I have to rant about this new Zeitgeist documentary, it's pretty awful. It starts off with some potentially insightful and ralateable points, but it turns to propaganda real fast. This is supposed to be counter-propaganda material, not pro-New World Order agenda stuff. It even has the audacity to say that there is no hidden kabbalah controlling things. What the fuck is wrong with this idiot who made it? Total fucking NWO- propaganda movie. Just like the first two.
Okay, the world is broken, the economies of the world are pretty fucked, some more fucked than others. Capitalism and free market is terrible for people, it produces crap, money as you know it is debt and imaginary, and Wall Street makes no sense, and justifies it's lunacy. In a round about way it's showing us how badly the state of the planet is in, primarily America, because it's the center of the fucking world obviously, and if we carry on the way we are we'll surely die, and end the planet. This should be obvious to everyone by now. Even though it's a fucking con, and a lie, and an engineered problem. What's the solution? Destroy it all, and start over. It's the same exact plan as the NWO, what the hell is the NWO? It's complicated, but it's a series of super-rich families, and a bunch of pin-head politicians masquerading as powerful people, but in actuality it's European bankers and very old family lines going back to the very beginning of fascist assholes, hording everything, all of the resources of the planet, and fucking us, the peons over. Always. And they, who are those behind religion, the cultures of the world, who breach morality, and anything that we really find sacred, they're the ones behind it, fucking it in the ass, probably. Anyone with emotions, and a heart knows that this planet is way more evil than it should be. There's a massive imbalance.
So basically the crappily put together documentary is like, this is how fucked up the world is, bad isn't it? Yeah, pretty awfully bad right? Kind of funny, no? Kind of fucking stupid, but yeah, we did this on purpose, now we're showing you exactly what we did, and now we're going to drive it into the ground, because it was created to function that way, and you can't do a thing about it, or make a lick of difference anyway. The guy, Peter Joseph is a vague piece of shit. He doesn't even talk about how the rich families of the world who openly discuss how they want to depopulate before they make they're sweet, luxurious. little slice of decadent heaven on Earth, and have it all to themselves. With the exception of a handful of slave workers who are in total serfdom and servitude to their royal Illuminati/Zionist/Jesuit/whatever-the-fuck royal masters. Cool, great future. It's the same exact idea of the New Age movement, but put all fluffy, and warm like science will save us or something, but it will become the new religion of the world. In the earlier Zeitgeist movies, the guy tries to debunk Christianity, yeah, well that's what the NWO plan to snuff out anyway, all of the religions for science. Some of these things aren't actually bad ideas, that's why there's a lot of followers in this movement, but the endgame result isn't anything to smile about. Christianity was always meant to end anyway, the end of the world I guess, but the end, the beginning -- whatever, it's all the same, even according to the ancients, and the Mayans, if you understand what they meant correctly.
This New Age of enlightenment sounds like bullshit to me, the whole planet actually has to renounce their faith in whichever religion anyway for this to work. Hey, you're enlightened right now, choose to be spiritual or not, it's pretty easy, but don't join a cult, or a world cult as they'd like to have it.
Pete mentions a world super-computer regulating the resources of our planet and trade, and the computer being the main system in control. That's the component of the NWO, undoubtedly already in place.