Saturday, January 9, 2010

Artists Selling Out Humanity


My favorite musical artist is the biggest sell-out, so what right? And no, it's not Lady GaGa. But fuck all you serfs, who bend over and take it for a buck, who want to extend yourself higher than everyone else. Maybe it's to get the girl -- fuck, who cares -- the worst part is you'll keep quiet about your opinions and dissent. You'll keep your mouth shut, and your views to yourself, away from the dark, and demented (and cruel) entertainment industry. Totally-totally eat shit if you can't speak your mind about what you believe in, because it'll ruin your career. Take a chance, or be a spineless and useless human being. You contribute to the problem, you services it. You're worthless to me.

Well then, the fact is we don't need any more entertainers, we really don't. We have enough now. People need to wake the fuck up, and focus on what is important. Example: Exposing the lies, and manipulation by these corporations, and getting angry at the political powers who let them overtake us. The corporate run media wants to control our decision making, and how we live our lives, what we eat, who we should fuck, etc. And most commonly what we watch and listen to. It's very broad, and there's an agenda here.

All these new artists have the same imagery, they close one eye, and expose the all seeing one. Give me a Goddamn break. I know what you're up to, and it isn't anything new at all. Imagery such as an eye, pyramids, checkered flooring, one armed raised, one arm lowered "as above, so below" a statement used in Freemasonry and in any exploitation of the occult, even though "occult" means hidden. Not so much here.

If you have eyes to see, then look, or quit closing them. Every single movie has occult imagery. You may be asking me here, is there any specific artist or movie? They all fucking have it! You can start with the most popular though. If you want to break it down, the wealthy elite upper classes laugh at you, and expose their ruling over you heavily through entertainment. They rub your face in it, actually. And I'm kind of tired of seeing it as a matter of fact. Some of it is blatant, and the rest of it is the use of symbolism that can be seen everywhere. Finding out what it means, the occult, the hidden, is enlightening. Maybe illuminating? Yes, it empowers your mind. Here's a few questions to you ask yourself: What are more examples of this imagery? Where is it from? What does it all mean? Go find out for yourself. It's really easy to do. With the advent of the Internet, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to expand their own knowledge of things.

Here's a secret though, everything that you know is backwards. These people who hold all the cards are rebellious to the system, (which the backbone is supposed to be freedom) they want to destroy it, they want all way of life to be controlled, and at their finger tips.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - Aleister Crowley. Occult founder of Ordo Templi Orientis. One of many secret societies.

They want to skip nature, they want the unnatural to outweigh universal laws. They use witchcraft, it's really just science. It's tapping into 'dark matter' dark matter cannot be seen, but can be made visible through sorcery. There's a lot more going on than we can see, and we can't see shit, when we can't even see passed our TV's. Fuck humanity. It would take total destruction for people to understand. To get out from their flamming houses and say, "what is going on?' Unfortunately this is bound to occur.

But get your kicks will you can, and money isn't everything, surely not worth selling yourself for.

Check back for my next post where I expose some of these bastards.

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