Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Camera Fuck-Head


Look outside your door, you're on camera.

Surveillance, surveillance, we're all being surveillanced against our will. These freaks in government, and their obsession with us. Let's see your face, we need to know who you are, it's important for our database -- great.

Soon wearing sunglasses will be outlawed, and there will be no place for me in this life.

"Please remove your sunglasses sir."
"No. Eat my ass."

I had to leave 7/11 because I refused to take off my glasses. Yeah okay, it's most corner store's policy to profile people who wear sunglasses. Sure, it's useful to videotape someone's face who robbed them, but if you're confronting me about my glasses then it's obvious I'm not going to rob you. My cover is blown, I've lost the element of surprise.

"But it's the law, it's the law."

I will never obey all laws, because it takes away from my personal liberty. So throw me in jail, or shut the fuck up, and leave me be. Your authority is backed by nothing, because what the majority of cops and enforcers of law say is completely inane. It's really childlike to care so much about disrupting someone's life, and the quality of life they seek. If you're ever confronted by a cop, stay calm, you don't need to give them your name, they have no right. You don't owe these control obsessed hounds anything. Obviously unless you've commited some practical crime, but I really don't see anything practical about fascist policies. My best advice is, confuse a cop. Ramble and annoy them, sometimes they fuck off.

As for being watched, well, I never wanted to be on camera, but I guess I have no choice. Our entire life isn't private, and it will continue not being with the more technology we buy. The problem is growing hitech, and it's beyond Orwell's 84'. Big Brother is virtually probing you. Kiss your private life goodbye. Maybe you'll end up on the internet, when signals are posted by local cameras, and our satellites. It'll be great how the entire world will have you there for themselves to scrutinize. Granted, it's only one worse case scenario of invading privacy, but hey.

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