Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wear It (Because Someone Said So)


This is not cool. Having "Obey" written on your clothing is retarded, beyond retarded. I've been doing a lot of distancing myself from society these last few years, this year majorly, obviously. Would anyone blame me? God. Shit just keeps getting worse and worse, and more disenchanting. My friends and girlfriend, and people who are aware of this now hum-drum to me, and annoying, unoriginal, manipulating, endless spew of mainstream-media that is fucking insulting more than anything to me, most of these people still go along with it and silence themselves in some way. Can we say conform? In some way or another, but these are people I know, but hey, it's the truth. They would prefer to be ignorant most of the time just to carry on living in this fucking triangle hell. I tried to think of something unique to call this shit-hole planet, might as well be a triangle since it's exploited the most in our time. Yeah, you triangles can fuck off. And this Obey thing is a sign of the human race purposely being branded with, "I'm a slave and I love it. Why don't you love it too? You suck! Because you don't love it." Not my words really, just how I think of their personality at work. Not really their personality though, just the one given to them by others. You know, pathetic and idiotic.

I can suck to them. That's fine. The worst part is the ones that wear this clothing line probably more than anything think that they're not a slave, for the most part. Ridiculous. But they've succumbed to ignorance and would wear whatever is in fashion at the time. Because their friends wear it or something, I don't know.

What's funny anymore? I need to be more funny again.

Be in this world but not of it. That is my favourite thing to say now. I'd take it a step further, don't be in or of this world at all. Make your own apartment or home your own reality, it's pretty nice. Leave out all the filth and clutter and triangles, that is the outside world. Discounting nature, and friendly people of course. Oh, and maybe sushi, but there's brain parasites in salmon sashimi apparently. Life's a brain parasite. Remove it, remove the force fed reality that literally is shoved into your eyes and crammed into your ears on a daily basis. Yuck, get the fuck out. Like ear wax, I have Q-tips for that. If only a special Q-tip to clean out the noise pollution as well.

I'm pretty unimpressed at how we still have models, and whiny-suicidal-boring musicians, not to mention the turds that are celebrities, and really fucking loud commercials. And most of them are still from when I was a child mind you, Jesus. Turn that shit off, throw it away please. At least get it the fuck out of my field of awareness.

I hope my bitching was constructive, but probably not. Sorry to spoil your soup. I feel like an old man, God. I'm not even thirty years old yet. What the fuck. What the fuck indeed.

On a liter note, I've been having a lot more sex this year. At least.

Something I might get asked is, "when are you going to update your blog?" Whenever the fuck I want. And, "why don't you get a Tumblr, or something more modern maybe?" I don't know, I lack ambition. Most people don't care anyway, so whatever.

The unabashed truth interferes with the general person's senselessness, I think. Well I find them to be revolting, so that's our relationship I guess.