Good and evil, black and white, left and right, two dimensional thinking. This is limiting to some. This duality mindset is what has kept humanity from consciously evolving.
The sad part is that the "good" side portrayed by the mainstream media kill and go about things in an incorrect way, this is the fake good force. The false light is a major distraction and that phrase is mostly directed at so-called spiritual groups who manipulate others' beliefs and try to get them to invest energy in fighting an opposing side to some spiritual battle, or taking sides to a futile war basically. There may be one, but it will always be for your energy. Higher good, higher love and higher learning in one's development brings you back to your natural state of being. So fighting makes no sense at all.
War, this has to be done away with to help the human race live gracefully and without hate, greed and disharmony. On the other hand, the controlling, manipulative force wants to do away with war eventually as well as religion for purposes that don't serve humanity, just themselves. This planet is under bad management and it's up to the people to take it back and move it in a proper direction. I tear up thinking about how people in this world could be so much more loving and good than they are, since this seems like a far-fetched idea.
For us who are tired of waiting for positive change to occur on this planet, we've all probably grown weary of this place and resort to our meditation and living in the moment, since the universe lives in the moment, so why shouldn't we? We live in a free-will zone and strange things can happen in a free-will zone, but mostly the controllers of this planet want to keep people thinking on basic one and two dimensional terms.
Love those who are confused, the backwards and twisted morally, or just twisted and have no morals and love those who are weak and poor and who know no better because of ignorance, though they have love and are needing to share their love with others. Love them all, good or bad and everything in between, up close if they are friendly, but from a distance if they are not. Ask yourself, what does my heart and intuition tell me to do? What does my higher mind ask of me? Can you communicate change to others? Can you talk to your higher self? Maybe relay to people who dwell in lower energy that they will be okay and supported if they embrace positive change. Would you tear up while reading this because the thought of a world of peace and embracing love and giving others your love and higher energy would be a beautiful and important thing?
I love all of you. Not to sound New Agey, since that's another deception, but I hope we can higher our vibrations this new year. Not by living in the future-tense, but by accepting the moment as everything and the divine presence of higher love as the utmost importance and to not be trapped in dualist thinking by not focusing all of our energy on the life-game, the illusionary world shown on TV which lies and pits good and bad up against each other to hijack our minds and our energy. While the good portrayed on-screen are actually bad and it's mostly degrees of bad shown, it's just a distraction and they refuse to show the true good and what the bad force actually is.
You know what goodness is when you read other beings' energy. The same goes with the bad. If you have trouble doing this, try to higher your vibration by being at peace somewhere at least once a day, you can do this in your mind by focusing on the love you are receiving. Breathing in love and breathing out love is the way of nature.
Don't lack dimensions to your thinking. Stay or become a creative and loving individual and nurture it in others. ♡♡♡
Music to raise your vibes.