So I Googled: "when I masturbate my butt smells" and I got some interesting sites. (I keep telling myself to use a better search engine for fuck sakes, force of habit).
So, here's some random results:
Does it smell when men masturbate? - Yahoo! Answers
"I know its my word against theirs but..hear me out. Sometimes when I masturbate you can smell it. It smells like dick.."
Yeah, if your dick isn't clean. The smell of dick usually happens if it's not so clean. I prefer my dick to smell like Aloe Vera and Chamomile because it's the soap I use to wash it with after I pee. Yeah, it's a drag to wash your cock right after you pee always, but I have foreskin and I like to be clean. Of course when I'm out I don't do it. Though I have washed my dick at people's houses before and I think a few times in a public private bathroom.
Smell during sex -
"Anybody ever detect the smell of butt during sex or masturbation? Did it turn you on, gross you out, or embarrass you? Was it your butt or your partner's butt that you smelled?
By the way, I am not talking about farting here. I am talking about the sweaty/musky/faint-poo smell that comes from your butthole-especially after/during strenuous activity, such as working out, or sex.
My girlfriend and I get really turned on when we smell each others butts during sex or making out (as long as our butts are not too stinky or dirty-I think that would be gross). We think it helps make us closer and feel more comfortable with our bodies. It shows that we aren't too embarrassed to share anything with each other.
Also, sometimes, I like to finger my butt and smell my finger when I masturbate. If I take a big whiff right when I am about to cum, I have a really intense orgasm. It can get a little messy, but you just have to wash your hands good after.
Trust me, its cool."
I really can't trust you on this one, sorry. YUUUUUCCCKK. Jeeeeeesssus. "Faint-poo smell", I want to die.
I recall the butt smell when I'm behind a girl, fucking her doggy style -- it can get quite pungent back there -- I had the idea of usually putting my hand over their buttcrack to block their butthole from smelling too much. It's like a practice I used to have. God, don't fucking remind me. I don't think it was with every girl, so, yeah. Clean your asshole, please. I do.
I remember my ex-fiance having this kind of poopy smell when I was massaging her butt. I was TRYING to admire her butt, but..BUTT I couldn't. I told her it smelled like children's poop, so, not so bad smelling, just kiddy poop smell. Which is actually pretty awful, so it makes not a lot of sense, but it was a nice way of telling her it smelled, but just slightly smelled. I guess I can't put my head and nose up to my own anus and smell it, but I'm sure it would smell cleaner. Considering I wash it in the shower twice a day. And that's not the number of my shitting either, that varies.
Anyway, this has been a really disgusting post. Your welcome.
Oh, and I almost forgot, the reason why I searched that was my butt has this odd smell after I masturbate, every time. It's just this smell that's present, no need to be up-close and personal. It's kind of like a sweaty smell, but also a weird tinge of tang, or sweaty tangy. Not shit smell, just off-putting. Ugh. This reminds me of how my bed would get covered in sex smell when I would fuck in it, and other human mess. I want someone else to clean up all my sex mess, and masturbation mess.. and butt smell, because I'm tired of doing it.
Wash my butthole for me. Thanks, bye.