Remakes and remakes and remakes and remakes and remakes. God, so fucking annoying, just like me repeating that. They're remaking Citizen Cane and it's coming out in late 2017. That's fiction, but fuck, will we even be alive in 2017? Who's going to make it that far? Why are movies still coming out? Shit will hit the fan for our society pretty soon, again, like it always does, but this time much worse. There's no future, quit pretending like you're going to do something like going to college in a year after you save up or something, forget about it.
I guess when war breaks out, and more staged terror events happen they will be playing Humpty Dumpty 3D in the theatres whilst this shit happens.
Fuck you Hollywood! Die! Die! Die! The Great Gatsby remake? Fuck off! Go to hell! Seriously cram popcorn and nachos, and a hotdog up your asshole Hollywood. Just fucking go away. Hollywood = the holy wood, the wand of the magickian putting us people under a spell to forget our true nature, and true potential. Instead it is force fed, and programmed into us what we are. It's a giant psyop -- the entire bloody world is. It's annoying to live in, and if you knew the truth it would annoy you too, and you would revolt. Or shove more fucking McDonald's in your face and spend 20 dollars at the theatre for one movie and totally give up. I guess that's not really giving up much but your wallet and your self respect.
The future fuuuuucking sucks. What a waste of goddamn time to live in. If I time traveled from a past decade into ours I'd be like, what the fuck is wrong here? Everything is so unadvanced. What the fuck is the point? I'm out of here, I'm going back. I would come to that conclusion within the first five minutes of being here. My brief would go as: So I checked out all of these retards on their phone things in the streets. And nice cars, what was the whole world in debt? Oh yeah, it was.
The kid who played with his future world coloring book back in the 50s sure would be pretty fucking crushed right about now. But probably not, this person is nullified by now. Why is everybody so complacent? "At least I have a roof over my head", would be their response. The roof should be made out of a type of silicon or something by now, and transparent, so we can check out the stars and stare at the sky. Something -- anything, anything.
Hollywood makes everybody controlled. So much money goes into that machine. The Avengers movie made so much money that could have fed a few countries instead. It's bloody disgusting. Boycott Hollywood, download movies, and laugh at people waiting in line for a movie, dipshits. Throw popcorn on them. Tell them they're helping ruin our future. So what if it's good for the economy, an economy is better without corporations and it having more useful jobs and productions that help society, instead of zombify it. And kill it. It's all going down the shitter anyway. It was meant to. A toxic system doesn't last. And the new system provided will be worse, guaranteed. Choose a planet free zone from government, and dickless, faceless, useless corporations.
Shit food, shit clothing, shit movies, shit cars, shit life. Provided by us, your corporate run government.