Friday, October 2, 2009

A New Nightmare On Remakes


They have successfully erased the past again with another remake
of a horror film. The actor who played the original Freddy Krueger,
Robert Englund -- fantastic job he did, by calling those little teenage girls "BITCH!" every chance he got -- kudos kudos for that, well apparently he snubbed off the role to play Freddy again. Hey, he didn't want to be in the same fucking movie he was originally in, I don't blame him. Well, it's fucking retarded. All the gags will be the same. I saw the trailer, they use CGI to do most of the practical effects they did in the original film. They're just doing this for money, that's why Rob Zombie remade Halloween, which was absolute garbage.

The guy who played Rorschach from the incredible movie Watchmen, uh, Jackie Earle, (I Googled it) this short guy with a not so scary voice will be the replacement for what was originally an awesome fucking performance by the actor Robert Englund. That guy's awesome. He was also in V the mini series, which was based on reptilian aliens disguised as humanoids who want to take over the planet, but instead amass an entire stock-load of humans aboard their ship to take back home to their planet and munch on later. Good series. The main alien commander chick was really hot, even though she was a cold blooded reptilian. That doesn't sound that much different from human girls. But that would be overly cliched of me for saying, but also completely true.

Robert Englund R.I.P as the true Freddy Krueger.

Fuck all of you other people! Freddy VS Wolverine, is that in-store next? They're also remaking Hellrasier, and probably replacing Doug Bradely, I again Googled that, who played the original Pinhead.