What is happening now in the public arena is that major corporations in league with the NSA -- among other spy networks -- are silencing any dissent against the government. Not to mention Communist China's censoring of the Internet and other countries outright blocking YouTube altogether. More and more now people's YouTube channels are being deleted and they are trying to aggravate the so-called "truth" movement.
Edward Snowden (PSYOP) was to make the general public upset about their privacy being invaded. This is to create a civil unrest, formulated by the private sectors of government. This in turn will cause an overt war on the general public.
Take a deep breath, it's all being done on purpose to create chaos so they can have a reason to instil more of a police state. It's at a slow boiling point thus far. But panic and outrage can incite trouble. Though consequences for these types of things would be revolutions, like small ones that are occurring around the planet. Why is America so slow moving? Well, the people are made docile and limp to reaction. They will continue bothering people with half-truths, or The Plain Old Truth for a long time unfortunately. Until, you know, it becomes out of hand for people.
People can't think clearly because of all the drugs and chemicals that are put in the food and into the air, and because of fluoride (which is radioactive) rotting their brains.
The plan to systematically soft-kill people, through making everything toxic and for us to all of a sudden react when they want us to is obviously a fuck up. Choose one, you can't have both. Slow, dimwitted people would rather veg-out on their couches than fight civil wars. But things are being blasted at us at an unmeasurable rate. And war is not the answer.
I opt-out of the mass hysteria being drilled by the MSM (mainstream media) and the poisoned food. Unfortunately this shit is all over the place. I just try to keep my mind clear and be thoughtful.
They do not want healthy, thinking people. The true revolution would be to Be One.