on the entire planet and it's land and resources, yeah, cool. Harmony.
Recently I found out how Guy Fox, the person who's face is the infamous mask from the movie V for Vendetta and used by the Anonymous group was a Jesuit, (big surprise) who was a part of a plan by the Vatican to assassinate the royal family and have the Pope and Vatican control all of Europe. Sure, so threats to the world are from everywhere. I would consider the Jesuit Order to be the Old World Order, and the New World Order being that of the Anglo, British fucks, who aren't even British, they're actually German bloodline, the queen and royal family. Not the Windsor family, but the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Creepy sounding name, for a bunch of creeps. For a bunch of reptiles? I don't know, who cares? They just suck. Eat the rich and wealthy. They didn't earn any of it anyway, it's all passed down through their inbred families. Why isn't this common knowledge?
If the Jesuit Order want to take over the world again (completely rule the world I mean) and the royal family/American Illuminati families/European banking cartels want to take it over also, it sounds like a lot of infighting. But by now I'm sure they've resolved a few things and declare parts of the world as theirs and they've divided most of it up. Yet, I'm still certain that the Jesuit Order want to murder them all, and have it all for themselves, just a feeling I have considering how much wealth they've amassed throughout history and how fucking evil they are, if you actually know the truth about them child fuckers. I wish they could all just go into space and fuck off, and leave us alone. They could bring a bunch of children with them, maybe, I don't know, just spare some of us already. The royal family and other wealthy families of the world could go to one planet, and the Jesuits can go to another, there, solved. Oh, I'm disregarding the Zionist Jews, but if all evil would fuck right off, that would be nice. Why is Earth so damn important? There's other planets a lot like Earth I'm sure, so get the fuck out. Bring all of your alien buddies with you also. Aliens, demons, whatever, I don't even care what they are anymore, and I won't fall for some alien invasion, or some planned encounter. Since that's also what is predicted to happen at the London Olympics. "Look to the skies" is what is being said on the Television. What? For a giant falling dick in our face? Sounds likely. Mock the human race, laugh at us, play tricks on us, but you are the ones who kept us in the dark. Our potential to be greater than this evilarchy controlling the planet is a total risk factor to them. Do they even have a sense of humor? They're too busy keeping track of their wealth and assets all day long, number whores. That sounds like a shit-fucking life, and they always have to address their superiors. Losers.
They can kill as many people as they want for exposing them, like Rik Clay who got suicided (meaning he was murdered and they said he killed himself) for exposing the London Olympics as being the perfect stage for another false-flag/phony, terror event and also possibly a fake messiah/alien invasion thing. His discovery of the streets and roads near the Olympic stadium containing biblical and Masonic references is by no means coincidence, and the location being on leylines, you have to understand how anal retentive the Freemason/Illuminati are. Especially about dates. It's the 30th Olympics, which is XXX, the XXX games. X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666, so Olympic games 666. And the dumb pyramid lights over the stadium, that look pretty awful actually, have lights atop the pyramids resembling all-seeing eyes, it's just a regular Illuminati-fest. Bring your eye of Ra necklace and your pentagrams, and bring your sacrificial victim - you. And let's all have a gay old time. The worship of sports is buying into the caste system, and the "I'm better and more superior than you are" mentality, when every person aside from the powers that be are expendable. Oh, you won a medal? Who gives a shit, we're all right-fucked if we don't stop this ruling oligarchy.
R.I.P Rik Clay and his book can be found here - http://www.scribd.com/doc/6078610/London-Zion-2012-Book
Update: Two people died, and a fire broke out. No aliens, no explosions. But it's good to expose the Illuminati whenever possible. The closing ceremony was a disgusting display of flogging and worshiping of the occult and black magick. These slave-dancers erected their triangle and were in awe and laid down before it. Fuck you, you pieces of scum worshipers! They don't even know any better, it's their choreography they had to learn. Pons.