First time watching Krull and this movie is so predictable. I'm watching the beginning with the wedding scene and the girl gives the guy a flame out of water, to symbolize their love or some shit, but it really means the flame of Lucifer, if you follow the occult properly. Anyway, that aside, the whole time I'm like, gee, I bet those bad guys will crash their wedding, and sure enough they did. But then I'm thinking, some security, god, like, isn't there someone with a fucking pair of binoculars in the watch tower of the castle keeping their eyes out for intruders and stuff? Bah. They do have technology, lazers but no binoculars? Of course they needed a reason to have the "bad guys" bust in and expose themselves, to the viewer basically. Another thought of mine is, well, I guess the princess is going to be kidnapped, cue premise of movie here where the knight, or whatever-the-fuck he is will go and rescue her, meanwhile meeting up with Liam Neeson's character, who's a much better actor -- but probably not in this -- who helps him save the princess, who I'm assuming will be taken.
I'm only 16 minutes in and I lost interest. I'm also thinking about how scientists know that humans Are evolving and have been for awhile now, that makes me think about 80s movies, or just older movies and how people were slightly less evolved then. However they were more well-spoken I usually notice, yet it is a movie, and one shouldn't judge a generation of people on such, but future generations Will, I'm sure. So throwback humans VS modern day humans, eh, eh, it's not even a tie, future humans seem less evolved, but we're more evolved actually. Time to start acting like it wouldn't you think? Let's hope so.
Anyway, Krull, it's a movie and I haven't finished it yet. I sometimes watch half of a movie then finish it later. So anyway, Krull, it's a planet, the one they're on. Beh.
So what?
Krull - Own it today on Laser Disk, or Beta Vinyl. "Makes 'Speed' look like a slow ride to grandmas house!" I read that on a VHS movie box once. The quote, not the beginning part I just said.
So, 80s movies - where the posters are always somewhat compiled like a triangle, or pyramid. As seen on Labyrinth poster and Legend, the early draft, not the later one. And more triangle-like movie posters, you find out.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the bad guys in Krull, whatever-the-fuck their names are, they have badass lazers that flip around and become daggers, fuck yeah! Zap-n-stab, zap-n-stab. Not that I love violence or anything, just a great weapon idea. Smart.