Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do You Goog-le?


I love Google, I search "dad" and I find this,

"My dad saved me, and I killed him" - from the LA Times.

"I killed my dad. I didn't blow him away with a gun. Instead, I let him die. I pulled a kitchen chair up next to him and watched him struggle to breathe on the floor. The skin on his face turned a reddish-purple. His neck took on a bluish tint. Both his hands clutched tightly at his chest. And suddenly, the white in his eyes became spider-web etched, in blood-red lines."


"Why did I do it? It's complicated. I loved the son of a bitch more than anything on the planet."

Anyway, it just goes into a sob story after that. Google's great, too bad they're tracking everyone. Thanks bastards.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The "Bob" Haircut


Doesn't your mom have a "Bob" haircut?

Apparently that hairstyle is favored by prostitutes, I never knew that until now. According to this website I read, and word of mouth it is. My ex-girlfriend had that haircut one time. I requested her hair being shorter. Now that I think about it, I unknowingly asked her for a whore haircut. Whore-hair, I thought that was usually when you got cum in it.

My usual sex fetish is pretending the girl I'm fucking is a slut, a very common fantasy for most men. Nothing unique at all about that, but it usually turns out that they are. Even the most quiet ones, especially them. Even sexually awkward women can be slutty at some point in their lives. Those are the types I'm really trying to avoid though. I've had a handful of girls who were awkward in bed, it's frustrating, and then I piss them off by getting upset. I'm ready to go, let's do this, ah fuck it, I'm just going to go masturbate in the washroom, you can go to sleep now. Girls always fall asleep on me. I've been told I was comfortable, but I don't see how. I'm awfully skinny which makes me a little boney, no pun intended. Sex used to be this giant schmorgesborg for me, a fiesta, now it's kind of lame. It's going to pick up, I keep telling myself. I know how to have really good sex, so I'm not going to blame myself.

This one girl I know won't have sex with me unless I'm sober. Hey, well, maybe that's a good thing, because I can forget I even had sex. It must have happened during one of my blackouts. Though how the hell did I do it? I sometimes wonder that. It's amazing, I've had some good encounters with women but I hardly remember them. I'm reminded of the movie Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind because I've erased certain memories, probably some good ones but the bad ones outweigh the rest. I've found my savior, my grace, and it's short term memory loss. And it's obvious I like it.

Thinking back, I actualy had a "Bob" haircut one time. I wonder what that says about me. I uh, let this guy fuck me one time, after he picked me up at a club. But I wouldn't let him cum on me, or my sheets. I guess it was kind of mean. I don't know how this relates at to the haircut.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Like Beer


I've devoted an entire post to beer. Ha. It's my soft kill drug of choice. When I say "soft kill" I mean like how the government adds fluoride to your tap water to kill your immune system gradually, and how preservatives and other chemicals are put in our food to do the exact same thing. And booze will destroy my liver, but at least I do that on purpose. It's nice to know just whose killing me, and it's me, hey-hey.

Beer's great, it's never really done me wrong. I blackout from hard liquor now, so I'm off that. I'd have to have a babysitter with me, girlfriends are good substitutes for that. Too bad I'm not going to have one for awhile, they just end up being my drinking buddy, or were they always? And why do I get concerned about them when they drink too much? I guess I'm a hypocrit. Anyway, I've probably broken up with them because of beer, and how I wanted to persue drinking more to not think. Please, I hope.

I really love beer from the tap, and if it's really fresh. Drinking longer than a month old beer is fucking gross, it taste burnt I find, and well, like shit. I used to work in a bar, so fresh beer gives me a boner.

You know those big titted blonde chicks you see in ads or commercials, and like how they're holding two pitchers of beer in their hands, and they're wearing super tight t-shirts, and making the whole drinking motif all sexual? Yeah, that, uh, I find that really annoying. Sexy is fine, but just give me the beer, and go away, I am talking philosophy with my friend. I don't know why, but getting fucked up sometimes makes me existential, I guess mainly my existentialst crisis peeks out, and slaps me in the face, but lucky for me I'm all numb and I can handle it. What's life? What's going on with mine? Eh, let's just have another beer. Maybe a lot more. I wish being hungover was fun, I get very creative when I'm hungover, I'm so clear of mind, and able to asert my thoughts properly even though I feel like ass. The last time I was really hungover I spent most of the day in the shower, I think because I was too weak to get out of it. I find most of my drinking friends past out in their homes, on their couch, or on the floor, and I find it really cute. But seeing a girl whose an alcoholic is kind of lame, and depressing to me, I guess that's how I look to women though. But I think I rock that shit.

Without further ado, uh, my favorite type of beer is probably pale ale, althought I am a fan of lager, preferably honey lager. And can beer is fine, but I haven't found my favorite yet. I'm not into Budweiser, it gives me a headache, but I was really into Corna beer in the summer of 08. But now I think it tastes like fucking skunk cabbage, and smells like it. Here, smell my beer, does it smell disgusting? Okay, I'm not insane.

It Really Moves (Is it Human?)


What's worse than seeing your ex at the grocery store? Being strungout from cocain when you see her, and you have an anxiety attack, and quickly hide in some random aisle, which is ironically full of stuffed animals, and heart shaped candy and choclates, and you're just waiting it out patiently until the coast is clear.

H-o-l-y shit. I always get this anxiety in the pit of my stomach whenever I see my ex-girlriends around. Luckily I'm moving to a new city, and I won't have to deal with that anymore. Well, until I break a few heart there I mean. Fuck, fuck, I need a kick to my head. I can't handle women. I went out to a club the other night, and I was kneeling down talking to this girl, who for some reason kept burping in her throat, and she kept apologizing for it. Meanwhile this guy was hand feeding her noodles out of a tupperware dish, and I'm just kneeling there with this declining interest in her. Luckily they throw on some obscure song I love by The Sisters of Mercy, and me and my buddies run out to the dancefloor, and ditch these people we were hanging around, who happen to leave right after we left them.

I have the worst of luck with people. Strange people, sometimes interesting, sometimes good looking, but always timid and insecure. And when I think about having sex with them it doesn't really do it for me. That night at the club, which was close to empty, I felt lost and a bit self destructive, so I impusively chucked a glass on the floor in the bathroom, and when it shattered I grabbed a piece of the glass and started cutting up my arm. But beer was on special tonight, so I have no reason to be unhappy. I get this gratification when at least I've gone out, and I've talked to a new person, even though I'm only going to give them a minimal effort, which is usually more than they can offer in return. -- Whatever.

Who believes in love? I believe in love, but maybe not in the hands of another person.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Occult Musicians

Okay, before I start, the exposure of one eye only is regarding God, the God of the occult world though, don't be fooled. Higher and higher up the ladder, or pyramid you go in Freemasonry, you understand that all the Gods of this world are all condensed into one, and what they call him is Jahbulon.

Oh God, here's a photo of someone I don't even want on my blog.


Bono's always been a douchebag, but now he's a royal douchebag. It's official, because he was knighted.

Eye of Horus.


This is a band I really like, nothing is sacred I guess. And John King, the singer is giving the word up to the Illuminati.

The Bavarian Illuminati have infiltrated the Freemason lodges quite some time ago so it's pretty much the same thing. The goal of the Illuminati is world dominace, but the higher 33 degree Masons just want to worship Lucifer and be left alone.


Here's Lady GaGa, again. She's a total trash bag whore. What a prostitute.

Speaking of prostitutes.


Madonna, blatant Illuminati slogan on her jacket. Whatever. Side note, about Madonna, being a Kabbalist, the Kabbalah is a book of black magic, using sacred geometry and numbers. It's one of the oldest practices on Earth.

Here's David Bowie drawing the Kabbalah.




On his album "Earthling" there's two tirangles on his jacket, one on top inverted, and one upright which is a metaphor of "As above, so below' this is seen all over the place. And it's the British flag, but whatever. That can't be related to anything can it?

Three of a kind.


I made this comparison photo, with Lady GaGa inserted. The first image is George Washington, 33 degree Freemason. Washington DC has a star chart in the layout of the city. Eygpt has a star chart in it's layout of the pyramids. The importance of the stars, and astrology to the occult should be clear by this point.

The image of Baphomet, the goat headed character, was a pagan deity worshipped by the Knights Templar, and revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism.

There's nothing evil about astrology, but mixed with the Kabbalah and black magic it's tools used by the occult, and exploited a lot in mainstream entertainment, and is hidden in plain sight, but if you don't know how to look you won't see it. There's a lot more musicians now who use pyramid hand gestures, like hiphop artists, notably Jay Z and Kanye West, as well as Rihanna, whose a major occult puppet, who has Baphomet of all things in one of her music videos.

As the song plays, it just goes on and on for the occult world.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Artists Selling Out Humanity


My favorite musical artist is the biggest sell-out, so what right? And no, it's not Lady GaGa. But fuck all you serfs, who bend over and take it for a buck, who want to extend yourself higher than everyone else. Maybe it's to get the girl -- fuck, who cares -- the worst part is you'll keep quiet about your opinions and dissent. You'll keep your mouth shut, and your views to yourself, away from the dark, and demented (and cruel) entertainment industry. Totally-totally eat shit if you can't speak your mind about what you believe in, because it'll ruin your career. Take a chance, or be a spineless and useless human being. You contribute to the problem, you services it. You're worthless to me.

Well then, the fact is we don't need any more entertainers, we really don't. We have enough now. People need to wake the fuck up, and focus on what is important. Example: Exposing the lies, and manipulation by these corporations, and getting angry at the political powers who let them overtake us. The corporate run media wants to control our decision making, and how we live our lives, what we eat, who we should fuck, etc. And most commonly what we watch and listen to. It's very broad, and there's an agenda here.

All these new artists have the same imagery, they close one eye, and expose the all seeing one. Give me a Goddamn break. I know what you're up to, and it isn't anything new at all. Imagery such as an eye, pyramids, checkered flooring, one armed raised, one arm lowered "as above, so below" a statement used in Freemasonry and in any exploitation of the occult, even though "occult" means hidden. Not so much here.

If you have eyes to see, then look, or quit closing them. Every single movie has occult imagery. You may be asking me here, is there any specific artist or movie? They all fucking have it! You can start with the most popular though. If you want to break it down, the wealthy elite upper classes laugh at you, and expose their ruling over you heavily through entertainment. They rub your face in it, actually. And I'm kind of tired of seeing it as a matter of fact. Some of it is blatant, and the rest of it is the use of symbolism that can be seen everywhere. Finding out what it means, the occult, the hidden, is enlightening. Maybe illuminating? Yes, it empowers your mind. Here's a few questions to you ask yourself: What are more examples of this imagery? Where is it from? What does it all mean? Go find out for yourself. It's really easy to do. With the advent of the Internet, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to expand their own knowledge of things.

Here's a secret though, everything that you know is backwards. These people who hold all the cards are rebellious to the system, (which the backbone is supposed to be freedom) they want to destroy it, they want all way of life to be controlled, and at their finger tips.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - Aleister Crowley. Occult founder of Ordo Templi Orientis. One of many secret societies.

They want to skip nature, they want the unnatural to outweigh universal laws. They use witchcraft, it's really just science. It's tapping into 'dark matter' dark matter cannot be seen, but can be made visible through sorcery. There's a lot more going on than we can see, and we can't see shit, when we can't even see passed our TV's. Fuck humanity. It would take total destruction for people to understand. To get out from their flamming houses and say, "what is going on?' Unfortunately this is bound to occur.

But get your kicks will you can, and money isn't everything, surely not worth selling yourself for.

Check back for my next post where I expose some of these bastards.